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Hayes: NRA "Good Guy With A Gun" Theory Failed In Real Time

newtboy says...

Jesus… Where do you get your fake statistics? 40 during Trump’s tenure? What asinine nonsense.
Sorry buddy, there were 323 mass shootings (4 or more shot) in 2018 alone. 434 In 2019. 614 in 2000.

Or are you saying Trump was not really president then…or ever?

693 in 2021 under Biden, an increase but massive slowdown in the increase…what cons call a cut when talking about the military budget.

It’s telling that you never…NEVER cite your sources…obviously because you are embarrassed to say who suckers you into believing nonsense.

Wait…did you just claim GOD gave you your civil rights and constitutional freedoms? Then why do you oppose his long standing decision that abortion was a constitutional …and moral, ethical, God given right?

Edit: Also, the Christian God absolutely undeniably prohibits you from killing others, so what gives you the idea he also gave you the right to carry around instruments of death and use them at the slightest perceived provocation?
You must worship some other god…or do you contradict god’s commandments because you know better? Does your god also give you the right to a secret Ashley Maddison account? To covet and take your neighbor’s property and family? Clearly your god allows you to lie. You probably work on Saturday, the sabbath mentioned in those commandments, don’t you?
Bob, what god are you talking about? It’s not the Judeo/Christian god.

bobknight33 said:

Mass shootings/presidents in office
Reagan- 31
Bush- 18
Clinton- 54 *
Bush- 49
Obama- 132*
Trump- 40
Biden- 147 (so far)
...Mass shootings" comprise about 1% of all gun-related homicides in America. Just noise. Not worth targeting with legislation.
According to 0bama's own CDC study, guns are used to prevent crimes between 750K and 1.5 million times per year.
Mass sh*oting fatalities: About less than 900.
Mass k*l l ings of unarmed citizens by socialist governments in the last 100 years: Bbetween 100 million & 260 million DURING PEACE TIME.
Allowing ANY government to begin the process of UNVERSAL registering and confiscating your g u n s through monetary pressures is the beginning of total tyranny, SUBJUGATION, slavery and Mass S l a u g h t e r of the non-elite class, which is most people.
the question is, do most people care enough to protect & fight for their God given freedoms of self-defense against evil??

City of Akron responding to the shooting of Jayland Wlaker

newtboy says...

You absolutely deviate from that.
You never see wrong from Orange people, and rarely from white, but see nothing but wrong from darker skinned people.

You just see white and black and think it’s the same thing as right and wrong.

I don’t judge people by anything but actions….that leaves most people on my shit list, melanin levels have no bearing on that.

Yes, it is hypocritical because, yes, you did back Bundy at the time and were outraged he was shot, even though he took over a park armed, threatened rangers and police, shot his gun, and fled from police before being shot still armed. Hard to handle that with the courts when he’s on the highway shooting.
You supporting him and were angry, saying those cops didn’t need to shoot him, but are cheering on cops shooting an unarmed man running away no longer threatening anyone… 60 times. The difference? One was extremely more dangerous, violent, armed, and white. You only see the other one as the problem. That’s hypocritical.
I see 60 shots as the problem, and don’t believe the police version that he even fired his gun without proof.

Government overreach? Are you talking about Bundy’s other anti government armed action when he stole grazing from public lands and held off law enforcement with an armed violent militia, which you supported? Cheering him on for refusing to pay for using public lands for private profits and using deadly force against law enforcement? I’m talking about when he violently took over a park for months with more armed violent militia….which you also supported.

My life is pretty good. I have empathy for those less fortunate. I know you can’t understand thinking about someone else’s situation, but it used to be considered normal…real conservatives know that.

Lol…I’m not on any other social media at all, and I rarely get my news here. Sucker. Nice try, but I look for actual sources, not nut jobs saying what I want to hear, like Trump who got the election fraud fraud from an anonymous Twitter account.
It’s pretty telling that you think the way to “truth and understanding “ is remove all sources of information. What exactly do your eyes see with your head in that dark hole? Mine are wide open in the sunshine, sunshine. I see not only the “truth”, but also the various attempts at lies, and being (and keeping myself) fairly well educated I can tell the difference, a trait I’m afraid you sorely lack, friend. Thanks so much for the offer, but it’s like a deaf and blind man offering to lead someone with glasses across the freeway.

On the contrary, we’ve been here for you for over a decade, calmly explaining reality as you scream nonsense and fear monger. We will be here tomorrow. Assuage your fear of abandonment and maybe you can begin to think rationally.

bobknight33 said:

Wrong is wrong and I've never deviated from that. You see the color of ones skin or outfit and judge.

I just see right and wrong.

You judge by color first.

Running from the cops and shooting you gun while flying and then get shot for you own actions is your own damn fault.

Me pointing it out is not racist or hypocritical .

You thinking it is makes you a narrow minded fool.

Did I back Bundy? Even with "government overreach" this should have been handled by the courts.

Newt, you really come off as a educated bitter little man. You must have been screwed over in you life to carry such a big chip on your shoulder.

I'm here for you. I can lead you to truth and understanding.
Step 1 Turn off all news and social media for 2 months.
Step 2 open you eyes to reality.

Trump Wanted Armed Groups At His Jan 6 Rally

newtboy says...

Let me ask you, why won’t Trump or Meadows testify under oath and contradict her? Hmmmm….. Because they are all too terrified of getting caught lying to testify, her story is the official account.
This young woman has more testicular fortitude than the rest of Trump’s criminal administration combined. Treasonous cowards, both them and those supporting these traitors to America.
Trump’s political career is over, the only question now is will his career as a prisoner begin soon, and will his crime family go with him.

Edit: You do understand that the election fraud fraud was based on second, third, and fourth hand anonymous accounts claimed online, not under oath, yet you and fools like you still believe those lies, right?

bobknight33 said:

A show trial of 2nd hand accounts.
Even the agents involved denied this ever occurred. Why weren't they called to "testify"

Fools like you are lapping it up like AOC's bath water.

Trump Wanted Armed Groups At His Jan 6 Rally

newtboy says...

Incorrect, as pointed out above. Some second hand accounts of tantrums, and many first hand accounts of criminal activity like knowingly inviting heavily armed thugs into his crowd to prepare for his planned attack of the capitol building and saying Pence deserved to be lynched so Chump wouldn’t make a statement telling his people to stop as his thugs actively hunted the Vice President in the halls of Congress. She witnessed those first hand. I know, you’re just repeating what some liar told you, and you have no first hand knowledge of her or anyone’s actual testimony because you aren’t allowed to watch the hearings….so your arguing over your own second and third hand accounts filtered through biased liars.

Note, the secret service was so in Trump’s camp that Pence refused to get in a car with them because he believed they would murder him or deliver him to the murderous crowd….the one allegedly denying it, Ornato, still works for Trump today (and hasn’t actually denied it, there are just reports claiming he WOULD….and Ornato has been accused of lying for Trump repeatedly including personally telling the blatant lie that Lafayette square wasn’t violently cleared for a Trump photo op at a nearby church….

Get his denial under oath then try again.
Edit: today the story from Trump’s team became “Trump was too fat and out of shape to lunge for the steering wheel.”, which if true made him too fat and out of shape to reach out <3ft, which makes him far too fat, feeble, and near death to be president.

Keep your head up your ass if you wish. You’ll find yourself alone in there.
Why not call them to testify? Because that bit, while salacious, is hardly the main point or even a crime that might be prosecuted, so why waste time on red herrings. I know you wish they would focus on his infantile tantrums, they distract from his treasonous terrorism.

This woman worked 10 ft from Chump. She was a personal assistant for his chief of staff, you would expect her to be about as loyal as they come to be in that high position with direct access to the president ….and his behavior was so intolerable and anti Democratic she tanked her career and personal life to expose it. Do you have any reason why she would lie? There are many reasons why she wouldn’t have testified, including the death threats against her if she did. She’s clearly from team Trump, not an anti or never trumper.

Fools like me, and around 70% of everyone else….everyone not in the cult with full blinders on, and even some who are. Your little world is crumbling, your great leader exposed for the petulant child and treasonous terrorist leader he is, publicly. Fox is running away, republicans are running away, independents are flying away at supersonic speeds.

You would know about drinking bath water. How does Trump’s ass crack taste?

Edit: You know this is the Trump methodology….
1) deny you did “it”
2) equivocate, claim “they do “it””
3) still deny, but insist it would be fine if you had done “it”
4) admit you did “it” just a little
5) revel in the fact that you can now admit you did the evil inexcusable thing and more without your base caring

bobknight33 said:

A show trial of 2nd hand accounts.
Even the agents involved denied this ever occurred. Why weren't they called to "testify"

Fools like you are lapping it up like AOC's bath water.

Trump Wanted Armed Groups At His Jan 6 Rally

bobknight33 says...

A show trial of 2nd hand accounts.
Even the agents involved denied this ever occurred. Why weren't they called to "testify"

Fools like you are lapping it up like AOC's bath water.

newtboy said:

Not the parts that matter, like him screaming to let his armed troopers into his rally to be ready to storm the capitol, because they aren’t there armed to hurt him.
Also not the part about him being apoplectic when they wouldn’t let him go to the capitol to lead the attack.
You will never wake up.

“Do you believe in the peaceful transfer of power?”
“I plead the fifth”- disgraced general Flynn (and every Fascist Trumpist)

Kate Bush - Running Up That Hill

ant says...

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Foggy Brittany warming up in the morning sun

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Hayes: NRA "Good Guy With A Gun" Theory Failed In Real Time

newtboy says...


I know these are bullshit statistics Bob, because there have been 212 already this year with over 250 deaths in 5 months. Nice try, another easily debunked lie.

Edit: There we’re another 9 killed (and 63 more injured) in 14 mass shootings just this weekend, including 6 kids under 15 in just one.

the federal Bureau of Justice Statistics’ National Crime Victimization Survey puts the number of citizens who prevent crimes by using guns much lower than 2.5 million the NRA often claims -- about 67,740 times a year….and in the vast majority of those they never shoot those guns.
Edit: The CDC report you cited said maybe 108,000 times per year guns were used in defense, not 750000- 1.5 million….but noted the statistics they used were incomplete and unreliable….and also noted that accidents and suicides alone vastly outweigh any positive statistic.

the Violence Policy Center statistics showed that in 2012, there were 259 justifiable self-defense homicides in which victims turned the tables, not 2 million.
They also show the theft of about 232,000 guns each year -- about 172,000 of them during burglaries. That’s a ratio of one justifiable homicide for every 896 guns put into the hands of criminals. Is that what you call “successful policy”?

By the end of 2019, there were 417 mass shootings in the U.S., according to data from the nonprofit Gun Violence Archive (GVA), which tracks every mass shooting in the country. Thirty-one of those shootings were mass murders. What is your definition of “mass shooting” because it’s clearly not any time 3 or more are shot by one person.

Abortions account for 0% of deaths each year….but it was targeted with outrageously regressive misogynistic laws that make women incubators without any rights including no rights to contraception. A bit more draconian than having to get a background check to buy guns, don’t you think?

On average, more than 360 people in the USA are shot every day and survive – at least long enough to get to a hospital.
In 2017, some 39,773 died from gunshot injuries, an average of nearly 109 people each day. Per capita, this is significantly higher than in other industrialized countries. The rates of gun homicide are much higher in states with higher gun ownership. More guns equate to higher crime and murder rates, not lower. That is consistent over time.

No, bob….that’s according to the NRA, not the CDC….unless you count any crime stopped or caught by police because they all have guns, but that’s not what you claimed.

900 mass shooting fatalities in what timeframe bob?

Where do you get these insane statistics bob? Your behind?

Bob, no country slaughters more of its citizens than the US thanks to guns.

It’s almost 3 times as likely someone in your home will be shot if you have a gun.

In 2020, 54% of gun homicides are suicides. (Pew)

Again, cite your sources. I know you can’t because it would be too embarrassing for you to admit they came from THE NRA, Glen Beck, or some other nut job liar….or straight from your own ass.

bobknight33 said:

*fake statistics*

Hayes: NRA "Good Guy With A Gun" Theory Failed In Real Time

newtboy says...

Hard to find complete data on that timeframe….

There have actually been 212 so far just 5 months into this year alone with 251 deaths…if you extrapolate from this year’s rates, that’s 6000 dead in the last decade from mass shootings…but I think it’s less because mass shootings are on the rise since 2016.

And here’s a list of over 10 years narrowed to incidents of 4 or more deaths that adds up to 601 in the last decade…so extremely conservatively at least double that if you account for the vast majority of mass shootings that end with <4 deaths, likely triple or more.

No matter how you count, it’s more than Chicago over one year (including police shootings? Suicides?)
Apples to oranges anyway.

Wonder why you chose Chicago….hmmmmm….why could it be?….

St. Louis, MO (69.4 murders per 100000 residents)
Baltimore, MD (51.1)
Las Vegas, NV (31.4)
Kansas City, MO (31.2)
Memphis, TN (27.1)
Chicago, IL (24)

bobknight33 said:

Add all the mass shootings over last decade and then compare that number to Chicago's 2021 murder rate Of nearly 800 killing s

newtboy (Member Profile)

bobknight33 says...

It’s a fantastic time to buy Tesla stock. Truly this is a “thank Joe Biden”

WRT to twitter musk trying to get a true sense of fake accounts and bots

newtboy said:

Interesting….Elon was buying Twitter in part to reinstate Trump’s account…because that would obviously increase traffic and the company’s value (he assumes).
Turns out that, in order to get investment in Truth Social (which Trump calls Troth Sential) Trump had to sign contracts promising to not only post on truth central, but to EXCLUSIVELY post on truth central. (The company buying it also had to put out a statement to investors warning them that Trump’s business record is horrible, listing the companies he ran into bankruptcy or that were deemed to be frauds but not the rest that just failed).

Not good for Musk. The Twitter fiasco, trying to buy his way into political discourse, has backfired terribly…it’s going to cost him $1 BILLION to walk away, and there’s no other option, the company is worth around 1/2 of his purchase price. That deal dragged Tesla stock down to near 1/2 its previous value. Not a good time to be all in.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Interesting….Elon was buying Twitter in part to reinstate Trump’s account…because that would obviously increase traffic and the company’s value (he assumes).
Turns out that, in order to get investment in Truth Social (which Trump calls Troth Sential) Trump had to sign contracts promising to not only post on truth central, but to EXCLUSIVELY post on truth central. (The company buying it also had to put out a statement to investors warning them that Trump’s business record is horrible, listing the companies he ran into bankruptcy or that were deemed to be frauds but not the rest that just failed).

Not good for Musk. The Twitter fiasco, trying to buy his way into political discourse, has backfired terribly…it’s going to cost him $1 BILLION to walk away, and there’s no other option, the company is worth around 1/2 of his purchase price. That deal dragged Tesla stock down to near 1/2 its previous value. Not a good time to be all in.

Do you use negative self talk

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Do you use negative self talk

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Wikipedia's Bias

newtboy says...

Poor bob. A wonderful libertarian information clearinghouse hasn’t become a home for right wing nonsense, lies, and propaganda. Tragic!

Still talking about Hunter Biden, eh? You still have nothing better? Another Benghazi nothing burger with fries….something fake to keep you mad at the right person. There’s zero credible evidence on that laptop, no evidence it ever belonged to Hunter, at best there’s evidence someone who hacked his email account at the same time the Russians hacked Clinton and the DNC created it, adding tons of fake information, photoshopped photos, fake and doctored emails, etc. Because the right had possession of it, and tampered with the contents for 9 months before “turning it over” (to Giuliani?), it’s nothing. Like a piece of evidence allegedly taken from a crime scene, washed, dipped in blood, exposed to close range gun fire, wiped with dna, tested at a filthy unaccredited lab with zero anti-cross contamination protocols, then handed to police and expecting a conviction. Just so stupid.

They don’t “vouch” for the emails….they say there are indications some of them are real….not all. Liars.

So family is fair game….now….but not Trump’s criminal family that undeniably took BILLIONS in bribes from horrific murderous dictators and Trump covered for them, directed his DOJ to not investigate or to just exonerate people like Mohammed bin Salman, even bragging he saved Mohammed’s ass from consequences for the live dismemberment of an American. Far from the only KNOWN bribe, Melania…..Don Jr, Eric, Jared, likely Barron too. Better investigate since this kind of stuff outrages you….but it doesn’t really, now does it? It’s just a crutch you cling to like an emotional support blanket, propaganda.

Oh wow! Right wing media isn’t reliable!? Who knew!? (EVERYBODY KNEW, YOU DUMB SHIT…for decades)

Whine some more, snowflakes. Why not create your own? (Because it would be chock full of insanity from day one, with zero real information or usefulness and you know it).

diane32 (Member Profile)

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