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What are your top 10? (Sift Talk Post)

MarineGunrock says...

1. Comedy - 2039 votes cast (comedy talk)
2. Everything geek - 907 votes cast (geek talk)
3. Did that just happen? - 796 votes cast (wtf talk)
4. Music - 660 votes cast (music talk)
5. A Bit of Parody - 369 votes cast (parody talk)
6. Animation - 334 votes cast (animation talk)
7. 1stTube: the best clips of television - 302 votes cast (1sttube talk)
8. Commercial Sift - 284 votes cast (commercial talk)
9. Cute - 272 votes cast (cute talk)
10. Video (game) Sift - 247 votes cast (videogames talk)

What are your top 10? (Sift Talk Post)

gorgonheap says...

This is what I came up with.
1. Comedy - 1223 votes cast (comedy talk)
2. Music - 736 votes cast (music talk)
3. Everything geek - 608 votes cast (geek talk)
4. VideoSift's Archive of Vintage Classics - 346 votes cast (vintage talk)
5. Animation - 313 votes cast (animation talk)
6. Rock & Roll - 261 votes cast (rocknroll talk)
7. Did that just happen? - 260 votes cast (wtf talk)
8. 1stTube: the best clips of television - 198 votes cast (1sttube talk)
9. A Bit of Parody - 154 votes cast (parody talk)
10. Cinema - 119 votes cast (cinema talk)

What are your top 10? (Sift Talk Post)

Sarzy says...

Interesting idea. I suspect all the lists are going to look pretty similar, but here's mine:

1. Comedy - 888 votes cast (comedy talk)
2. Music - 426 votes cast (music talk)
3. Did that just happen? - 360 votes cast (wtf talk)
4. Everything geek - 301 votes cast (geek talk)
5. Animation - 254 votes cast (animation talk)
6. Cinema - 237 votes cast (cinema talk)
7. 1stTube: the best clips of television - 225 votes cast (1sttube talk)
8. Cute - 197 votes cast (cute talk)
9. Video (game) Sift - 156 votes cast (videogames talk)
10. A Bit of Parody - 153 votes cast (parody talk)

Rottenseed goes gold, bitchez! (Gay Talk Post)

Choggie's Roast Thread (Parody Talk Post)

Zifnab says...

I'd like to be able to say that Choggie is a man of few words, but the that just couldn't be any farther from the truth. Choggie may be a man of few sensible words, a man of few literate words, a man of few kind words even.

These attributes can be attributed to his education, after all he did learn about the birds and the bees from an animated talking penis and vagina. Or maybe it was the fracked up version of Sesame Street he watched as a little boy. This has led Choggie to classify everyone as either a dick, pussy, or asshole. Don't try to pick a side, Choggie will do that for you.

Now, don't try to debate with Choggie using reason, it will get you nowhere fast. You're only hope, slim as it may be, would be to attempt to use choggish and try to retain some of your own sanity.

Choggie does help keep the sift an interesting place, after all we get to use our imagination when reading his comments and make up the meaning as we go along.

Brought to you by Choggie's favorite letter... P!


hmm come to think of it Choggie just may have eaten one too many Crunchy Frogs.

Animation Talk is Rolling with Member Features (Sift Talk Post)

How To Cook and Eat Bavarian White Sausages

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