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President Obama - a Vulcan?

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'Jake, Tapper, Obama, vulcan, star trek, dr, spock, logic, ears, healthcare' to 'Jake Tapper, Obama, vulcan, star trek, spock, logic, ears, healthcare' - edited by xxovercastxx

Mystery Life Form in NC Sewer

deathcow says...

oh I've seen this shit before.... one of these flew down and attached itself to Spock's back, they damn near blinded him killing it. If it wasn't for his Vulcan physiology he would have probably been blinded forever!

Crake (Member Profile)

The Shat can't do the Vulcan Salute

The Shat can't do the Vulcan Salute

Yogi says...

This has been known for quite some time. On Star Trek he had to do the Vulcan sign to a sick or dying Spock once, and on the closeup still you can see they tied his fingers together with fishing line.

Arrested For Asking A Policeman For His Badge Number

Seric says...

Each police unit should have an independant judging body in these situations who has authority over the police and is knowledgeable about legal matters. Basically, each police unit needs a vulcan.

It's a pity that these things happen in the police force, but it seems to be the way psychology works with some people when they're granted power over others. Perhaps we shouldn't be angry at the police, but the system by which their rationality, personality and judgement is examined? Is there even such a thing in place?

Jolene Blalock's Shatner moment

Just saw the New Star Trek (Blog Entry by dag)

What's the best Star Trek Series? (User Poll by Throbbin)

FlowersInHisHair says...

For me, DS9 was the best: great character arcs, especially for Dukat, Kira, Sisko, and Odo. Lots of Fighting In Space with the Defiant. The Bajorans were an intriguing culture to find out about, but the show never came down on the side of supernatural explanations for their gods and spiritual beliefs (Battlestar Galactica take note). And there was a huge, epic story with the Dominion War that stretched and developed through the whole series, whereas we were lucky if TNG had a story spread across two episodes. Not to mention the terrific production design and rich interplay between the characters. The characters never seemed to connect in TNG: everyone was too nice to each other and hardly ever argued unless they were under the influence of an Alien Arguing Virus or something. Plus TNG's sets were revolting and there was a frigging PSYCHIC PSYCHOTHERAPIST on the BRIDGE, for crying out loud. How unrealistic, how eighties, is that?

Voyager was little more than "The Seven Of Nine Show". Too many episodes focussed on this boring waste of narrative space. Being Borg, Seven should have been an interesting and unique character, but she was basically a Vulcan with a bit of plastic stuck around her eye. And they already had a Vulcan on board! Oh, and don't get me started on Neelix. More annoying than a tribble, the character of Neelix alone should have been enough to get the show cancelled after its first season. The appalling time-travel-paradox finale was baloney, and Janeway's voice was super-annoying.

Enterprise was another wasted opportunity, though I did like Scott Bakula. And as for TOS, I suppose I'm just the wrong generation to really enjoy it. I appreciate it for the groundwork, but it's not really the same standard as the later series.

Oh, and DS9 only had one episode with bloody Q in it, which is a good thing.

Aaaand relax.

Spock Gets Pissed At Tom Snyder

DJ Positron

J.J. Abrams' Star Trek Trailer (3/5/2009)

Hitchens debates Iraq with Reagan Jr.

Russian Tu-160 heavy bomber in action

Crake says...

Mmm, gotta love supersonic nuclear bombers. The hull is white so the bomb flash won't ignite it you know. Little tidbit of info there.

I think i'll go find an Avro Vulcan video to sift...

Moon Astronaut Says We're Not Alone

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