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Grimm (Member Profile)

Westboro Baptist Church Comes to Long Beach, CA

Trancecoach says...

I believe that quote's about not forgiving someone (rather than being bitter), but the sentiment still holds.

>> ^ponceleon:

>> ^Sagemind:
Talk about biting off more than you can chew!
Thanks Westboro for bringing the party!

Seriously! They clearly didn't know who they were fucking with that day.
Loved it. Pure peaceful overwhelming and loving protest. Those bitter, hate-filled fucks. I'm comforted by a line from Carrie Fischer's one-woman-show, "bitterness is like you drinking poison and expecting the other person to die."

Westboro Baptist Church Comes to Long Beach, CA

Westboro Baptist Church Comes to Long Beach, CA

Westboro Baptist Church Comes to Long Beach, CA

ponceleon says...

>> ^Sagemind:

Talk about biting off more than you can chew!
Thanks Westboro for bringing the party!

Seriously! They clearly didn't know who they were fucking with that day.

Loved it. Pure peaceful overwhelming and loving protest. Those bitter, hate-filled fucks. I'm comforted by a line from Carrie Fischer's one-woman-show, "bitterness is like you drinking poison and expecting the other person to die."

Rick Perry: Economic Crisis is OK, Because It Is God's Will

VoodooV says...

They keep playing a dangerous game. The more they keep trying to say that it's God's will that bad shit is happening to us, the more they risk people saying, "You know what? Fuck God!"

You want an example? See the Westboro Baptist Church. Every one of those crazy little sects act like they know what God wants but even Fox news backs away from that kind of crazy.

That Guy that Buzz Aldrin Punched? Bible Thumper, too!

That Guy that Buzz Aldrin Punched? Bible Thumper, too!

Westboro Baptist Church RAGE-QUIT (tfoot interview teaser)

lampishthing says...

That said, the implication the Jesus was endorsing homosexuality in that passage was so... yeah.>> ^Jinx:

I actually disagree with TT's interpretation, but then the bible may as well be written on toilet paper for all the worth it is to me. Its seems odd to argue that that the bible is irrelavent, and then give it legitimacy by forging an argument based on its text. They will dismiss your interpretation as easily as all the blatent contradictions, and you're forced to accept this premise that the bible is somehow important.
Then again, any debate with these people isn't really a debate. There is no dialogue here, its just trolling really. Much as its fun to get a rise out of these people I'd much rather they were just ignored and forgotten.

Westboro Baptist Church RAGE-QUIT (tfoot interview teaser)

Thunderf00t -Westboro Baptist Church (full interview)

Westboro Baptist Church RAGE-QUIT (tfoot interview teaser)

DerHasisttot (Member Profile)

Westboro Baptist Church RAGE-QUIT (tfoot interview teaser)

Westboro Baptist Church RAGE-QUIT (tfoot interview teaser)

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