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High School Senior Takes Book Banners To School

newtboy says...

Bwaaaahahahaha. Nothing to say on topic, no contradiction to offer, so you devolve into personal ad hom attacks again. That’s an admission that my points could not be contradicted and you have no argument to offer.

Hilarious you think knowing SOMETHING is like knowing everything about everything.
I’m sad you know so very little about anything. You were clearly shielded from adult topics in school and have no idea how to understand or deal with them.

Lol. I never amounted to much? Is that your assumption? I became exactly what I wanted to be, retired by around 30, home owner, property owner, no debt, no criminal record, with good health, a loving wife, an education, moral, ethical, responsible, and nearly obligation free. I AM living the American dream, friendo. You are the American nightmare….(an ignorant, opinionated, angry blowhard that believes people should only be allowed to learn what you in your unbelievable ignorance think is proper, who is so self centered and poorly educated their opinion on most topics could not be differentiated from an average 3rd grader. A repair technician so delusional he thinks that gives him some otherwise unattainable ethical medical knowledge because he knows the word ultrasound. If you are honest, which I know you are not, you lost at least 1/2 your net worth in the last year following your own incredibly dumb investment advice that everyone on the sift warned you was terrible advice, but you know better.)

I never wanted to tell others what to do….which seems to be what you think is the main measure of success. Having control over others is not what I call success, because I have morals and ethic and see having control as an obligation, a sacred duty owed to those you “control”, unlike yourself who only sees the control and personal opportunities to take advantage of those with less power.

Nothing’s holding me back. I’m exactly where I want to be.
My family is happy, healthy, financially stable, and have never been committed to mental institutions with major mental disorders I created in them through constant abuse. I don’t think you can say the same unless you lied again.

Bob….you SAY I’m wrong 100% of the time, then slink away into the shadows every time I rub your nose in verified facts that prove me correct time and time and time and time again. Was I wrong about Tesla? No. Trump? No. The election? No. Republican criminality? No.
What, exactly, am I wrong about? I know you can’t say….you just KNOW I am. 🤦‍♂️
Sadly, I will say you seem to be wrong about almost everything you say. Demonstrably, verifiably wrong….yet somehow you still believe you have much to teach us. That’s a mental disorder you should seek treatment for, no joke.

Every accusation from your ilk being an admission…why do you like being the ugliest dick on the sift?

PS- how’s that “ALL IN for the long term, buy all you can at $400.” Tesla investment going? How about the “BLM and ANTIFA attacked the capitol, which wasn’t actually attacked.” defense? How you doing on the “Pelosi was not actually attacked by a MAGA terrorist just spurned by his gay lover.” theory? How about the “everyone knows there was massive democratic election fraud” claim?

bobknight33 said:

Im glad you know everything about everything.

Makes me wonder why you never amounted to much, being so brilliant. One would think you could be a Dean of some college or some Corporate leader. But you just are a know it all douche bag.

Maybe thats you biggest problem..
Maybe thats what is holding you back.
Maybe you just wrong 1/2 the time and just cant admit it.

Or you just like being the big dick on the SWIFT.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Ruh-roe….the Durham report on the “Trump-Russia witch hunt” is FINALLY coming to light….remember, the special investigation into the Steele dossier and other whistleblowers that made accusations of Trump criminality…turns out it DID become a criminal investigation just like far right propagandists reported gleefully…but they were claiming falsely it was the whistleblowers and leftist politicians’ criminality…turns out it was actually Trump that was being “investigated” for international bank fraud and money laundering in Italy, but Barr hid the “investigation” and the facts while outright lying to the American people to support and protect Trump, again.

This WAS the investigation into the “weaponization of the federal government” and “RUSSIA-RUSSIA-RUSSIA” collusion “hoax” impeachment Barr started in 2019 that completely failed to find any fraud or hoax, failed to vindicate any of the dozens of Trump administration convicts, failed in prosecuting anyone, and only found criminality from Trump which they covered up and never referred for prosecution.

Now the Republican house intends to waste tens of millions more trying the exact same investigation again because they can’t accept proven fact.

Expect similarly self accusatory results from insurrectionist MAGA morons. The weaponization of the federal government was a Trump administration feature, if they actually look that’s what they’ll find (and try to hide).

Side note- to prove how serious they are about ending corruption, Republicans seated the total fraud and criminal “Santos” on the small business committee that oversees the PPP loan program, a program abused to the tune of billions by mostly right wing “business owners” including some Republican representatives that individually took millions and never paid a dime back but cry we can’t afford school debt relief.

Putting the fraud Santos in charge of this often abused program is 100% proof positive the Republicans plan to defraud it further and steal billions more from the treasury.
But you don’t care, he wears a red tie.

Kids Try Exotic Fruits

cloudballoon says...

An exotic fruit to you ignoramus is just another ordinary fruit in the their country.

So tired of these videos. ZERO educational value, especially these "Kids React"-types, bordering on child abuse (of their innocent inexperience) IMO and made to make fun of other countries' food staples.

Stuff your hotdogs & SPAMs down your mouth holes and call it funny will ya?

A Definitely True Message From George Santos

newtboy says...

Hold on there nutjob….

I 100% agree the ball was completely dropped by Dems who should have made an issue of this in Oct, knowing the right wouldn’t because they say facts and honesty are only for liberals. Had they discovered this immoral scam directly from the RNC before the election, Dems would have kept the house.

But it’s not the job of the opposition to discover the lies their opponent tells, nor their fault for not uncovering lies told by candidates and backed by their party. It’s the person who lies and those that knowingly corroborate their lies that are to blame, they are in the wrong, not the Democrats. You would blame the victim for not discovering the unbelievable crime beforehand, and accept no blame as the willing accomplice. Do you blame home invasion victims for not having security doors and bullet proof windows, armed security, and panic rooms? Oh wait….you actually do (Pelosi)

It took more than a scratch of the surface because Republican representatives and RNC officials totally knowingly supported and corroborated the lies with big grins, never saying a word despite knowing he was completely full of shit and not caring one bit they were lying to their constituents because honesty is not a righty feature, they didn’t just lie to the left, they did this to you, lying to you and making you their sucker intentionally for power. You don’t care, because it gains your team power and you like being lied to, and no amount of criminality and dishonesty is a deal breaker for you….absolutely nothing could make you upset that you belong to a terrorist anti American party of crooks and frauds, not even when they call to repeal the constitution and eliminate voting.
If Democrats perpetrated this kind of fraud you would be apoplectic, totally enraged and calling for another insurrection, but they never have and never would because their constituents care about honesty, facts, and ethics unlike the right.

You love to “both sides” every time your side gets caught pulling fraud after fraud after fraud after fraud after fraud after fraud after fraud after fraud after fraud, but you NEVER come up with examples of anything close to the scope and immorality of the Republicans. I show you a dozen concerted efforts by campaigns and elected officials to defraud elections on massive, 10000 votes and more scale, you come back with one woman who cast a single provisional ballot in Texas after officials cleared her to vote and say “both sides”.

Democrats aren’t perfect, but 98% of corruption, fraud, outright lies, self dealing, etc is on the Republican side, and 100% of yes to big money in politics, 100% of domestic terrorism, 100% of anti democracy sentiment, 100% of child sex abuse, 100% of calls to rescind the constitution is on the right. Or as you say….both sides.

bobknight33 said:

Hold on there nutboy

Where were the Dems opo research?
A mild scratch of the surface and all this would come out.

That being said he should be kicked out. But Rep's will not do such a thing because they need him to hold the majority.

Sad to see that our government is so corrupt and standards so low. This is on both sides.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Republican election commissioner in the state of New York Jason Schofield pleaded guilty to a two year massive fraud scheme. The same day the election board voted 16 to two to give him another four year term.

They knew that he was facing a massive criminal investigation and criminal charges, and yet they still voted to give him another four year term hours after he filed his intent to plead guilty. That is how corrupt Republicans are.

So here's what the scheme was according to the filings, over the span of two years they internally gathered up a bunch of absentee ballots for people that did not request absentee ballots, filled them out themselves and turned them all in.

Shefield is not the only Republican that has already gone down for this scheme. Another woman who also served with the election commission has also been charged.

There's two more Republicans that are also under investigation. They have not been charged yet, but charges will likely be coming against them.

Yet another massive Republican voter fraud scheme. The fact that anyone is still in the party belies any false claims they care about election integrity, because for 7 years every fraud, and there are thousands now, were Republican frauds, including dozens of campaigns and officials perpetrating massive schemes involving thousands or more votes.

Another case of every accusation being an admission of guilt. Another case of massive Republican corruption at the top on unheard of scales. More proof that the cheating anti democracy criminal lying anti-Americans are all in the Republican Party.

Edit: today’s bonus, turns out the IRS head that protected Trump from the legally required yearly audits of all presidents and refused his legal obligation to turn them over to the house ways and means committee when they officially requested them, Charles Redig, was a major investor in Trump properties who made $200k+- per year off his Trump investments while protecting Trump and his companies from ANY IRS scrutiny. Of course, now that Cons have control of the house, investigating private citizens like Hunter Biden and Hillary Clinton is far more important than investigating the blatant crimes and abuses of power of their current candidate for President.

Murdering Cops Murder Cyclist For Crossing The Street

newtboy says...

Google Texas police officer Matthew Luckhurst…another typical “good cop”.

True, didn’t SHOOT innocent citizens that we know of, yet, but by intentionally feeding human feces to unsuspecting homeless people he definitely abused them in many other ways.

Or in your “mind”, nothing burger, nothing to see here, good cop, move along.

While you’re at it, google MAGA Republican Congressman-Elect George Santos who apparently made up his entire biography, made up diplomas, made up fake work history, made up fake charities he stole from, and is actually a fugitive from Brazil. ROTFLMFAHS!!! Everything MAGA is made up fantasy bluster from morons. Absolutely everything. 🤦‍♂️

bobknight33 said:

Don't fuck around with cops and you wont get shot.

Flagler County Sheriff welcomes would-be criminals

newtboy says...

When police act like police and not a sadistic criminal gang that murders and steals and rapes more than any other.

When police act like “to protect and serve” describes their obligations, not the obligations of the citizens they abuse.

When it becomes normal and safe for “good” cops to turn in bad cops, with the full support of the force instead of today’s MO where they get fired, ostracized, slandered, and often outright murdered by fellow police with out fear of prosecution.

(like the cop in LA killed “training” by the same group of police he was investigating for a group rape, set up by his superiors to be “trained” by them, in private, and not stopped when they put him in the hospital with broken ribs and multiple staples in his head 2 days before they killed him by breaking his neck (with his entire body covered in bruises, cuts, and severe lacerations)….being protected by the entire force today. This was in October. No charges pending, called a “training accident”, no investigation. This is not out of the ordinary one bit.)

When every neo Nazi, proud boy, boogaloo boy, and other actual terrorists are purged from the force, along with anyone ever fired from any police force for cause.

In short, when they return to being police, I will give them the respect they will have earned, that’s when …but they have turned from that and only earned scorn and hatred in the last 35+ years. There are no good cops today, just unending barrels of bad apples rotten to the core. Every good cop has been removed or turned into an accomplice. Every force a gang. Every chief a gang leader.

This is not news to you. If you could read, you would have read this response to the same question quite a few times. That you ask again only proves you simply don’t read answers, you just post dumb questions you think are insulting or dismissive. No wonder you know nothing.

bobknight33 said:

When will you take that chip off your shoulder?

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

So, Bob….you know who Patricia Kent is? Failed Republican candidate for top election official in Washington County, Utah, a right-wing hate group leader, and a child molesting groomer fired from her middle school teaching job for having sex with and grooming her young girl students.
Blends right in with the rest of you destructive debauched death cultists.

Can you come up with a list of 10 top Democrats that sexually abused children? How about 10 Democrat candidates? Because you are completely incapable of ever answering questions I’ll answer for you. No, you can’t.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Remember the leak of the Roe reversal? Remember how outraged the right was, how the leaker MUST be removed from the court and prosecuted to the fullest extent?
Turns out it’s almost certainly Alito, who has leaked other decisions like the Hobby Lobby case according to The NY Times.
I’m willing to bet any amount that you no longer think the leaker should be removed from the court…because you aren’t a serious or adult person and don’t think the rules you would apply to others apply should to you and yours.

Can you explain why so many Republican led legislatures have failed to pass, even blocked so many Democrat sponsored laws requiring priests, clergy, and pastors to report child sexual abuse? Of course you can’t.

CBS "Verifies" Hunter Bidens laptop

newtboy jokingly says...

Ashley Babbitt? The terrorist traitor who got exactly what you all deserve? Yeah, she’s a real criminal, not just a guy with a drug problem like the president’s son….but maybe Don Jr will get some help, he should ask Hunter for help like so many other prominent Republicans have in the past.

Yeah, your position on her is still fake, just like every position you’ve ever held….all spoon fed to you by people using your gullibility for their gains. Sucker.

Yes, the Hunter laptop scandal is still a fake. Proven to have been tampered with, so nothing there is legitimate. Not evidence, and doesn’t involve Joe or government….unlike Trump’s children who it’s verified took well over $2 billion in bribes from hostile foreign powers in exchange for classified secrets and abuses of power.

Funny, you have nothing to say about the dozens of Republican vote fraud campaigns by campaigns or representatives, or dozens of Republican representatives who are now convicted sex offenders I’ve pointed out this month alone? And you think the fake, totally irrelevant Hunter’s laptop nonsense gains you something? ROTFLMFAHS!!! You will never learn, you are incapable of learning. You are a willing sucker for pedophiles and criminal anti democracy morons. You are not a serious or adult person.

bobknight33 said:


Hey @newtboy Is this still fake?

Train Plows Through Trees After Snowstorm

moonsammy says...

The older voice seems calm, the younger one is poorly covering some real fear. I was feeling like the latter the whole time, some of those were terrifying. I had no idea trains could power through that sort of abuse!

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

52% of Republicans voted against the “speak out” bill which makes NDAs that silence victims of sexual assault invalid.
Consider that. 52% of Republicans want civil NDAs to cover criminal sexual assault, want to silence victims of sex assault. Want to punish them if they report the crimes.
Once again, proving to be the party of Death, Destruction, and DEBAUCHERY.

The one spearheading the opposition is Jim Jordan, who covered up for Richard Strauss who molested over 177 members of the Ohio wrestling team while working with Jim Jordan who was told repeatedly by many students about the abuse but he remained silent and helped cover it up after the fact. Basically he’s the male Gisselle Maxwell, someone who procured victims for and covered for serial child abusers. Big surprise an abuser, child groomer, and pedophile protector wants to silence victims.

Trump Announcement So Boring, Staff BLOCKED Crowd from Leavi

newtboy says...

Your article failed to mention the Republican candidate from the next district, Joel Koskan,a Republican who ran unsuccessfully for District 26 senate, was charged with child abuse last week after allegations came to light that he groomed a female in his care over the course of several years.
Sweet zombie Jeebus, that list is growing faster than I can write!

Funny that he lost the election to his mother!

luxintenebris said:

ironically, the term "not a cult" comes to mind.

Colbert did a segment...
...that was pretty good coverage on the event (loved the 'snow storm' comment).

BTW: you can add Bud May to your list of GOP violent and/or sexual perverts...
...any odds on him being a maga-mutt?

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

So, today, Trump’s lawyers were sanctioned for filing frivolous lawsuits for Trump, likely to be disbarred. This is just the first of 11 plaintiffs sueing over the same frivolous lawsuit that the judge has already determined was filed in 100% bad faith with no evidence or crime as pure political theater, abusing the courts and defendants. She’s still facing well over $1 million in damages.

Also today, Trump admitted to allegedly abusing his federal powers to interfere in the Florida election in 2018. He’s saying this to 1) add fuel to his “elections are full of fraud” lie (no fraud found) and 2) to claim DeSantis couldn’t win without his interference, so definitely shouldn’t be the nominee.
So far it sounds like this is another pure tantrum lie from Trump, with no evidence he sent federal agents to “secure” any election in Florida. It is another indicator that he will abandon all rule of law if given another chance, and will illicitly interfere in elections.

Also, thin skinned snowflake Musk is driving Twitter into the ground quickly, driving off users, driving off advertising, firing critical staff, losing his executives, turning verification into a receipt for $8 and nothing else then losing his mind over parody pages, banning even clearly labeled parody, going full perma-ban over his hurt feelings, something he said he would outlaw when he bought it, tried but failed to bring back Trump. Sell your Tesla, he still owes over $40 billion, and all his money is Tesla stock, so he needs to take over $40 billion in cash out of his EV money pit to pay for the other unprofitable business he’s actively destroying at light speed.

Arizona Republicans Attacking People Trying To Vote

newtboy says...

These anonymous, masked, heavily armed, violent, abusive, accusatory terrorists have now been barred by a federal judge from continuing their blatant voter intimidation tactics.

Their leader has been forced to retract her lies…she had been claiming anyone dropping more than one vote is absolutely stuffing ballot boxes illegally, a mule, and proof of voter fraud, all outright lies, had to say specifically that it’s perfectly legal to drop off for others in many circumstances, and had to actually post the AZ law on all her social media pages. Armed thugs, and wearing body armor is now restricted by 250ft from boxes, and the terrorists may not contact voters unless the voter initiates contact (that includes yelling “mule”).

Every one should be identified for public retribution. That’s exactly what they were doing to legal voters for voting legally, except they were labeling those innocent citizens as vote fraud perpetrators when identified, intentionally identifying them for people like the failed Pelosi assassin, so turn about is fair play, identify them as child molesters using playground pictures as the background for their headshots.
Snitches get stitches…terrorists get torn apart. These are terrorists.

I’m certain their employers wouldn’t want to be connected to them. Someone please dox these terrorist assholes.

bobknight33 said:

Watching voting boxes from afar .. non story

Watching to see if person placing handfuls of votes in the box -- A good thing.

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