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The Rise and Fall of BioShock

ant says...

I only played the demo. I liked it, but never got the full game. Maybe I should try it again. I prefer SS2 more. I can't wait for SS1 remake since I hated original DOS game due to its bad controls. Also, SHODAN rules.

Ukraine losing 500 troops daily in Bakhmut fight

surfingyt says...

even if true (its not) its been over one year into the war and that's your rallying cry?! after losing tens of thousands of orcs you got 1 city? a city that is now in complete ruins? hahahahahaha

bewb you loser-just like your garbage homeland. gonna get surrounded by NATO and sanctioned into nothingness. cant wait to see ruzzia get broken into pieces AGAIN. mess with the west and you lose! ruzzia too dumb to learn.

bobknight33 said:

Bakhmut is 85% captured by Russia and they won’t stop

Police Officer Attempts To ILLEGALLY Search Journalist

EV Global Market Share Exploding;

cloudballoon says...

I can't wait until the day where the world comes to its senses and gives a big "F off" to charging stations and use the swapping battery tech that some manufacturers in China is trying to implement. It'll be as easy and quick as what we do filling up a tank now. Maybe even faster and you don't even have to get off your car with the advent of robotics.

newtboy said:

Interesting to get a video about all the competition Tesla now has, many with more advanced features and better specs and price, from Bob who usually argues that Tesla controls the entire ev market.
More surprising, the only Tesla news it contained was about their current financial struggle and how they need new revenue sources like sharing charging stations with other manufacturers, making it harder for Tesla owners to find one not being used in high demand areas (assuming they modify them to use standard universal charging connections).

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Two new $1 billion+- lawsuits against Fox. One by its shareholders against the company for lying about the election, which was obviously going to hurt the value of the company when revealed. They had a fiduciary duty to shareholders to not destroy their company. A duty they ignored for over a year.
The second case by shareholders is against the board, officers, directors, owners, and fiduciaries to recover every dollar they were paid during the frauds. Lol…this includes Paul Ryan.

I know, you say you don’t watch Fox (although you quote and post them constantly), but even you know that Fox is the architect of the far right, and without their political blueprints the right will be fighting itself with no direction. Oof.

They also just dropped a defamation suit against Crikey, an Australian company that called them “unindicted co conspirators of Jan 6” and had refused to even discuss settling because they have the Dominion evidence proving it’s true and wanted to use it in court to expose Fox in ways Dominion hadn’t. Fox knew they had no case, it being the truth is a defense, and dropped it after months of being raked over the coals in the Australian press. They must pay all of Crikey’s legal fees.
The chickens are coming home to roost, and they are pissed off and ready to shit all over the lying righty media cabal.

Bonus- Trump just failed to exclude other women he raped and tried to rape from his civil rape case. His lawyers are acting like this is their first trial ever, submitting motions weeks after deadlines…motions with no reasoning, no new evidence, and filed well after their deadlines. You get the shyster you deserve.

Second bonus- Traitor Greene has been referred to the ethics oversight committee for libel and slander against Hunter Biden. Because there is no legislative reason for her defamatory and false statements (like accusing him of human trafficking), insulting photos with completely false descriptions (like a photo of him driving his young nieces to school Greene posted labeling it “Hunter was on crack wheeling and dealing with CCP ties and prostitutes with classified documents laying around the garage.”). Because there could be no legislative reason for publicly posting such libelous baseless lies she lost her immunity from the speech and debate clause. I hope he says he had designs on being president and her libel cost him a few hundred million dollars, she deserves to be relegated to public assistance at the lowest level she ever advocated for…her family would leave immediately without her under the table income, she’s horrific, especially to her family.
This witch hunt against a private citizen is going to fuck you guys so hard, and I’m going to be there with popcorn to denigrate you as you get violated over and over and over and over and over. The next 18 months are going to be SWEET….and I can’t wait to see who you criminals come up with to run…so many will be in prison or barred from office! BWAAAAHAHAHAHAHA! I LOVE IT WHEN A PLAN COMES TOGETHER.

AND- Turns out that while Clarence Thomas was taking millions in gifts from Harlin Crow, Crow actually DID have cases in front of the Supreme Court and, big surprise, Thomas voted in his favor every time. More MAGA destruction of America.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

LOL. So I made a point to you, there is no one so uninformed. Nor is there another so devoid of knowledge and facts than yourself.

It’s a FACT they are still losing major market share at rates other car companies aren’t…in fact others are gaining.
It’s a FACT they lowered prices 6 times now, and continue to drop in sales.
It’s a FACT that now that they have competition, they aren’t in demand and don’t hold their value like the competition does.
It’s a FACT that I called the crash before it happened while you were telling people to buy all in at over $400 per share, and I continued to warn it was insanely overpriced and a bubble waiting to pop….I was 100% correct. Economists expect it to continue to fall, Forbes indicates it may well be headed for $25 a share, definitely still falling.

I must follow Tesla better than you, because my predictions have come to pass and yours were all fantasy that never materialized. I think you listen to Elon, who has proven to be a total disastrous idiot who’s destroyed his own companies, not the tech genius he once appeared to be.
You simply cannot ever admit you were w-w-w-w-wrong. A sign of massive insecurity.

Um…operating margin dropped FROM 19% to 11%. Operating capitol dropped even more. Price drops aren’t improving slumped sales. Massive recalls are not only making customers unhappy, they are turning off new customers. Poor construction is not up to industry standards and new non Teslas are. Drivers assist has just been convicted on a $3 million injury/damage claim (with more in the pipeline while other companies roll out theirs.
Worst of all is Elon himself, who decided to become a public personality figure, exposing his far right politics to his left leaning customer base, his willingness to take any government handout while decrying them at every turn, his unbelievably bad business sense, his douchbaggyness and constant hypocrisy, and his penchant to pretend his best case scenario is a guaranteed future. He, more than any two factors combined, is responsible for the slump in sales and crash of Tesla and Twitter.

You blame the 2020 economy, but every other ev manufacturer is doing much better. You say they made 420000 cars q1 23…maybe true, but what good are they when they only sold 181,000. Making all those poorly constructed cars comes at a major loss. Derp.

bobknight33 said:

To the uninformed you make a point. One based on no knowledge of facts.
Truly you do not follow TESLA.

Stock fell mainly due to their gross margin only being 19%. Typically they they have been running at around 26%

The economy is sucking and adjustments are being made by Tesla.
On investor day they indicated that they would sacrifice gross margin in order to keep on the path of rapid growth. Their growth target is go from 2022 1.4 million to 2023 1.8 +million vehicles made. Q1 they made roughly 420K.

Ukraine war current status

newtboy says...

I know the media YOU watched was fake, 1 sided propaganda for the extreme right and outright insanity like Qanon. I know anything less you call liberal fake news no matter how many times it’s proven correct.
Edit: so we’re clear, you gave up on cable news, where you got all your info 2015-2023 because they’re fake, biased, government propaganda and have LOWERED your standards to random internet YouTube “news” channels that only repeat what they heard on cable news with some exaggeration and misinterpretation? Um….ok.

No sir, I’ve never watched what you call “news” except as an example of the nonsense the right is spouting. I watch real news, usually from multiple sources, then verify. That’s why you never catch me spouting the kind of debunked nonsense you spout, and why I don’t have to slink away in shame 5 times a week and ignore your baseless accusations, but instead can debunk each and every one with factual information.

I would rather watch actual news then look into what they touched on than propaganda channels that get me to believe the stupidest anti American nonsense and lies, like the lies they convinced you to repeat about Covid, Jan 6, Pelosi, CRT, lizard people, space lasers, 9/11 was an inside job, pizza pedophiles are inter dimensional travelers, Ukraine started this war, Russia is winning, the US destroyed the German pipeline, etc.
You have never searched the internet for completeness of any issue, you look for someone spouting the same nonsense you are and think rando internet trolls that watched the same internet news and regurgitate it are corroborating it, not just repeating it.

They took the parts full of Russian illegals and Russian “separatists” that never accepted Ukraine as a separate nation, the parts that didn’t fight back or had already been taken by Russian backed separatist terrorists….Mexico took back more of Texas than Russia has Ukraine….how did that turn out? This war was supposed to take Russia 2 weeks to take over a mostly unarmed nation with no real military. Instead civilians with little weaponry and much less training have descimated them at over a 3-1 rate despite being outmatched 2-1 in population. There hasn’t been any significant addition to Russian territory in years, but NATO has doubled its border with Russia and is rapidly expanding.
Russia is SO inept it couldn’t take an unarmed nation 1/4 full of Russians.

Lol. Sucker. Their “taking bakhmut” footage was fake.

So, even your propaganda says Russia hasn’t taken it? Odd, they claimed to have taken it all 2 weeks ago….which you repeated.

What, you want individual UNVERIFIED videos of Ukrainians taking out Russians? There’s one posted every 5 minutes. Many can be found here -

How about one of Russia bombing Russia?

Or Ukraine getting more troops
Or Russia taking insane losses in Bakhmut

Not that anything but a fat old white guy sitting in front of a camera saying Russia is winning will convince you.

Edit: Wait….you think I have “followers”!?! It would be news to me. How many do I have? Could I start my own cult yet? I hear it’s a great way to get rich.

bobknight33 said:

Well I gave up on watching cable fake news. You know the media is fake/ 1 sided. propaganda for the government .

However there are plenty of sheeple, like you who do watch the fake news.

Rather watch cable news who will provide less than 2 min talk and will "leave it there" without getting a full picture , only a snippet. I rather search the internet for more completeness.

As you say "Russian military is so inept " but they have taken a good part of Ukraine.

"Didn’t you say 2 weeks ago Russia was poised to crush Ukraine and had taken Bahkmut…".... I did say that and I am correct.

Bakhmut is a major objective and Ukraine is loosing. Now nearly 80% taken.

Please post Ukraine is winning videos. IF you can find them. Please enlighten me and your sheeeple followers.

I'm not interested on some general sitting in front on some senate hearing saying Ukraine is winning -- show actual news .

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Lol. So dishonest. Such ability at stretching reality and precognition you must have. “Everything’s good now, but it’s going to be terrible soon!”…pretty much what you said Jan 2021 but it’s been all uphill since then.

Under Trump- highest unemployment in memory : you just ignore and try to forget
Lowest gdp ever in history : you say it didn’t happen, wasn’t Trump’s fault, and when those sad excuses fall apart “doesn’t matter”
Inflation rising faster than ever with more dollars printed in 4 years than any other decade under Trump : you don’t know why that causes inflation so you blame anything but government until Biden takes office, then it becomes 100% the president’s fault.
Markets crashing : you ignored it under Trump and proclaimed it a great time to buy Tesla, and now you ignore the consistent market rise under Biden. My portfolio added 7% in the last 2 months, and the Dow is up, reaching record highs under Biden…maybe your stupid anti woke investments just suck.
Sounds horrific with over 1 million dead, millions disabled, trillions in medical bills and a near depression : you say “nothing burger, Trump’s the best at economy ever”
Food shortages, parts shortages, shipping gridlocks making it much worse : you pretend Biden was in charge in 2020 and blame him, (so ridiculous that your righty media posted dozens of photos of empty shelves from 2020 in 2021 to pretend it wasn’t better and you bought it) then you ignore that the shortages ended shortly after he was sworn in.

Republicans won’t raise the ceiling because the MAGA wing thinks default under Biden will be good for them because they believe voters are as ignorant as they are and will buy whatever they say when they blame Biden for their sabotage of the economy,….in your case they’re right. They’ve already cost untold millions by delaying so long with more harm done daily, and when they fail to raise it by June they’ll cost America trillions and kickstart a worldwide depression. Understand they still don’t have a plan at all now months after it was their duty to raise the debt ceiling like they did every year for Trump who spent like a drunken sailor with the captains treasure….squandering over 1/4 of today’s total US debt on personal ego stroking projects and gifts to billionaire donors…not one word of protest from the right as he blew up the deficit and debt by trillions every year. Not one complaint when Republican stunts cost billions (like Abbot’s grandstanding truck inspection farce that found absolutely nothing but cost $4 billion).

Republicans were in charge fully, it’s their mess. Covid didn’t hurt countries like NZ that took it seriously even a small fraction of how much Trump’s denials for months and lack of a plan ever decimated America. Trump’s/MAGA’s fault.
Government waited too long to start subsidies, giving people a reason to go to work and spread disease, ending with over 1 million deaths. You really DO get literally EVERYTHING wrong, then can’t understand why you are failing so consistently.


bobknight33 said:

Unemployment low. : For now
Gdp high. lowing down
Inflation falling. : Because lack of $ in pockets
Markets rising. : Nope Going sideways last few months
Sounds good to me. : Calm before the storm.

Republicans will raise the ceiling. Rep not the fault of this mess.
Covid lock downs and too much Gov $ dumped in the system too quickly

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Yes….so does the law. 45+ year old Republican men taking underaged girls you supervise to your home late at night to get them drunk for sex….unethical, immoral, and absolutely illegal. A man wearing a dress and makeup to do comedy, not only not criminal but who the fuck cares?
I can’t wait for the next step, making it illegal for women to wear pants. Those transvestite cross dressing women need to be put in their place. 🤦‍♂️

Not a good thing. A cowardly, self denial thing. The reason republicans are so terrified of transexuals is they are uncontrollably attracted to them but know their friends will ridicule and ostracize them if they are discovered. Joseph’s brothers were jealous of his feminine beauty, not afraid he would sexualize their children.

Both are wrong? Sure…one is a non sexual comedy show for children, the other attempted rape of a child using drugs….to you, equally bad and wrong because you are afraid of those sexy sexy trannies. 🤦‍♂️

In case you aren’t aware, the Bible has transvestites that are considered good people in positions of power, like Joseph…that technicolor dream coat was a bridal dress of the time, his appearance described in feminine terms, he was not just a transvestite, but a transsexual who’s sex was changed in the womb…by god. Lots of child rape too, so much that there’s even child rape BY CHILDREN OF ADULTS! Anything you imagine about drag shows is right there in the Bible, but not in drag shows. But do you want it banned? Of course not, because you don’t really care about anything you whine about.
Also, in case you aren’t aware, there are multiple popular television shows about drag shows on basic cable, so I assume all republicans cancelled their cable? Of course not, that would require some sacrifice to get your way, something your ilk can’t fathom. You only act when it hurts the others but not you.

Nice job ignoring the republicans pulling 100% of funding to libraries out of pure spite because information is just for liberals and most republicans today can’t read anyway. That’s why book banning didn’t even register to you. You find banning information you dislike normal and acceptable, just like you support spreading lies you enjoy. Snowflake, stay in your safe space and leave the outside to adults.

99% of drag shows are non sexual.
No real statistics show trans people molesting children at a higher level than average men. In fact I believe the sex assault rate from the trans community is almost certainly lower than the population, but the frequency of trans people being sexually assaulted is 4 times the average. They’re the victims, not perpetrators.

Churches, on the other hand, are factories for child mollestation. Hundreds to thousands of separate victims per parish, tens of thousands to millions of mollestations. There is no group more likely to be molesters and rapists of children than clergy….NONE.

But you don’t even consider pulling children from these mollestation cabals because you know you don’t care about children being molested, you care about labeling your political enemies child molesters and hide and ignore the majority that are your “team” despite the facts.

bobknight33 said:

So you are saying 1 is a crime and the other shouldn't be.

Both are wrong.
banning all-ages drag shows is a good thing.

Even a socialist see that the Trump indictment is BS

newtboy says...

More idiots spewing nonsensical wishful thinking….and bob regurgitating the frothy white mess.

What happened to wait and see” Bobby? Declaring victory before you could read the charges. What will you do when you see the evidence, or convictions!?! Just scream “nothing burger” and see if that helps.


bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Told you years ago….secret Trump love child revealed.
MIGHT not be true but he paid and fought to kill the story so it likely is.

Just wait, it’s going to come out that Barron really is Ivanka’s child….and her brother….and Melania is due tens of millions for keeping silent (but won’t ever see it).

Guaranteed there are more stories the National Inquirer caught and killed for Trump, many including secret payoffs…and if he pulled the same frauds he did with Daniels, he’s so hosed. The 34 felonies he’s charged with carry a 1 year MINIMUM. That’s 34 years if found guilty….MINIMUM. Oof.

For your bonus, Republicans now advocate weaponizing congress by ACTUALLY defunding the police, meaning cutting budgets so much the police cannot afford to continue their current investigations, in a blatant effort to protect Trump from the law. One more example of every accusation is an admission…

Democratic “defund the police” meant remove parts of the job like mental health care worker and fund existing departments dedicated to those kinds of issues that are better dealt with by professionals without overzealous law enforcement to avoid more near daily unnecessary murders by police and the accompanying multi million dollar lawsuits and freeing police to do the job of policing.

Republican “defund the police” means actually drastically cutting funding from the DOJ, FBI, and any other agency that cooperated in prosecuting Trump, and not caring one whit about the thousands of criminals that will go free, and thousands of preventable crimes that will be committed, with the only benefit being “protect Tangeriney Mousolini”. So much for the lie “party of law and order”, not that anyone outside the cult ever believed it.

PS- Way to go Wisconsin. Rejected the MAGA nutjob. The turnout by the under 30 crowd should have you shitting your pants over ‘24. If they turn out nation wide in anywhere near the same numbers (and they’re PISSED about religious zealots stripping their rights and instating pseudo-Christian Sharia law) its not going to be a blue wave or blue tsunami, it’s going to be blue waterworld.

Trump to be arrested

newtboy says...

Look how much more powerful he is.
Look, all those independents that didn’t support him are now suddenly rabid supporters.
Look, all those Republicans that left the party because of him suddenly came back to support him.
Look how tens of thousands of people protested for him.

Another huge red tsunami coming?!? Just like after each impeachment? You never learn. The enticements to riot are going to bite him in the Jan 6 cases….and it’s going to hurt righty media in their defamation cases when they’re still whipping up viewers and calling for murderous riots for Trump, telegraphing their defense ‘We’ll blame Democrats when you shoot them, get your AR’.

Oh, wait….not a single person who wasn’t a supporter already has been convinced his indictment is a bad thing. Not one independent is swayed by the frothing at the mouth, threats, and violence coming from Trump’s cult.

I guess You won’t look how Trump used this indictment to grift millions more out of his cult, and you won’t see it the next 15-20 times he’s indicted.

bobknight33 said:

If they arrest Trump they will make him more powerful and more popular than ever, showing up the Biden regime as desperate fascists willing to do anything to cling to power. Go ahead dickheads, arrest Trump and see how it turns out.

Roger's Spaceship crashed on Earth.

newtboy jokingly says...

It’s been established years ago that Roger was just a crash test dummy testing the safety of his ship that was intentionally crashed, not “The Decider” judging Earth.
What’s this rewriting of cartoon history!?!

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Waiting for you to claim that under Trump the administration/party never went after political opponents. Haven’t you heard? That’s your party position now, Tucker said so. 🤦‍♂️

Trump to be arrested

HugeJerk says...

Yah... wake up. But not Woke right? Because being aware of racial/social injustices is bad or something... oh wait, that's the definition that most people think of while the nutjobs think it means "OPPRESSING WHITE PEOPLE" or some shit.

bobknight33 said:

Someday you might wake up.

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