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What Happens when an Alligator Bites an Electric Eel?

NeuralNoise says...

It is funnier untranslated but here you go:

alligator, alliigator...

its being shocked

gator is dying
nature is incredible, gator is being electrocuted

run, here, run, come see
gator is dead here, run dude
impressive, never seen something like it
silence. come see. impressive, never seen something like that in my life
get a fork and a lasso

NeuralNoise (Member Profile)

Fail Compilation November 2010

Fail Compilation November 2010

Motorcycle Gymnast flips out over wreck

quantumushroom says...


If the godless liberals made this man wear a helmet, and the unions, which steal corporation's earnings so that they have to skimp on manufacturing more durable products, this guy wouldn't have been able to do gymnastics at all! Did you see how small that truck was? Government must have bought GM.
Gay people were probably watching Platoon when this happened!
Let's hope he has insurance, because Obama may let this guy get past the US' borders, which have no mine fields, barbed wire or moats filled with snakes and alligators, and make babies! These babies would surely grow up to blow up Oklahoma and bankrupt hospitals.
This is the kind of thing that wouldn't happen if the TEN COMMANDMENTS were etched into every public school's drinking fountains!

Motorcycle Gymnast flips out over wreck

MrFisk says...

If the godless liberals made this man wear a helmet, and the unions, which steal corporation's earnings so that they have to skimp on manufacturing more durable products, this guy wouldn't have been able to do gymnastics at all! Did you see how small that truck was? Government must have bought GM.
Gay people were probably watching Platoon when this happened!
Let's hope he has insurance, because Obama may let this guy get past the US' borders, which have no mine fields, barbed wire or moats filled with snakes and alligators, and make babies! These babies would surely grow up to blow up Oklahoma and bankrupt hospitals.
This is the kind of thing that wouldn't happen if the TEN COMMANDMENTS were etched into every public school's drinking fountains!

ponceleon (Member Profile)

They are lights in the sky, kid. Carl Sagan discover stars

Alligator Party!

Croccydile says...

They were probably all scared more of the boat alligators are less aggressive than crocs. Depending on what time of year this was taken they may have been gathered for uhh... being really close friends with each other

Tempus II - Amazing Slow Motion

Unsung_Hero says...

>> ^JiggaJonson:

Maybe that's true, here i'll test myself. I counted 34 different slo mo things in this video (+/- 1-2 b/c im not watching that crap again), you'll have to trust me to be honest but let's see how long it takes me to come up with 35!!! different ideas, clock starting now!
1 pheobe cates getting out of a pool o shit that's already been done (clock still running)
1 throwing a card into a watermelon
2 breaking bottle with a rock
3 dropping a penny on a table and watching it bouce
4 shooting a grape with a shotgun @ close range
5 breaking a lightbulb by having a stampede of wild stallions run it over
6 unplugging a thumb drive
7 taking a bite of a sandwich with too much peanut butter on it
8 know, up and down but then like I'd slow it down just before your feet left the ground then speed it up b/c im cool
9 taking a radiator out of a car
10 riping a leaf in half
11 guy getting frustrated trying to open a letter without a letter opener then finally he rips it open
12 making a mojito then me drinking it
13 man struggling not to look at a womans breasts as she bends over then he gets slapped in the face with a baloon filled with paint
14 woman farting in a bathtub
15 flipping a pancake
16 tuberculosis infecting the cells of a young person in a third world country
17 squeezing a lemon into a can of yellow paint
18 hitting a printer with a mallet b/c it doesnt work
19 washing a car in the automatic washer
20 frying bacon
21 changing faces on a mr potato head
22 dropping a rotten tomato a short distance and it doesnt splat
23 droping the same rotten tomato from a third story building
24 baseball bat hitting ball made of concrete
25 alligator snatching up it's baby giraffe dinner
26 tieing shoes
27 hitting a marshmellow with a stun gun and setting it on fire with electricity
28 throwing a knife
29 wiping my ass
30 tree parts going into a wood chipper
31 opening a fortune cookie
32 sneezing
33 getting punched by the dude you sneezed on
34 punching the guy back with the stink palm hand leftover from the ass wipe
35 flashback to the moment in the bathroom when i decided not to wash my hands
wow that was a bit longer than i thought it was going to be i'll have to admit
it ended up being 14:17 although most of that was probably due to typing time.
No worries, acc to you i just made some art.


Yogi said:
No but I believe the set up and the ideas in some of these clips show a degree of creativity that could be considered "Art".

No, you have listed a bunch of neat stuff that could look cool in slow-motion. The point Yogi was trying to make is that the "art" portion of this video comes from unique camera angles, setup, different colors used (Primary), engaging background music, the switching of time-shifting, ect... were all carefully constructed to make this video intriguing. And that, my friend, is art.

Tempus II - Amazing Slow Motion

JiggaJonson says...

>> ^Yogi:

No but I believe the set up and the ideas in some of these clips show a degree of creativity that could be considered "Art".

Maybe that's true, here i'll test myself. I counted 34 different slo mo things in this video (+/- 1-2 b/c im not watching that crap again), you'll have to trust me to be honest but let's see how long it takes me to come up with 35!!! different ideas, clock starting now!

1 pheobe cates getting out of a pool o shit that's already been done (clock still running)
1 throwing a card into a watermelon
2 breaking bottle with a rock
3 dropping a penny on a table and watching it bouce
4 shooting a grape with a shotgun @ close range
5 breaking a lightbulb by having a stampede of wild stallions run it over
6 unplugging a thumb drive
7 taking a bite of a sandwich with too much peanut butter on it
8 know, up and down but then like I'd slow it down just before your feet left the ground then speed it up b/c im cool
9 taking a radiator out of a car
10 riping a leaf in half
11 guy getting frustrated trying to open a letter without a letter opener then finally he rips it open
12 making a mojito then me drinking it
13 man struggling not to look at a womans breasts as she bends over then he gets slapped in the face with a baloon filled with paint
14 woman farting in a bathtub
15 flipping a pancake
16 tuberculosis infecting the cells of a young person in a third world country
17 squeezing a lemon into a can of yellow paint
18 hitting a printer with a mallet b/c it doesnt work
19 washing a car in the automatic washer
20 frying bacon
21 changing faces on a mr potato head
22 dropping a rotten tomato a short distance and it doesnt splat
23 droping the same rotten tomato from a third story building
24 baseball bat hitting ball made of concrete
25 alligator snatching up it's baby giraffe dinner
26 tieing shoes
27 hitting a marshmellow with a stun gun and setting it on fire with electricity
28 throwing a knife
29 wiping my ass
30 tree parts going into a wood chipper
31 opening a fortune cookie
32 sneezing
33 getting punched by the dude you sneezed on
34 punching the guy back with the stink palm hand leftover from the ass wipe
35 flashback to the moment in the bathroom when i decided not to wash my hands

wow that was a bit longer than i thought it was going to be i'll have to admit
it ended up being 14:17 although most of that was probably due to typing time.

No worries, acc to you i just made some art.

Zip-It Drain Tool - Not For The Faint Of Heart

Cop Shoots Dog In The Head While Restrained On A Leash

Matthu says...

>> ^spoco2:

>> ^Matthu:
Well, my dog kept glancing at the kid and back at me, he was ready to bolt but I didn't catch it in time, and he took off after the kid. The kid panicked and raced right into the street, both of them almost got hit by cars. And just then the police were turning the corner and pretty much caught the whole thing. The kid was bawling his eyes out. I got a ticket and a stern lecture from a dumb fat bitch cop.
Whats my point? Well. It's a given that I fucked up my letting my dog off his leash like that. But, I really wish there would be some amount of responsibility on the kid, or his parents for being so ignorant.

Oh come ON! Fucking hell I can't believe that you could actually tell that story with the thought that you're in the right, or the kid is in the wrong at all.
It's NOT the kid who is ignorant in this situation, it's you. To try to say that the kid should know better than to LOOK at an animal, fucking hell. You are fully in the wrong here as YOU are the one that has chosen to own a potentially lethal animal (I'm not singling out pit bulls here, all dogs are that way, and I've had a dog, I have nothing against them), so YOU have the responsibility to keep it safe and to keep others safe from it.
If that kid's family had a dog, then YES it's the parent's job to teach it how to behave around them, how not to aggravate them etc. But to expect all kids, even those that do not have dogs, to NOT look at a scary looking dog, and to NOT run when that same scary dog bolts at them? Please. You are so very far in the wrong there. Even if a little kid IS told they shouldn't run when a scary dog is running at them, pure fear will override that in an instant.
AND then you say you were lectured by 'some dumb fat bitch cop', which aside from lacking any punctuation, also just speaks to YOU being fairly told off and deciding that she was in the wrong because YOU can't admit you almost got a kid killed.
F cking hell. Have a long look at yourself and your ability to be able to blame others for your fuck ups.

I didn't say the kid looked at my dog. I said he STARED at my dog for well over 30 seconds without moving just staring right at him.

Do people normally stare intensely at things that cause them pure fear? I don't. I keep walking and mind my business.

The kid is ignorant as to how to deal with dogs. Whether or not he or his family owns dogs is irrelevant. I learned, from reading, when I was a young kid, how to escape an alligator(Run in a zig zag). I live in Canada so I'm unlikely to be meet an alligator. Kids should at least be educated in how to deal with dogs.

Furthermore, I already said that I screwed up by letting the dog off the leash. My point in telling the story is people should be educated in how to deal with dogs. At least as educated in how to deal with dogs as Canadians are with how to deal with alligators.

And I called the cop a fat, dumb, bitch because she threatened to shoot my dog, when I already had his leash in my hands, because he was excited and wanted to greet her. Also, she was at least 220 lbs and like 5'6 so yeah she was a dumb, fat bitch.

I should have ran away with my dog lol she would never have caught me. Literally 220 lb. female cop. Not 220 lbs of muscle either. She had no business being a cop.

Los Angeles Natural History Museum (Blog Entry by youdiejoe)

youdiejoe says...

It's the inexpensive ($120.00) Canon 50mm f/1.8 lens. Great workhorse lens, really use it most of the time I shoot video on the 7D.

I shoot on the 7D with a preset called "superflat" that folks who love tweaking such stuff shared on the 7D channel @ Vimeo. It gives you a very low contrast slightly washed out looking video, which gives the user latitude to color grade, add effects and so on with out sacrificing picture quality.

Many of the shots I just adjusted brightness and contrast to my liking and on a few shots I adjusted color tone and added vignetting to the frame. The shots of the alligator and the hippos are the two I added vignetting to if memory serves.

Cool, thanks for sifting!

Man attacked by 8-foot gator as horrified crowd watches.

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