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LCD Soundsystem - Tonite

rabidness says...

Everybody's singing the same song
It goes "tonight, tonight, tonight, tonight, tonight, tonight"
I never realized these artists thought so much about dying

But truth be told we all have the same end
Could make you cry, cry, cry, cry, cry
But I'm telling you
This is the best news you're getting all week

Oh sure it's ruling the airwaves
What remains of the airwaves
And we're frankly thankful for the market psychology you're hipping us to

And all the hits are saying the same thing
There's only tonight, tonight, tonight, tonight, tonight, tonight
Then life is finite
But shit, it feels like forever
It feels like forever

Oh is everybody feeling the same stuff?
We're all wild
Except for you
And you know who you are
This is a love song

And you're getting older
I promise you this; you're getting older
And there's improvements unless
You're such a winner
That the future's a nightmare
And there's nothing I can do
Nothing anyone can do about this

And oh, I'm offering you a chance to get even
But oh, you know very well the dialect of negation
Sure enemies haunt you with spit and derision
But friends are the ones who can put you in an exile
But that's not right

And you're too sharp to be used
Or you're too shocked from being used
By these bullying children of the fabulous
Raffling off limited edition shoes

And what's it you do again?
Oh I'm a reminder
The hobbled veteran of the disk shop inquisition
Set to parry the cocksure of men's sick filth
With my own late era middle-aged ramblings

Every lover favors the same things
It's all "touch me, touch me, touch me, touch me tonight"
We maybe realize what it is we need before we die

And luck is always better than skill at things
We're flying blind
Oh good gracious
I sound like my mom

But out of the little rooms and onto the streets
You've lost your internet and we've lost our memory
We had a paper trail that led to our secrets
But embarrassing pictures have now all been deleted
By versions of selves that we thought were the best ones
'Till versions of versions of others repeating
Come laughing at everything we thought was important
While still making mistakes that you thought you had learned from
And reasonable people know better than you
That cost in the long run but they don't know the short game
And terrible people know better than you
They're used and abused of the once so dear listener
So you will be badgered and taunted until death
You're missing a party that you'll never get over
You hate the idea that you're wasting your youth
That you stood in the background oh until you got older
But that's all lies
That's all lies

It's good to be the King!

MAGA kids Full video(1h40m of context)

newtboy says...

Yes, but those circles would latch onto anything they think might excuse the racial taunting by the Trumpler youth far nothing does.

notarobot said:

There are circles on the internet saying that the words said by the folks in black coats justify the actions of the MAGA-Youth mob later.

MAGA kids Full video(1h40m of context)

We Believe: The Best Men Can Be - Gillette Ad

newtboy says...

Not by intent, but as the model for America's youth of the best known and most successful person that constantly and clearly exemplifies every bad behavior mentioned to a ridiculous extreme, publicly and proudly, and worse is rewarded for it by his base, it is somewhat about him, intentionally or not.

Trump, our "leader", is following that outdated map and dragging the country along the path. It's hard to get people to change course when the leader keeps driving them farther down the wrong trail.

BSR said:

It's not about Trump.

This is about changing the course of men who have been following an outdated map.

Randy Newman - "Short People"

Kavanaugh: No More Nineties Reboots, Please | Full Frontal

ChaosEngine says...

Short answer: yes. 100%.

Long answer:
Well, let's unpack this.

"the acts of a 17 yr old boy"
I did some dumb shit when I was a kid. Nothing major, but I certainly wasn't a choir boy. But this isn't some drunken hijinx. It isn't even some petty crime.

This is an accusation of violent sexual assault.

Now, even then, I'd be willing to grant that people can change. If he'd paid his due, apologised, and proved he had changed, I'd be willing to say that everyone deserves a shot at redemption.

"no other history of repeat offense"
you mean apart from the other two women accusing him of sexual assault?

"destroy a career"
Let's cut this bullshit right here. Your career is not "destroyed" if you don't get to sit on the supreme court. I'm a software developer. I'll never work for Google or Apple or Facebook or whatever, but career is doing fine, thanks.

It's the Supreme Court... it should literally be the elite of the elite in legal minds. If you've got two candidates who are identical in all respects except one got slightly better marks in high school, you take that one BECAUSE YOU CAN.

Kavanaugh is clearly not the best available. If nothing else, this process has shown that he is woefully unsuitable for this position. He has constantly lied, deflected and then become hysterical (and yes, I'm using that particular word very deliberately).

But what saddens about this whole thing (and it really shouldn't surprise me at this point) is the hypocrisy of the right. Because it's Trumps pick, they're all "it's just youthful exuberance" and "let bygones be bygones" where you know if the tables were turned and it was a democratic pick who had even a minor misdemeanour they would be screaming from the rooftops.

The funny thing is, I still think that Kavanaugh (whatever I may personally think of the slimy fuck-weasel) deserves the presumption of innocence. If he really was the guy he's made out to be by the right, he would have said "I'm innocent, but of course this should be investigated. I am terribly sorry for this woman. She has obviously been through a traumatic incident, but she has me confused for someone else." and then it would have been investigated, probably nothing would be found (due to the age of the claims and the difficulty of gathering evidence).

He could have handled this with humility, sympathy and dignity.

But he failed every possible test. He has shown himself utterly unfit to be on the supreme court, and quite frankly, he's shown himself to be a poor excuse for a human. Fuck him so very much.

bobknight33 said:

you want the acts of a 17 yr old boy with no other history of repeat offense destroy a career?

If so we are all doomed.

Kavanaugh: No More Nineties Reboots, Please | Full Frontal

ChaosEngine says...

It depends on what I did as a drunken minor.

I've done some stupid shit in my time, but somehow I've managed to avoid sexually assaulting anyone.

If Kavanaugh IS guilty, then fuck him. The fact that he's managed to not assault someone since then ISN'T praiseworthy, it's the literal lowest bar for basic human behaviour.

I agree that we can't really know if he did it, but my problem is with the people brushing it off as a youthful indiscretion.

Whatever about the truth of the matter, I fully agree that this is a stalling tactic being used by the Democrats, but given the potential stakes, I can't say I blame them.

Mordhaus said:

2. If you spent all of your life in a field of endeavor and someone came to you saying, we would like to add you to (as you said) one of the most important roles in the USA and the absolute defining pinnacle of your life's career, would you feel perfectly fine if you did not get that position because of something you did as a drunken minor and never repeated again?

Kavanaugh: No More Nineties Reboots, Please | Full Frontal

ChaosEngine says...

If you're hiring someone for life for one of the most important roles in the USA, I feel like any accusation is worth investigating at the very least. It's very difficult to get a conviction for sexual assault at the best of times and after so long, it does basically come down to his word against hers. And while I believe her, I also think that my belief is not enough to convict someone.

But for the sake of argument, let's assume he DID assault this woman and look at the other part of this.... the people saying that it was a "youthful indiscretion" and it shouldn't "ruin his life".

I do agree that you can make a mistake (even a serious one) in your youth and that shouldn't ruin your life, but with two caveats:
1) you need to acknowledge your mistake, and make reparations. In this case, it would mean Kavanagh serving time for assault and apologising to the victim.
2) Not being allowed to sit on the Supreme Court is not "ruining your life".

Lazy Nashville Police Fatally Shoot Black Man

Sagemind says...

I don't mean to say by my above comment, that he should have been shot at. No one deserves to die at the hands of another person, in authority or not. If there are race issues at hand, then that's an issue as well. But he made the decision to run. He made the decision to carry a gun. He obviously had something to hide.
If he had just stayed still, and took the repercussions of his actions like he should have, he would still be alive today.

When a youth dies, everyone looses.

lurgee (Member Profile)

Tater Tot Grilled Cheese & Bacon Waffle Sandwich

Rachel Maddow breaks down .. report on 'tender age' shelters

radx says...

So the privately run "family detention centers" like the one set up in Dilley, Texas, by the Obama administration were acceptable, but this is a step too far?

This shit didn't magically appear out of thin air. You can trace it throughout the entire history of the US: the separation of children from their parents during slavery, the forceful removal of children from reservations and their placement into "Indian schools", the mass incarceration of primarily minority youths for the crime of being poor, and physical removal of parents in foreign nations by incinerating them in drone strikes, etc.

This shit is despicable, but it's not a deviation from previous actions -- it's just the next step. And for Maddow to "break down" over this... There are Syrian refugees living in the apartment building across the street from me. How many Syrian, Libyan, Somali, Pakistani, Afghani and Yemeni children have been separated from their parents by US bombs and missiles? Never stopped Maddow from warmongering.

Can I have my rims back?

bcglorf says...

I live 2 hours out of Winnipeg.

Without seeing anything about the location of the video, not even seeing it was in Canada, my first thought on seeing this was "Hey, that looks like Winnipeg"

Funny as the politeness is, this is just sad to me.

Winnipeg has a reputation for being one of the most racist places in Canada. As often as not when someone in the province hears about a crime near them, you'll hear them guess the description of the suspect will include "native in appearance". Sadder still, it's because as my instinct hit while watching the video, it too often ends up being the case.

Canada has a huge race relations problem. Our native population is grossly over represented in the prison system, which you can talk about now. The fact that stems from them being grossly over represented in committing crimes is NOT supposed to be talked about. Which means you nobody gets to talk about the roots of WHY that over representation exists, let alone talking about solutions to the awful conditions that aboriginal youth are disproportionately growing up in.

ChaosEngine said:

Canada, where even the criminals respond to a polite request.

11 Year Old Naomi Wadler's Speech At The March for our Lives

bobknight33 says...

Just like indoctrination of the Nazi youth .. brainwash the kids and you have them for life. They will grow up wanting to ban all guns.
Must be a
She might not be a Tool but she is being used as one.

Just worried about girls and woman. Kinda of sexist .

Just school shootings? What we don't care about inner city shootings of which represent some 95% of all shootings.

Considering its slew of liberal funders, it’s hard to see March for Our Lives as anything more than just another gun control group bought and paid for by the professional Left.

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