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UK can have atheist ads, but apparently not Australia :( (Religion Talk Post)

zor (Member Profile)

Gamer Lingo: Welcome to the Secret Society

braindonut says...

WTF!! ZOMG!!! Such nubsauce. GG imo.

WTS WoW Vernacular, PST.



As a WoW player, I am clearly outraged.

What's sad, is that the gist of this video is totally true. My friends at work and I are always having WoW conversations where we constantly throw around WoW-specific terms that we are comfortable with. I'm sure non-players do feel like it's sort of a second language.

The Problem With Anecdotes

asynchronice says...

This reminds me of a date I went on; the girl insisted that ghosts were absolutely real, and detailed stories of ghosts and poltergeist-ish activity in her old house. I started very briefly to break down how circumstantial all her claims were (my Grandma SWORE she heard a baby cry, but the baby had been dead for 15yrs ZOMG).

I stopped myself quickly; my chance for being naked at the end of the date would have been in severe jeopardy. -1 for intellectual cowardice

I got into a fight at Wal-Mart yesterday (Documentaries Talk Post)

Star Trek vs Star Wars II

Coming out, and a mild apology (Sift Talk Post)

joedirt says...

It was obvious to me there wasn't some big sock puppet conspiracy and ZOMG he submitted a video. People really need to relax. I didn't even see the discussion because it was ban hammered quickly and buried under like 7 stickies.

This is awesome. I can't wait to see who is banned next.

Oh yeah..

The time is NIGH! UPVOTING HAS COMMENCED! (Happy Talk Post)

The Worst Day of Their Lives

Guitar machine street performer.

Little Big Planet - Little Big Computer

MINK says...

^yes i am sure dag has the patent on "activating a button to express a preference" and "organising button activation into tabulated output".

about this thing, i thought it was pretty cool before it panned up, because i thought the level designer was using some kind of scripty stuff in it and that would be a cool simple demo that could be taken further. but then i saw the wiring and i just thought zomg, that's just... sad. like making a car out of bottlecaps. upvote for sheer... geek.

my15minutes (Member Profile)

mickd1337 (Member Profile)

I give up. (Politics Talk Post)

joedirt says...

ZOMG@! is all election crap. Even is in on the conspiracy to ruin your feline fancy.

Um, filter bitch instead of GBCW.

You know I WISH (seriously wish) I could filter out inane yet-another-cat-knocking-over-dominos videos. There is no filter for that.

my15minutes (Member Profile)

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