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Mourning for The Dead (Sift Talk Post)

MINK says...

well, the copyright system was not invented for the internet, it is ridiculously out of date and we are living in a twilight zone between printed books and the future.

watermarking may be the future, if they can sort out the law and tech. of course then they have to release new versions with watermarks and old links will die anyway. i really hope that ads are not the future.

the point is, we didn't pay to make the Daily Show, and we can't really moan if they decide to pull clips or make them expire. The only legitimate response is to make your own videos, but there's no self linking here (maybe for good reasons) and the production cost is still a bit too high for TDS kind of things to work when amateurs do them.

the whole "give it away for publicity and people will pay tomorrow" thing is totally not working IMO. It just means people expect stuff for free.

the internet makes free stuff viable, but that doesn't mean that all stuff should be free, or that free stuff is good. hence you have to search for the good stuff, which you can't possibly do alone, hence videosift is great.

Why should there be a live link to loads of TDS clips on here? We do not own them, most of us wouldn't pay for them, end of story.

CN Tower - Lighting Canada's National Tower with LEDs

Glacier melting into a river

arvana says...

According to some of the YouTube commenters, this is the Perito Moreno glacier in Argentina. I would have guessed Canadian Rockies, but that shows what I know

The song is Storms in Africa by Enya, which is on her Watermark album. That and her self-titled debut album are pure magic, for those who haven't overplayed them to death like me.

Seam Carving for Content-Aware Image Resizing, wow.

Payback says...

Sweet, betcha someone figures out how to do that frame-by-frame to downloaded movies to foil automated piracy filters. Once you substantially change an image that way, any watermarks would be destroyed.

Heck, it'd be cool just to watch a movie in a decent, believable widescreen made from a 4:3 original. TV manufacturers will probably be all over this tech.

Blowing circular bubbles underwater

choggie (Member Profile)

kitchenwench says...

I originally submitted the dog video JUST to YouTube with no watermark, with no other intention than to share the cuteness of my puppy being silly. However, I got angry when I realized that somebody had downloaded the video, edited it to make it look like he was SCARED and not excited, and then had submitted it to sites all over the internet, including ones that pay for submission (and that state CLEARLY in their TOC that they are the owner/creator of the material being submitted).

The fact of the matter is that the video was my creation, and I'm not about to stand for somebody trying to pass it off as their own. If you created your own content and had someone else trying to pass it off as their own, I'm sure you'd understand how it feels.

TayTV Situation (Sift Talk Post)

Fedquip says...

Why didn't you ask anyone else to post all those videos you self-submitted?
A: I misunderstood the rules, I addressed that and my collective is being demolished because of it.

Why did you think you could blatantly post something that links to your blog through an icon in the bottom right corner?
B: I have been using vsocial for ages, all my videos have different links, on that particular example the watermark linked to my blog, my humblest apologies. again no ads on my site it's not like im terrorizing the sift.

Why didn't you mention to anyone here that you got a job with AOL?
Yeah, I told brian and James, my collective users would have noticed by reading my blog.

"I'm an Amendment to be" - The Simpsons

Krupo says...

I normally hate "bugs" - the watermark on the bottom right of a broadcast that identifies the station you're watching. But in this case, it's deliciously amsuing, perhaps because of the content of the clip itself.

Outlaw Comic: The Censoring Of Bill Hicks documentary-77mins

The Self-linking Thread (Sift Talk Post)

dag says...

Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)

OK, that's two of our most prominent members who are admitted self-linkers. I'm sure there are many more. Maybe then, it is time to change the rules.

As we are really hitting a growth surge at the moment, I don't think we can afford to just put the rules to the side. With more members, comes more diversity, and the need, unfortunately, for rules that we can live with, and refer new members to.

So the idea, raised by PlastiqueMonkey - is to allow Gold Stars and above to post videos from their own accounts on videos hosts, as long as they are not self-promotional in any way, (watermarks, URLs, yada yada). Do we need to take another vote?

It is more complex - but I think we can spell it out succinctly in the guidelines and on the submit page.

Lost Episode of Seinfeld - Kramer's a Racist?

Lost Episode of Seinfeld - Kramer's a Racist?

Bill Maher's "A Farewell to Douchebags" 2006

dag says...

Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)

I believe you Grimm. But we don't want to have to police this issue and separate the self-promoters from the honest uploaders like yourself. It adds another layer of complexity and ambiguousness to the Sift. Future poster:
Me: self-post, prepare for discard.
poster: But you let that one in from Grimm! (insert narky link to your post here)
Me: Yes, but yours has a watermark, and link to
poster: so?
Me: Well, are you advertising your site?
poster: No.
Me: prove it.
[repeat ad nauseum]

That's why we have a blanket ban.

Bill Maher's "A Farewell to Douchebags" 2006

dag says...

Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)

Yes, Krupo that's exactly it. Sorry, I know it seems draconian at times, but if we start allowing this, it's a slippery slope.

Lots of people upload their stuff to Youtube and put on watermarks, splash screens and what-have-you of their own sites. So that means that when they post to VS, their motive isn't "hey, I love this video - I want to share" it's "hey, maybe I'll get a bit of traffic". So Grimm, while I'm not saying your post is like that - we have to apply to rule to everyone.


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