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Jim Carrey Sounds Off on Icons and More at NYFW 2017

Arya spars with Brienne

ChaosEngine says...

A couple of things about this scene:
Apart from some unnecessary sword/knife spinning, the fight choreography (according to people who know about these things) is actually pretty historically accurate (not perfect obviously, Arya keeps trying to cut with a stabbing sword)

But the really impressive thing is that while Arya is left-handed, Maisie Williams ISN'T.

eric3579 (Member Profile)

radx says...

The deeply conservative (!) "Die Welt" in Germany has two pieces by Sy Hersh, completely debunking the supposed chemical attack by the Syrians at Khan Sheikhoun. It also paints a highly disturbing picture of the decision-making process in both the White House and the Pentagon.

The first one is a rather short conversation that includes all the goodies: the chemical attack in Syria was, once again, not a chemical attack by Syrian forces -- they hit a stash, just like both the Syrians and the Russians claimed at the time.

The piece also details that US forces are keenly aware that it was not a chemical attack, that the response (Tomahawk strike on Syrian airfield) was equally ridiculous and dangerous, and that the bellicose stance of the US vis-a-vis Russia is complete lunacy.

The longer piece by Hersh himself and displays in great details the disconnect between Trump and his military advisers, as well as between the upper echelons of the military and the troops in the region.

Just a snippet about the strike itself:

A Bomb Damage Assessment (BDA) by the U.S. military later determined that the heat and force of the 500-pound Syrian bomb triggered a series of secondary explosions that could have generated a huge toxic cloud that began to spread over the town, formed by the release of the fertilizers, disinfectants and other goods stored in the basement, its effect magnified by the dense morning air, which trapped the fumes close to the ground.

And the media went along for the ride, for the umpteenth time. Remember Brian Williams fawning about the beauty of the weapons?

At some point, this volatile mixture of warmongering and McCarthyism is going to start WW3, and they'll blame it on the Russians.

I think this quote illustrates the issue quite nicely:
“Did the Syrians plan the attack on Khan Sheikhoun? Absolutely. Do we have intercepts to prove it? Absolutely. Did they plan to use sarin? No. But the president did not say: ‘We have a problem and let’s look into it.’ He wanted to bomb the shit out of Syria.”

Comey Testifies Under Oath That Trump Lied Repeatedly

Diogenes says...

Fascinating. I can't help but feel a bit sad for the man. But there are some aspects of his testimony that leave me scratching my head:

"[T]he administration then chose to defame me and more importantly the FBI by saying that the organization was in disarray, that it was poorly led, that the workforce had lost confidence in its leader. Those were lies, plain and simple."

"Yet there is a growing consensus that Comey has wielded the powers of the directorship more aggressively than anyone since Hoover—to the consternation, and even anger, of some of his colleagues."

"Mr. Comey got so many calls from former agents and others after he decided this summer not to pursue charges that he had to change his phone number posted online. And at a recent meeting with retired agents, he was still fielding tough questions about the decision."

I think it's fair to say that Comey helped to create a "turbulent" atmosphere at the FBI during the past year, one probably not matched since the firing of William Sessions in 1993.

I wish someone had thought to ask him what he'd imagine the results of the "hopes, loyalty and leaks" would have been if he hadn't been fired.

Why Is Salt So Bad for You, Anyway?

transmorpher says...

Watch out, I'm a crazy vegan that's trying to trick you into eating healthier, reducing your carbon footprint and saving billions of lives each year(human and animal). Wouldn't that just be terrible if you got suckered into my plan!

I've quoted from:
Dr. Kim A Williams
Dr. Cadwell Esselstyn
Dr. Michael Greger
Dr. William C. Roberts
Dr. Neal Barnard
T. Colin Campbell Phd
Dr. Michael Klaper
Dr. Joel Fuhrman
Dr. Dean Ornish

All of which are themselves getting data from non-vegan originated scientific research.....

newtboy said:'re still totally wrong because you didn't list any amounts. One gram of cheese, one pound, one wheel? What? One cube of cheese, no where near 25% RDA, a large bowl of velveta, probably more than 50%.
Just listing numbers is meaningless if you don't include the meaningful ones.

Yes, cheese has salt, quite a bit, and too much is certainly bad for health(not as bad as none, but that's an impossibility today). That doesn't actually confirm your claims, though.

You have one hyper vegan guy you quote constantly, and he's a quack that puts out stats like the one you originally posted...that cheese if 50% salt. Of course I'll assume you're quoting his totally wrong facts again without any evidence to the contrary.
That said, I don't need anything to dismiss this particular claim besides a 2 minute google search.

sally yates hands senator ted cruz his ass

enoch says...


i have witnessed many of my more right leaning friends on social media ask a very similar question,but ignore that the attorney general is first,and foremost,an agent of the court.

sally yates did nothing illegal.she simply was upholding a lawful injunction passed down from ninth circuit court federal judge william orrick.(who is a republican,for what it is worth).

what yates DID do was ignore an executive order commanding her to challenge the injunction,which she refused and told her subordinates to do the same.which is considered gross insubordination,and the reason she was fired,but she had every right and legal cover to ignore that EO.

the DOJ,and subsequently the attorney general,are not their for the presidents leisure.they are part of the judiciary branch,which is separate from the executive.though every president has replaced the current attorney general with one that most aligns with their politics.

the fact that so many diehard rightwingers see what yates did as anti-patriotic is a stance that i find very disturbing.that somehow by disobeying the president,she crossed some imaginary line,and therefore should be punished for her disobedience.

which she was! she was fired.

but to imply that disobeying an executive order is tantamount to treason,goes against the very ideology of our constitutional republic.the president is not KING.he does not wield absolute power.

and to pretend what yates did as illegal,and treasonous, for disobeying the president.... is fascism 101.

lurgee (Member Profile)

Isolation - Mind Field (Ep 1)

John Oliver - Thailand is obsessed with Adolf Hitler

MilkmanDan says...

Thanks for referring me here, @eric3579.

It's all true. The bit about pretty much zero world history being taught in schools is correct, but in a way that just makes it all the MORE puzzling.

I teach high school level students English. I do a unit on "Local Heroes" where my students learn a little bit about significant people from native English speaking countries. To get the theme across, I start with a Thai guy named Phraya Phichai who is a very significant person in the province where I live. From there I talk about Elvis Presley or Amelia Earhart for the US, Lord Nelson for England, William Wallace for Scotland, Nelson Mandela for South Africa, etc. to demonstrate people who have a similar kind of significance to people from those states/countries.

After that unit, during oral testing I ask every student to name their favorite historical figure / hero other than the ones we covered. Single most common response: the King of Thailand (the one that just died last year was and still is extremely respected / revered by Thais). But the second most common response: Hitler. By a pretty wide margin. I'd say 30%+ say the King, and nearly 10% say Hitler. Random sports players, musicians, etc. make up most of the rest -- but none with a big chunk of the responses like those 2.

I used to be pretty shocked by all of that kind of stuff here (I've seen the shirts, chicken restaurant, nazi flags for sale, etc.) but I guess I'm pretty numb to it by now. No idea what the source of it is, because it really does seem quite strange that Hitler isn't covered in schools here, yet somehow people seem to learn broad strokes about him enough for him to be oddly "popular". Whatever the source of that is, it seems to filter out the stuff that should make him infamous as opposed to a general pop culture sort of famous.

Billy On The Street - Do Gay People Care About John Oliver?

Billy On The Street - Do Gay People Care About John Oliver?

MilkmanDan says...

I'm surprised... I figured there would be more demographic overlap there. Liberal leaning, generally fairly young, interested in government and social issues, etc. etc.

But I guess I'm sorta the opposite of the sample group, because I have a bit of a man-crush on John Oliver but have no idea who Wendy Williams is...

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Kreegath (Member Profile)

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