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Skokomish River salmon cross the road

Key & Peele - Text Conversation

When a Text Conversation Goes Very Wrong - Key & Peele

Ku Klux Klan Member interview-Chris

luxintenebris jokingly says...

what is the stance 🦜 33?

joe is kkk by proxy
and don is kkk by orthodoxy?

didn't deny it
just tried to fly by it

awful job of obfuscating.*

(2nd paragraph)

plenty of giggles listening to the purple conehead, tho' using his glasses (à la clark kent) to disguise his anti-hero status from employers is donald grade dumb. the ridge on right-hand little finger, besides his voice, goatee, cigarette brand, is incriminating enough for identification.

the bible is largely jewish. the newer text is the teachings of a jewish man. that's a bit like not knowing there is a brick outfield wall behind the ivy at wrigley.

bobknight33 said:


When a Text Conversation Goes Very Wrong - Key & Peele

When a Text Conversation Goes Very Wrong - Key & Peele

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newtboy says...

Turns out DeJoy and his wife have between $30-75.8 million in stocks of companies that directly compete with the USPS, companies that have already benefited from the slowdowns he's causing. Seems like a clear conflict of interest.

"Louis DeJoy and his wife Aldona Wos reported between at least $30 million to just over $75.8 million in assets from XPO Logistics, J.B. Hunt and UPS. All are competitors with U.S. Postal Service operations. While government records confirm their ownership of the assets, the exact value of the holdings is not clear from the records. "

Also, delaying the mail is illegal, with up to 5 years in prison per letter, +1 year for every newspaper delayed.

Emoji Shortcodes Now Available (Sift Talk Post)

ant says...

Is it me or is showing its :flag... text letters and not actual graphics? Also, the emojis are too small there too. Please make them a little bigger like in the talks. I see them in both SeaMonkey v2.53.3 and Firefox v78 web browsers in my decade old, updated 64-bit W7 HPE SP1 PC.

Emoji Shortcodes Now Available (Sift Talk Post)

lucky760 says...

You know what, I'll add a page that just lists all the emojis. I can't include the list on every page because it's just too massive.

It's not working because you're using the ugly old literal character codes.

Don't use those, use the human-friendly shortcode text, so not :U+1F600: but :grinning: - does that help clarify it?

ant said:

Please add a link for each post so we can click to view and use! :U+1F600: However, it's not working for me?

Emoji Shortcodes Now Available (Sift Talk Post)

lucky760 says...

I agree with you @eric3579 and @ant that they're pretty small. I'll work on making them render larger. The only problem is that'll make any line of text with an emoji push the neighboring lines so there'll be ugly spacing in blocks of text, which is the reason our old-fashioned smilies are tiny (so as to fit comfortably with text).

SUV Launches Over Highway Barrier

Seagull Swallows a Whole Rabbit on Welsh Island

lucky760 says...

Tulsa - Lincoln Project

newtboy says...

So, how was the rally? Plenty of leg room, right?
<6200, not even 1/3 filled, and zero overflow. I think even you know who's winning "the fight" now.

Btw, before you blame k-pop fans for fake ticket requests, know the campaign has already said they made no difference, and instead blamed their own anti protest propaganda showing armed guards photoshopped into stock photos and flaming riots in the Seattle CHAZ zone caused by scary antifa anarchists that were actually pictures of St Paul. They also blamed reporting on the accelerating Covid 19 outbreak. Odd, none of that stopped the crowds from coming out to party elsewhere in massive numbers....only at the Trump rally in Tulsa.

<6200, not millions. Hate to tell you, that's really about Trump. At this rate, we're seeing the death throws of the Republican party. Trump is now searching the swamp for help, hiring Carl Rove and other reptilian wastes of skin. That won't win him any votes, Americans know Rove as a hard core swamp thing. Thank him for losing the Senate too.

Oh yeah, don't forget that there were more right wing extremist terrorists arrested this weekend for trying to start riots and committing murders intending to blame Black Lives Matter and Antifa. Right wing "news" suddenly stopped covering the multiple cops murdered in California and the multiple bombs found in the murderers possession when it turned out he's one of them, a right wing extremist....going from full blown outrage and "didn't his life matter" to total silence. Just like the other team caught in Vegas, outrage and insistence on labeling blm a terrorist organization until it turned out the terrorism is perpetrated by right wingers, then suddenly stop discussing the facts and just call blm terrorists anyway. These are your team, your good people, starting fires, shooting cops and unarmed protesters, driving into crowds again, trying to start race wars, making bombs, and trying to blame BLM and Antifa for their actions but they're so dumb they texted/emailed these terroristic plans to each other so we have proof that this was their plan...a plan Trump has supported by blaming blm for their crimes repeatedly. *facepalm

bobknight33 said:

The fight is not about Biden VS Trump. POTUS come and go.

Its really about Dems VS REPs. ...

Max Cooper - Repetition (video by Kevin McGloughlin)

The Worst Typo I Ever Made

StukaFox says...

The worst DevOps mistake I ever made:

Assignment: On ~1,000 -physical- RHEL systems, change the default run level from command line to GUI (don't ask).

Solution: Hey, all our config files are controlled by Puppet, so this'll be easy!

(If you don't know what Puppet does, it enforces file configurations, so if you change a single file on the Puppetmaster, that change is pushed out to all servers running Puppet)

Ok, all I need to do it edit a single file, change a single number in said file and issue a single command: reboot. Easy-fuckin'-peasy.

The file I need to change is /etc/inittab -- this file tells a Linux system which "run level" it should initiate upon booting up. runlevel 3 is command line and runlevel 5 is a GUI like Gnome or some other tragic perversion of the whole reason you run Linux in the first place. All I had to do was change from runlevel 3 to runlevel 5. And reboot.

So simple; so stupidly simple.

So stupidly simple at 3:00am. When I hadn't slept all night. On a production network. When I'm working from home away from the office. On a Saturday when no one is in said office.

I make my change and save it, then push it to the version control system. Puppet picks it up and pushes the change to ~1,000 physical computers.

Done and done!

Remember I mentioned that I had to change a single file AND execute a single command: reboot?

Here's where things go tragically wrong.

My changes worked PERFECTLY. Everything did exactly what I told it to: Puppet changed the file, and rebooted the servers.

Only they keep rebooting. They keep rebooting over and over and over and over. I can't access any server on the network. Worse, while I'm trying to figure out WTF I did wrong, the 30 minute time-out I'd set on our alerting system, Nagios, expires.

Did I mention that I pushed this change to ~1,000 servers? ~1,000 servers that won't stop rebooting and aren't reporting into Nagios, thus being marked as down?

At 3:31am, on Saturday morning, the pages to ALL the on-call engineers began. One page per engineer per machine. About one every two seconds. And I'm getting paged, too -- except some of the pages are Nagios and some are utterly irate engineers who want to know exactly WTF is going on and I can't tell which is which because I'm getting text-spammed like crazy.

And those servers? They just keep right on rebooting.

At that point, I felt the kind of existential dread that only people who work in IT know -- the kind of dread that arises a picosecond after you've hit ENTER and realized you've type 'rm -rf /' or some-such -- because I knew at that very second exactly what I'd done wrong.

I'd typo'd "5" and made it "6" in the runlevel. And pushed it to ~1,000 -physical- servers. And then rebooted them ALL.

"So," you're asking, "Whyfor is runlevel 6 a big deal?"

Because of this:

runlevel 3: command line.
runlevel 5: GUI

What I'd done was told every production server on our network to reboot as soon as it rebooted, which leads to another reboot, which leads to another reboot, lather rinse repeat.

At 3:45am on Saturday morning, I knew that every person in IT would have to drive into the office, visit every production server with a bootable USB key, change the BIOS to boot off the key, boot the server into Single User Mode, change the damned file by hand, then reboot the server. This takes about 10 minutes per server -- times ~1,000.

I learned a number of valuable lessons that day:

2. See lesson #1
addendum: filing for unemployment insurance in Washington state is amazingly easy.

And that was the very last time I ever worked on physical hardware. To this day, if it's not in the cloud, I ain't fucking touching it.

Here endth the lesson.

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