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Seen at the Apple iStore: "I Love That Man"

Heaven's Gate Cult.

Whistling Jack Smith - I Was Kaiser Bill's Batman

Kirk fights Spock - best fight music of all time

Amazing NASA satellite video of Artic Ice Melt

nibiyabi says...

""It astounds me that people believe things without doing an ounce of research. Do you know the correlation between CO2 emissions and global average temperature? It happens to be 0.000%"

What "research" is it that led you to believe this? Your extremely simplistic conclusions drawn from your graphs betray the fact that you have no idea how the planet's temperature regulation works. You really need not be a climatologist to see where you go wrong; you just need to understand the very basic physical properties of carbon dioxide.

Here is a simple abstract of how the wonders of the carbon cycle work to keep our planet habitable...

CO2 gets dissolved in the oceans, forming carbonic acid (H2CO3), which reacts with wollastonite (CaSiO3) contained in the sediments, forming carbonates and oxides (CaCO3 and SiO2). This binding of CO2 is what keeps nitrogen the primary gas in our atmosphere and stops a runaway greenhouse effect from happening on Earth:

2CO2 + H2O + CaSiO3 -> Ca + 2HCO3 + SiO2
CO2 + H2O + CaCO3 -> Ca + 2HCO3
2HCO3 + Ca -> CaCO3 + CO2 + H2O
CO2 + CaSiO3 -> CaCO3 + SiO2

Without this we would prompty end up like Venus.

(of course, what makes it a cycle is that vulcanic activity returns the CO2 into the atmosphere)

Now, if the correlation of CO2 in the atmosphere and Earth's temperature "happened to be 0.000%" I regret to inforn you that there would be no life on Earth, because the place would be frozen over. The very ability of CO2 to heat up the atmosphere is what saved us from the major ice ages in the planet's history (you can present me with an alternative theory if you like). When the ground and the oceans freeze over, the albedo (ie the reflective power) of the planet increases, and up to 90% of sun's radiation gets reflected right back so it doesn't heat the Earth. The -only- way to get out of a situation like that is via the CO2 pumped out by volcanic activity. No CO2 is being absorbed by the oceans in this situation, them having a layer of ice of half a mile or so, but vulcanic activity does not stop, which unbalances the CO2 cycle. The atmosphere starts warming up slowly, the first band of thawed ground appears on the equator, this adds vater vapor into the atmosphere which speeds up the heating, and also lowers the albedo, which increases it even more. This goes on until the CO2 cycle kicks in again and the atmosphere stabilizes.

The greenhouse effect is crucial to our existence, but it's a fine balance, and while no one really knows what happens when you disturb the balance like we have, I'm afraid at this point we're just going to have to find out. I doubt our kids will thank us for it.

I invite you to show me a graph disproving that, nibiyabi."

I am talking about emissions created by people, which accounts for roughly, what, 2-5% of the total CO2 in the atmosphere? Negligible. And as we (hopefully) make the slow transition to nuclear power, this will go down anyway.

Amazing NASA satellite video of Artic Ice Melt

8713 says...

"It astounds me that people believe things without doing an ounce of research. Do you know the correlation between CO2 emissions and global average temperature? It happens to be 0.000%"

What "research" is it that led you to believe this? Your extremely simplistic conclusions drawn from your graphs betray the fact that you have no idea how the planet's temperature regulation works. You really need not be a climatologist to see where you go wrong; you just need to understand the very basic physical properties of carbon dioxide.

Here is a simple abstract of how the wonders of the carbon cycle work to keep our planet habitable...

CO2 gets dissolved in the oceans, forming carbonic acid (H2CO3), which reacts with wollastonite (CaSiO3) contained in the sediments, forming carbonates and oxides (CaCO3 and SiO2). This binding of CO2 is what keeps nitrogen the primary gas in our atmosphere and stops a runaway greenhouse effect from happening on Earth:

2CO2 + H2O + CaSiO3 -> Ca + 2HCO3 + SiO2
CO2 + H2O + CaCO3 -> Ca + 2HCO3
2HCO3 + Ca -> CaCO3 + CO2 + H2O
CO2 + CaSiO3 -> CaCO3 + SiO2

Without this we would prompty end up like Venus.

(of course, what makes it a cycle is that vulcanic activity returns the CO2 into the atmosphere)

Now, if the correlation of CO2 in the atmosphere and Earth's temperature "happened to be 0.000%" I regret to inforn you that there would be no life on Earth, because the place would be frozen over. The very ability of CO2 to heat up the atmosphere is what saved us from the major ice ages in the planet's history (you can present me with an alternative theory if you like). When the ground and the oceans freeze over, the albedo (ie the reflective power) of the planet increases, and up to 90% of sun's radiation gets reflected right back so it doesn't heat the Earth. The -only- way to get out of a situation like that is via the CO2 pumped out by volcanic activity. No CO2 is being absorbed by the oceans in this situation, them having a layer of ice of half a mile or so, but vulcanic activity does not stop, which unbalances the CO2 cycle. The atmosphere starts warming up slowly, the first band of thawed ground appears on the equator, this adds vater vapor into the atmosphere which speeds up the heating, and also lowers the albedo, which increases it even more. This goes on until the CO2 cycle kicks in again and the atmosphere stabilizes.

The greenhouse effect is crucial to our existence, but it's a fine balance, and while no one really knows what happens when you disturb the balance like we have, I'm afraid at this point we're just going to have to find out. I doubt our kids will thank us for it.

I invite you to show me a graph disproving that, nibiyabi.

Radiant Silvergun - Stage 5A

ant says...

What the heck? I just played this game in MAME. This is so insane. I had troubles with the first two levels! It's so hard and confusing when it changes perspective. Heh. Maybe I just suck!

From history.dat:
Oh and from history.dat:

Radiant Silvergun (c) 05/1998 Treasure.

Sometime in the future, scientists have discovered a diamond-shaped alien device deep in space. The mysterious alien device detonates while being probed, starting a chain reaction which destroys the entire planet. Fortunately, there's a group of slap-happy space cadets who are up in orbit who aren't affected by the explosion, but witness it, so they decide to do something about it - which means finding a way to travel back in time to avert the catastrophe before it happens!

Radiant Silvergun is a vertically scrolling shoot-em-up rendered with a superb mix of two and three-dimensional graphics, and is widely considered to be the finest ever game of its type in what is a very crowded genre.

Part of the reason for the game's huge success is in the implementation of its weapons system. Unlike other shoot-em-ups, all of the game's weapons are available to the player from the very beginning. Silvergun's control panel consists of three different fire buttons, each of which activates a different weapon; either 'Vulcan', 'Homing' or 'Spread'. In addition, players can activate four extra weapons using a combination of the three fire buttons. These are :

* A + B = Homing Plasma
* A + C = Backwards Wide Shot
* B + C = Homing Spread
* A + B + C = Radiant Sword

At the start of a game, the player's weapons are very weak, but they can be 'powered-up' by shooting same-coloured enemies (chaining), in a fashion similar to gaining experience for a weapon in a role playing game.


Sega Titan Video hardware (STV)

Main CPU : (2x) SH-2 (@ 28.6364 Mhz), 68000 (@ 11.45456 Mhz)
Sound Chips : SCSP (@ 11.45456 Mhz)

Screen orientation : Horizontal
Video resolution : 704 x 513 pixels
Screen refresh : 60.00 Hz
Palette colors : 6144

Players : 2
Control : 8-way joystick
Buttons : 3


Toshiba EMI released a limited-edition soundtrack album for this game (Radiant Silvergun Soundtrack + - TYCY-5613) on 07/08/1998. The soundtrack was so popular that it was reprinted by Absord Music Japan (Radiant Silvergun Soundtrack + - ABCA-5043) on 24/03/2004.


* Radiant Sivergun's weapons in detail :
1. VULCAN (A button) : a devastating forward firing set of plasma bursts (heavy fire forwards the enemy). This is potentially the best weapon against any enemy, when at full power it can take down even the toughest enemies in a few shots. The only disadvantage is that it's fire is very concentrated and as such you need to move a lot to avoid fire.
2. HOMING (B button) : green homing pulses which target anything that is hovering around you. Even though it is initially weak, at full power it becomes very powerful and requires less movement than the Vulcan.
3. SPREAD (C button) : a wide shot which goes further the longer you hold down the fire button. A little tip; rapidly press the fire button to create a explosion shield around the front of your ship.
4. HOMING PLASMA (A+B buttons) : a double trail of homing lasers which target anything within a 120 degree angle in front of your ship. Moderately powerful, and has a habit of targeting the wrong enemy.
5. TAILGUN (A+C buttons) : a Thunderforce-style tailgun shot which is invaluable in many areas; especially the areas where you get attacked repeatedly from behind.
6. LOCK-ON SPREAD (B+C buttons) : slow moving but powerful shots which target anything in close range. (NOTE - THIS IS THE ONLY WEAPON THAT CAN LOCATE THE SECRET DOGS).
7. RADIANT SWORD (A+B+C buttons) : the game's most powerful weapon. Collecting ten pink bullets with the sword powers up the RSG meter, once full you can use the Hyper Sword and destroy almost everything on the screen.

* Chain bonus : break the same color enemies 3 times without a break.

* Secret bonus : break the enemies with Red -> Blue -> Yellow. If you destroy the enemies with the following pattern, will get 2 Chain Bonuses and 1 Secret Bonus [Red ->Red->Red->Blue->Yellow->Yellow->Yellow]

* Weapon bonus
1) Vulcan : Hit over 200 times without a break.
2) Homing : Hit over 300 times without a break.
3) Spread : Hit 16 times before explosed Spread.
4) Homing Plasma : Hit over 10 seconds against 1 enemy.
5) Back Wide : Hit over 300 times within 2 seconds.
6) Lock on Spread : Hit an explosion over 15 seconds.
7) Radiant Sword : Hit over 5 seconds.

* Secret character Merry Dogs : You can find secret character called 'Merry Dogs' by Lock on Spread. For example : at the starting of 1st Stage, Merry Dogs is hidden in lower-right position on screen.


1. Radiant Silvergun (1998)
2. Ikaruga (2001)


Directed/Produced by : Hiroshi Iuchi
Assistant Director : Namie and Merry
Based on Story/Screenplay by : Hiroshi Iuchi
Tyrant Programer : Fukuryu
Zako Enemies Program and Set by : 1998/Nami
Boss Enemies Program by : 2015/Nami
BG, Demo, 5 Bosses, Tool Program : Atsutomo Nakagawa, (133MHz)
Inu Program : Choko Monkey
Object Design : Dad Oginon, Naokiman
Object Design Rookie : E-Suzuki
BG Graphic : Hiroshi Iuchi 11
Character Designed by : Han
Music by : Hitoshi Sakimoto
Sound Effects : S. Murata
Opening, Ending Picture by : Gonzo
English Translation : Haruko Hosaka
Debug Cooperator : Kji, Shirotg, Waka, Kazuhiko Murakami
Debug Dog : Merry
Executive Producer : Masato Maegawa


* Consoles :
Sega Saturn (1998) : The ONLY machine to receive a home conversion was the Sega Saturn. This is a rare port and usually commands three-figure sums whenever a copy changes hands.

A Sony PlayStation port of this game was planned, but eventually scrapped, as the console did not have enough power to generate the huge amount of sprites the game requires.

Bloodhound Gang - "Foxtrot Uniform Charlie Kilo"

theo47 says...

Vulcanize the whoopee stick
In the ham wallet

Cattle prod the oyster ditch
With the lap rocket

Batter dip the cranny ax
In the gut locker

Retrofit the pudding hatch
Ooh la la
With the boink swatter

If i get you in the loop when I make a point to be straight with you then
In lieu of the innuendo in the end know my intent though
I Brazilian wax poetic so hypothetically
I don't wanna beat around the bush

Foxtrot Uniform Charlie Kilo
Foxtrot Uniform Charlie Kilo

Marinate the nether rod
In the squish mitten

Power drill the yippee bog
With the dude piston

Pressure wash the quiver bone
In the bitch wrinkle

Cannonball the fiddle cove
Ooh la la
With the pork steeple

If i get you in the loop when I make a point to be straight with you then
In lieu of the innuendo in the end know my intent though
I Brazilian wax poetic so hypothetically
I don't wanna beat around the bush

Foxtrot Uniform Charlie Kilo
Foxtrot Uniform Charlie Kilo

Put the you know what in the you know where
Put the you know what in the you know where
Put the you know what in the you know where
Put the you know what in the you know where pronto

LadyBug (Member Profile)

The Self-Stirring Mug

choggie says...

its' a freekin' vulcanized hunk a steel, powered by a spinning magnet....labs' use em' to stir shit,...forget the name.....Great Idea!, when we no longer need labs, or researchers, we can buy these at Hospital and Puniversity Estate Sales....

Chaingun Video Compilation

deathcow says...

I feel blessed that I can play a video game at 1920x1200 resolution and have some actual human from Bumfart Egypt piloting a virtual helicopter while I man this vulcan cannon through the side door. LONG LIVE BATTLEFIELD 2

Wake up, computer on, (Sift Talk Post)

darksun says...

VideoSift> BBC news for my daily gloom and doom> Ceebeebies> Argos> Vulcan V-bomber fan sites> Videosift> Videosift> Top 10 mad scientists> how to take over the

Then i turn off my computer, go to MI5, and save the world, again. I seem to do nothing these days.

Star Trek IV: Spock Teaches Punk a Lesson

Baghdad Raid (8:14)

Star Trek Enterprise: Mirror Universe Opening Title

termal says...

These were great. Part 1 started out with a really cleverly edited scene ripped from First Contact that showed the mirror universe's meeting between Zefram Cochrane and the Vulcans. Not to spoil anything, but it turned out...differently.

The rest was pretty good too...Gorns, Tholians and a Constitution class starship (TOS era) kicking the ass of the Enterprise era ships. What's not to like?

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Beggar's Canyon