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First, please watch Freshman Orientation for the Internets

Louis Theroux - America's Most Hated Family in Crisis

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'BBC, Westboro Baptist Church, Fred Phelps, Louis Thoroux, 2011' to 'BBC, Westboro Baptist Church, Fred Phelps, Louis Theroux, 2011' - edited by xxovercastxx

Anonymous Hacks Westboro Baptist Website During Interview

Faye2441 says...

I'm implying that legality is not a perfect measure of harm. My point here is that the thing which is illegal in this situation is minimally harmful, and that the perfectly legal action taken in this situation (that is, the Westboro Baptist Church expressing their views) is quite harmful.
In response to your statement that illegal action implied harm, I stated other examples of instances in which the legality of an action did not reflect the harm it created. Sorry if that was not obvious to you.
>> ^GeeSussFreeK:

>> ^Faye2441:
Is J-walking with no cars in sight harmful? is drawing a smiley face on a dollar bill harmful? Was oral sex any more harmful prior to 2003 than it is now? If you think that legality is a perfect measure of harm, I wonder what exactly you are suggesting?
>> ^GeeSussFreeK:
Isn't illegal action implying harm? What exactly are you suggesting?

So you are saying you want to draw smiley faces on her then, or are you just creating a straw man to not answer the question?

MrFisk (Member Profile)

kronosposeidon says...

That was a good article. Let me know if you win. Good luck!

In reply to this comment by MrFisk:
Thanks, kp:
My girlfriend introduced me to Girl Talk last year and I was hooked. Once this semester is complete, I'll check this out and give you some feedback. Always appreciate the assists, amigo.

p.s. - One of my columns was nominated for a Hearst Journalism Award. I'll let you know how I fair.
If you're interested:

In reply to this comment by kronosposeidon:
I don't know if you like hip hop mashups with heavy sampling, but if you do then you might like this work from Girl Talk (Gregg Gillis):

It's a completely free download, so if you don't like it you've lost nothing but the time you spent listening to it. I know some people consider this type of music a novelty, but not all novelties are bad, are they? I wouldn't want to listen to it all day, but it's a nice diversion. It's amazing how many different artists he samples. Give it a try.

kronosposeidon (Member Profile)

MrFisk says...

Thanks, kp:
My girlfriend introduced me to Girl Talk last year and I was hooked. Once this semester is complete, I'll check this out and give you some feedback. Always appreciate the assists, amigo.

p.s. - One of my columns was nominated for a Hearst Journalism Award. I'll let you know how I fair.
If you're interested:

In reply to this comment by kronosposeidon:
I don't know if you like hip hop mashups with heavy sampling, but if you do then you might like this work from Girl Talk (Gregg Gillis):

It's a completely free download, so if you don't like it you've lost nothing but the time you spent listening to it. I know some people consider this type of music a novelty, but not all novelties are bad, are they? I wouldn't want to listen to it all day, but it's a nice diversion. It's amazing how many different artists he samples. Give it a try.

An Atheist Reads the Bible - Slavery

lucky760 says...

>> ^dag:

^ Yes, but the joke never gets old when fundamentalists continue to claim that the bible is the literal word of God handed down for us all to follow strictly.
Stuff like this is just the opposite reaction to that action.

Obviously the Christian god just meant for mankind to pick and choose which of his edicts they would like to follow.

You have to hand it to people like the Westboro Baptist Church and fundamentalist Muslims; they really do follow every word of their holy books and treat them as the literal word of their respective god regardless of what century they're living in.

A sensible priest speaking

BicycleRepairMan says...

I posted this because I found it to be quite sensible as far as religion goes, which is refreshing. However, I do have some issues with this perspective: First of all, theres very little actual "bible" left in this message, I mean, seriously, how much of that can actually said to be Christianity? Isn't this just vague deism at best, and with a good sprinkle of humanism and modern philosophy?

Hearing theology like this, reminds me of an old folktale I grew up with, called "Nail Soup" Basically, the story is about a man who convinces a woman he can boil soup on nothing but a rusty nail. Throughout the story he fools the woman into putting "extra, but strictly superflous" ingredients, like salt,pepper,various vegetables,leftover meat etc into the soup, and it turns out to be great soup much to the womans surprise, and she exclaims "And all that on a nail! amazing!"

Anyway, in this video, I think Christianity plays the role of that nail, useless and insignificant, and completely marginalized. Sure the priest would tell me that thats "what real Christianity is" but I won't really buy it. Christianity has to, on some level, like everything else, be defined by what makes it unique, and how it is generally presented, practiced and interpreted. And by those qualifications, this priest is every bit as far of from the "message" as the westboro baptist church (albeit in the complete opposite direction, naturally) is.

So to summarize, I think Spong share most of my humanistic views, but i think his religion is an superfluos parasite in this worldview, and we see the world clearer without it.

God hates lady gaga

gwiz665 says...

Well, I hate to expose myself and perhaps sink in your view, but I actually like some of Lady Gaga's music. I don't care for the huge circus around her and her videos, but the music is actually not that bad.

On a different note, I hate the westboro baptist church on principle, this just adds to my rage-face.

God hates lady gaga

God hates lady gaga

EMPIRE says...

I do fucking hate Lady Gaga, but I hate westboro baptist church oh so much more!

Wait... let me rephrase that. I hate her music and what she represents. I have nothing against her as a person obviously.

UIC Student Beats the Westboro Baptist Church

jwray says...

>> ^dag:

Hat off to this guy for turning the tables on the RL trolls.

A requirement of being a troll is saying things you don't really believe. WBC members really believe it, which makes them dumbass fundamentalists rather than trolls.

An earnest provocateur can be very good or very bad depending on his views, but is not a troll regardless.

EDD (Member Profile)

Christians vs Swingers in Amarillo Texas

Psycho Christian Protestors: "YOU'LL EAT BITCH BURGERS!!!"

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'Westboro, Baptist, Church, bitch, burgers, christian, psycho' to 'Westboro, Baptist, Church, bitch, burgers, christian, psycho, California cheeseburger' - edited by MrFisk

Butters Gets His Burds Turgled

kceaton1 says...

I'm sure they will certainly solve Butters problem using this technique* as it has worked for Senator Buttars and almost all of the Westboro Baptist Church members.

*Warning: Using this device may cause extreme hypocrisy.

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