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Burger King Employee Pranked To Break Windows

newtboy says...

What insulting ignorance you display with that first statement.
Let's discuss the bay area, where a studio apartment might cost you $1500 a month + utilities. There, even at $15 an hour, you are working 2 1/2 weeks just to put a roof over your head, then there's utilities, food, gas and insurance because you can't live where you work and don't have 4 hours a day to take public transportation, medical expenses, well, you're already FAR over what you make, and living like a monk. Now think about trying to raise a family of 4, even with 2 incomes it can't be done on $15 an really is an unwinnable struggle even if both parents have 2 full time jobs each.

You make the typical mistake of thinking that minimum wage jobs are all held by people who don't even really need jobs. That's simply 100% wrong. Most are held by adults that can not support themselves, much less have a family on $15 an hour. The amount of minimum wage jobs held by teenagers is only 20%...and that includes those not living at home. The group you describe as the norm is likely far less than 10% of the minimum wage work force.
Also, you ignore the idea that teens that work and live at home should be able to save money to move out, or for school...but even living at home isn't free (just cheaper, usually) and paying them a wage that leaves nothing for the bank means they can NEVER move out and are only going backwards financially. That's a terrible financial trap to design for our youth, and is a direct cause of people turning to crime as a last resort. EDIT:You also ignore the fact that many if not most teens living at home and working work to support the family, not for their own money, and their income is imperative in keeping the family financially viable.

Yes, it wasn't 'that long ago' that $15 an hour was a decent wage...but it was even more recent when <$.79 gas was the norm, or even high, $.99 cigarettes were expensive, $200 a month rent was average or even high, $25 a month water bill was considered excessive, milk was <$1 a gallon at 7/11, health insurance was well under $100 per month (often <$50 per month)....etc. Inflation has raised the price of most 'necessities' by at least a factor of 5 in the last 25 years, but not wages. Luxury items are just out of the picture for those living on minimum wage, so there's no point mentioning their costs.
Those making $15 an hour ARE ALREADY AT THE BOTTOM TODAY. [ EDIT: As I mentioned above, anyone making less than $22 an hour is making less (in purchase power) than minimum wage as it was originally set, they are all at the 'bottom'.] Yes, they should all get a 'boost' as well if life was fair. Clearly it's not, so it's good to prioritize and focus on those below the bottom first, then work upwards. It's also imperative to work from the top down at the same time, as the outrageous compensation at the top is a big part of how/why companies pay those at the bottom so poorly and claim it's all they can afford. If the CEOs keep taking 95% of the profits, the employees can never be paid 'fairly' or even humanely.

ForgedReality said:

So you can't possibly live on less than $15/hr? I feel like maybe that's more an issue of your money management skills then.

Sure, $6/hr is probably not enough. But it wasn't too long ago when 15 was a pretty decent wage. And kids living with mommy don't exactly require the same kind of "living wage" as they don't have any real expenses. So now, you raise the bottom to 15, and these kids now make more money. What about those who were making 15 before? Suddenly they're making minimum wage. I'm sure that makes them feel swell! Everyone should get a boost, not just those at the bottom. Probably a combination of that and a bit of a sliding scale to a certain maximum, along with tax reforms to close loop holes for those gaming the system.

Bill Maher: New Rule – There's No Shame in Punting

LukinStone says...

"Videogamer who finally lands a date with a real woman..."

I just thought that term was weird - "videogamer." Sounds like a half-assed attempt to take a shot at...I'm not sure who. The youth? I play video games, I'm 36. Don't wanna brag, but I've seen some a poon or two, in my day...

pink floyd-echoes-live at royal albert hall 2007

Japanese Girl Is A Better Drummer Than You

Xaielao says...

She's very tight but I don't wonder if this is a performance so practiced as to be muscle memory. Like that one person everyone knows that can play one song on the piano so well it's amazing but ask them to play anything else and they simply cant. 'Oh I've been practicing this one song... for years'.

There's a reason the some drummers on youtube, etc, have a big following and others that appear as good, do not. It's because those drummers release new performances all the time with completely different styles and genres of music just NAIL it.

Criticalthud is completely right on this subject as well. I was self-taught myself but always played to my strengths, what I learned to.. metal. Until I got older and fell out of that scene and realized I wasn't nearly as good a drummer as my youth had led me to believe. It took a long time but I changed that.

Confessions of a Republican in a 1960's ad

Sarah Silverman Feels the Bern

kingmob says...

He can't be elected he is not relatable to minorities. He got the youth vote but missed his mark on that.

He caused quite a stir but missed the mark.
Nevertheless i believe the Democratic Party still has to uphold some of his spirit.

and I have been voting long enough to know you don't vote with your heart.

gwiz665 said:

I feel this is a self-fulfilling prophecy. "He can't be elected, there I won't vote for him, so he won't be elected."

If you just suck it up and vote with your heart instead, he'll win no problem. Any of the republicans this time around are complete batshit crazy, at least George W. was just a little slow. Trump and Cruz are both completely off the rocker.

Morgan Freeman narrates "life"

shagen454 says...

Funny thing about that guy is he has what looks like a Bastro patch on his modern backpack. Back in the day DIY hardcore kids would put band patches on their backpacks. Bastro was a mathy "post-hardcore" band that came before the now famous band Tortoise, they also played in Gastro Del Sol with Jim O'Rourke who is famous for his own solo career, playing in Sonic Youth, (dad rock band) Wilco and many others. So, this guy is a nerd but once upon a time before capturing his head on a pole - he was a cool nerd. OR maybe it's not a Bastro patch and I'm the only nerd, lol.

Last Week Tonight with John Oliver: Donald Trump

RedSky says...

There's polling that Trump would be neck and neck with Clinton but I think that's baloney and in the general he will get slaughtered since his support base right now is a fairly curated group of the Republican base and in the general he will face tougher questions from the left. The pollsters like Rove already know this and there is some ideas being floated around that the GOP itself may campaign on "vote for a Congress to contain Hilary" rather than even backing Trump.

A big loss would almost certainly trigger some kind of GOP rethink. After McCain's loss the outcome seems to have been to restructure to become more radical and purist, with the Tea Party rise. Since Trump is close enough to a Tea Party candidate the hope is that after a big loss, the Republican party restructures, throws off its extremism and moves towards the center. I think this is inevitable as US youth is highly liberal and minority demographics will eventually determine elections but it may still be some years, maybe a decade before that begins to really matter.

Something's Rotten In Iowa-Sanders Won Coin Toss

shang says...

People forget, Hillary scammed tons of money with the Whitewater scandal for decades until it was leaked in 1992, but they protected Hillary by everyone else in the partnership taking the heat but her, then very quickly almost without media catching it Bill Clinton as lame duck end of term pardoned everyone involved in Whitewater, in 1994 Hillary was stealing money "again", her law firm partner "fell on his sword" accepting the blame keeping Hillary safe, 1996 democrat fundraising head "fell on his sword" receiving 17 count indictment for money again.

there's ton of stuff even back to her youth with money scams and always wiggling out of it.

“In 1997, the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons, along with several other groups, filed a lawsuit against Hillary Clinton and Donna Shalala over closed-door meetings related to the health care plan. The AAPS sued to gain access to the list of members of the task force. Judge Royce C. Lamberth found in favor of the plaintiffs and awarded $285,864 to the AAPS for legal costs; Lamberth also harshly criticized the unethical tactics especially as she was a partner in a lawfirm, at least before it was shut down due to her partner "falling on his sword for theft and scamming clients".

“In the weeks before the inauguration, he [Vince Foster] had worked intensively with another Arkansas lawyer to expunge Bill and Hillary’s financial records of a shady land deal – a scandal later known as the Whitewater affair… One of his [Vince Foster’s] first jobs in the White House was to try to make sense of the Clintons’ false tax returns concerning the Whitewater land investment. A note in his hand-writing, found much later, warned that Whitewater was “a can of worms you shouldn’t open.”

Vince Foster was assassinated 1993.


Stephen's first small step toward manhood ...

The Official Donald Trump Jam

brutally honest interview with ex baltimore cop

kingmob says...

+1 for youthful optimism. He is bright enough and still young enough to change peoples minds on the status quo of police protection. This has to be the most encouraging video since that one of the brave policeman who didn't shoot, despite the person ignoring orders of "show you hands" .

Shanghai Tower at 650 Meters---some kind of death wish

lucky760 (Member Profile)

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