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swampgirl (Member Profile)

Using the Portal Gun in a Regular Half-Life 2 Game

Payback says...

Valve had every intention for this "hack" (more of a copying of files than anything, if you want sounds, copy them too) to exist.

HL2:Ep3 and Portal2 are one and the same. Gordon Freeman visits Aperture Science next time.

How is this Helicopter flying?

gluonium says...

If this is a model Boney then someone REALLY, I mean REALLY REALLY did thier homework. In addition to the very convincingly real retractable landing gear, why is the tail rotor moving at the correct speed that you would expect if it were an actual flying heli and why are the blades of the main rotor TILTED UP from center to tip, like they are providing lift? They would be tilted down in a non-flying heli and probably not noticeably tilted at all in any model. This fact would also appear to rule out the possibility that it is being lifted by another helicopter, as the blades would not be rotating or providing lift there either. the simplest explanation is video frame rate sync using a LARGE aperture lens capable of using extremely fast shutter speeds, possibly even a high speed video camera whose video was later sped up.

Evolution of a Beard

bamdrew says...

If I were to do this I'd have a program identify eyes noise and mouth locations and resize/crop each image such that the id points rest at the same relative positions from image to image.

Because his facial expression is so consistent he probably just have had good, compulsive technique ("extend arm fully, center nose in reflection over aperture, zero facial expression and shoot").

snaremop (Member Profile)

choggie says...

....hey, good call on the Twin-lens reflex....I've had a Yashica, and a Hasselblad.....incredible difference with the larger format film.... you gotta decide where to set your darkroom up....
In reply to your comment:
"Here's my list:

Yonex tennis racket
Epiphone acoustic guitar
Yashica Mat 124 G Medium format camera
light meter
some clothes
a subscription to Aperture magazine
and a new fan for my computer


All I want for Christmas is...... (Sift Talk Post)

snaremop says...

Here's my list:

Yonex tennis racket
Epiphone acoustic guitar
Yashica Mat 124 G Medium format camera
light meter
some clothes
a subscription to Aperture magazine
and a new fan for my computer

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