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Bristol Palin's fiance: "I'm a f---n' redneck" (Election Talk Post)

joedirt says...

Who gives a shit? Seriously? Everyone from Alaska are rednecks, I mean look at Dag.

You Nosey Nancies should find something real to talk about at your sewing circles.

some kid in high school has a webpage!!!!!!!!
I wet myself!@!#@#!!</B>

Sarah Palin as VP? (Election Talk Post)

joedirt says...

Ewwwwww!! La-di-da. She is from a suburb where HOW MANY commute every day?

ZOMG! That is like one stadium worth of college football fans back here in mainland America. That is like the smallest suburb of any large city back on the Continent. I mean, like Dayton is bigger than that.

You are crazy if you think mayor of po-dunk Alaska counts as executive experience, whereas anyone with Washington political experience doesn't count.

She is a cynical ploy to distract people from how old and ugly (on the inside) that McCain is. Just like Obama picked the opposite of himself, McCain picked a decent, probably caring human being who isn't near death, who isn't riddled with cancer or hatred. I'll bet Palin doesn't even support torture.

Babylon 5 - Earths dominant religion

US Missile Deal Enrages Russia (Part 3)

GeeSussFreeK says...

>> ^Crosswords:
I've been noticing a slight shift in the news media's direction. At first everyone was ZOMG POOR GEORGIA, HOW DARE RUSSIA, and now I'm starting to hear the occasional oh yeah Georgia kind of attacked south Ossetia before Russia invaded.
Also; the Bush administration's prediction for how the situation would develop was wrong?!! Say it ain't so! Seriously have they gotten anything right?

And who even knows if they are getting it right now? It's a mess, most likely never know beyond what people with bias tell us

US Missile Deal Enrages Russia (Part 3)

Crosswords says...

I've been noticing a slight shift in the news media's direction. At first everyone was ZOMG POOR GEORGIA, HOW DARE RUSSIA, and now I'm starting to hear the occasional oh yeah Georgia kind of attacked south Ossetia before Russia invaded.

Also; the Bush administration's prediction for how the situation would develop was wrong?!! Say it ain't so! Seriously have they gotten anything right?

LadyDeath is now my *100 sista!!!! (Femme Talk Post)

Dita Von Teese New Orleans Burlesque StripTease Performance

djsunkid says...

I would just like to bring this video to people's attention. Nobody attacked that video saying that it was ZOMG pron. Some people said maybe it was a bit homoerotic, but I don't think it is so much worse than female burlesque.

Anyway, I'm glad that farhad wrote that long essay. I essentially agree with everything he said.

I am sorry that you feel that way about porn, thepinky, but I strongly believe that you are mistaken. While yes, some (most?) porn is disgusting, I think that is unjust to categorize every performance featuring the female form together. It's a bit like saying that just because some terrible author writes in English, then therefore all English novels are so terrible.

As ladydeath pointed out, it is unfortunate that your viewpoint doesn't allow you to enjoy this video, but just skip on, and watch the next one. If you are fixated on seeing some injustice, you will see it everywhere you look. If you believe that the air causes every problem in the world, you can find proof of it everywhere you look. Sometimes it is hard to separate cause and effect.

ALL Futurama opening screens from the TV series

PJ Harvey "The Mess We're In"

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'one hell of a song, but lackluster fan vid ZOMG CHIX KISSING' to 'mulholland drive, david lynch, city, mystery, kissing, women, drama, melancholy' - edited by Eklek

poolcleaner (Member Profile)

poolcleaner (Member Profile)

Slush Mug! 1971 Commercial

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