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Why Trust Is Worth It - zefrank

Meet the World's Biggest Bat

Meet the World's Biggest Bat

Check for Dupes when Validating Embed Code (Internet Talk Post)

shveddy says...

I just resubmitted the current number one video (true facts about the armadillo), and it told me that my embed is good. I'm using Safari v7.0.

Ze Frank's Thanksgiving Ettiquette

This propaganda is playing all over youtube

bcglorf says...

It's a more sinister piece of propaganda than that though, at least in that it IS citing true facts. For all the quotes save for those from the newly elected president(which I just haven't searched) there exists written and video evidence of the attributed quotes and none of the leaders quoted would deny them.

The propaganda part is in completely leaving out the reasons for the overthrow of the Shah, who was running a brutal regime of his own over the Iranian people. If the American support for the Shah wasn't enough reason for mistrust of America, there was the American backing of Saddam in the Iran-Iraq war that saw hundreds of thousands of Iranians killed in Saddam's war of aggression. That war included some of the most prolific use of chemical weapons in, well, pretty much ever and the use was entirely against the Iranians. The public support for anti-American sentiment didn't come out of a vacuum.

That said, the mistrust cuts both ways and with Iranian leadership promising death to America and Israel for the last couple decades while steadily building up the infrastructure required to build nuclear weapons is legitimately cause for concern too.

Sorry, I think that got long and preachy.

ChaosEngine said:

That's some mighty *fear ful propaganda.

Yeah, after a quick google search, I can't find much evidence to support their claims.

So I'm gonna stick a "citation needed" on this one.

How Do You Calm The Monsters?

Amazing Voice Impressions - Jake Foushee

nock (Member Profile)

The Biggest Penis You've Ever Seen.

The Biggest Penis You've Ever Seen.

True Facts About The Owl

(Mis/Ab)use of *related invoke (Sift Talk Post)

eric3579 says...

I personally think the true facts related videos is exactly what related was created for. I do however see that the related video is sometimes abused. Maybe @lucky760 or @dag could provide some clarity on how related should be used.

Oh and dont get me started on the crazy abuse of the channel invocations. It's an absolute clusterfuck.

from the 5.0 release siftalk - "We've added a new invocation called *related. It's very simple to use. If you find a VideoSift post (and by post I mean video, Sift Talk, or blog post) with content that is related to another post, just invoke related like this: *related="

So its pretty wide open on what can be considered related. Maybe we could come up with a more defined definition.

True Facts About The Sea Pig

Lumm (Member Profile)

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Beggar's Canyon