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Mordhaus (Member Profile)

Cat Shows Tiger Who's Boss!

The Best (Or The Worst) Tiger Safari Ever

robbersdog49 says...

Awesome. It's amazing how close you can get to such a powerful wild animal.

In India and Africa the large game animals have learned to regard the vehicles in much the same way as they regard trees. they know they're there, they just don't bother with them in any way.

When we were in India on a tiger safari we had a very similar experience. The amazing thing was that people live and work in these forests. 100yds down the road from the situation in the video may be a party of women collecting firewood. Or one time we found a mahout looking for his elephant that had wandered off in the night!

Tigers are incredibly beautiful animals. they have a quality that sets them apart from lions and other big cats. They are so different in the wild to the animals you might see in zoos. If you've ever wanted to see what real natural beauty looks like then go and see the wild tigers, they're breathtaking.

i am triggered-stop triggering me-you triggerer!

newtboy (Member Profile)

Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon: Sword of Destiny - Trailer

Elephant herd attacks motorbike in Thailand

Tiger Cub Bubble Bath MADNESS!!!

The Red Drum Getaway

JustSaying says...

This is super awesome!
Reminds me of a dream I had where I tatooed frozen Tigers with Matt Damon. It got really weird once I accidentally stung myself with a tranquilizer dart, got high and watched the movie of that while I was in it. Matt was super nice, though.

The Jungle Book Trailer (2016)

Is Poverty Necessary?

Lawdeedaw says...

1-Rename this video has nothing to do with the content. 2-Birth control, yes. Just implement social birth control and boom, we stop having kids. This means improving lives, etc.
BUT. C-It is also about consumption. For example, you wouldn't argue that we need to reduce the tiger population because hundreds of humans are dying to them every year when just one tiger is kept in a village that causes 95% of human to tiger deaths.

What I mean by that is the "advanced" nations certainly need population control, far greater than the zero population growth numbers we have, and we need to go in to the negatives significantly before our resources run out. As far as the populated backwoods nations, they can afford to be populated.

Mordhaus said:

I think so, we seriously need to slow down pop growth.

Fox's Shepard Smith On Kim Davis: "Haters Are Gonna Hate"

newtboy says...

I must guess her brand of religion does not have the 'thou shall not steal' clause, because at her rally they brought her out to 'eye of the tiger', with no permission from anyone in Survivor, and they're pissed. Taking someone else's property and converting it to your use is stealing in my mind, I don't know about hers.

I wondered how many people she refused licenses in the past because they were wearing blended fabrics, or had been seen eating shellfish, both of which are just as forbidden as homosexuality in the bible, actually those two are more clearly forbidden than homosexuality as I understand it, yet no one ever tries to legislate fabric choice or outlaw sea food restaurants. Hmmm.

Smarter Every Day - Devil Facial Tumor Disease

Asmo says...

Tasmanian has had a very rough time with the Tassy Tiger also being hunted to extinction (kind of a marsupial wolf iirc) and, not to equate humans to animals, the Tasmanian Aboriginals also being wiped out due to small pox and other diseases from well meaning missionaries.

In the devils case, this seems to be an awful trick of evolution, as noted in the video, a single animal experienced a cell mutation which left it with a communicable cancer that is uniquely suited to transmit via the devils form of (anti)social interaction... = (

PlayhousePals said:

I hope there is something to help. This situation is incredibly devastating and so very tragic.

Disc Golf Ace (Hole In One) Through The Woods

House Cat Doesn't Give a Shit about Mountain Lion

skinnydaddy1 says...

Neighborhood dogs crapping in your yard? Local cats love making keeping you up at night? Tired of the smelly goats at the hipsters house down the road.?
We can Fix that! For a small monthly fee we can deliver one of our free Roaming Mountain Lions to your Area!
To many small pets in area?
Small Children playing to loudly?
PETA protesting?

Just call "Rent-A-Lion" today!

Not affiliated with "Rent-A-Tiger", "Rent-A-Rat" or "Hipster-Die-Die-Die"

ChaosEngine said:

Rent-A-Lion? Awesome!!!

if that's not a thing, it should be!

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