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Zelensky Celebrates Signing Security Agreement With The US

newtboy says...

So moron, Russia just conceded defeat in the Black Sea and their entire naval fleet has left Crimea and has retreated to their farthest Eastern port in the Black Sea.
Ukraine doesn’t even have a navy.

Sorry comrade, Putin’s fascist war is losing….bigly.

bobknight33 said:

Christ your are stupid.

If Russia is Losing as you say, Why are they gaining territory and holding it?

You do know what a map is?

If Russia is losing as you say, Why hasn't Ukraine pushed back the Russians?

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Since you haven’t figured it out yet, when you spam my profile page with your idiotic propaganda videos of brain numbingly stupid idiots lying from mommy’s basement instead of being capable of thinking for yourself I just erase them.
I don’t bother watching them.
Years of curiosity has proven there’s absolutely zero redeeming qualities or factual information in them….I don’t even believe you watch them either, I think you just troll by spam these days, because you are intellectually lazy and weak and don’t know the facts on any topic, including your claimed profession. It’s why you can never answer a question yourself and have to go silent so often if you aren’t provided with one by these morons.
You absolutely can’t think for yourself enough to have a basic discussion, and I’m not having one with Q or all of MAGA’s propaganda machine…even combined your collective IQ is still well below 100.
If you want to MAGA tag a profile page, better keep it on your own. On mine it will just be erased with out being viewed.

PS- AJ Delgado is suing the Trump campaign alleging that she was both taken advantage of and raped by Trump staffer or advisor, Jason Miller. She released text messages proving she’s not alone and that the Trump campaign had already settled multiple harassment and discrimination lawsuits on behalf of campaign staffers…because rape and debauchery and criminality and secret payoffs are what MAGA is about.

Baseball Fan Beaned by Foul Ball Gets Her Own Topps Card

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Maybe google Abe Hamadeh.

He’s the Trump backed election denying candidate for AZ Congress who lost in 22 and is running again.

His texts have been published, texts where he mocks and ridicules you crazy morons that are believing the big lie that he’s basing his campaign on!

Yep. Like many, he’s running on election denial and calls people like you who believe him and the big lie “crazies”.

Just like all the Fox hosts who fed you the big lie constantly for years but in private we’re laughing their asses off at you morons who believe this stupid obvious lie.

While you’re at it, google Andy Ogles who just admitted lying about a $320k loan to his campaign he “repaid” himself with donations….a loan he insisted for years was real and proper. Also, in Santos fashion, he lied about his entire resume, and collected donations for a “children’s burial garden” that was never built and pocketed tens of thousands in donations from his constituents that had lost children. More real verifiable proven maga corruption you don’t care about.

2) Trump is still telling you the new insane lie that Biden tried to assassinate him based solely on the totally standard rules of conduct listed in the search warrant he was given prior notice of, was coordinated with his secret service detail ahead of time, and that was served intentionally with him out of state.
Greene is publicly calling for Republican retaliation.
I wonder…can you see through this tissue paper lie, or do you believe Trump because he said it happened? Can you admit how delusional you are, or can you admit Trump is lying to you as a test of how stupid and blatant a lie you will repeat?
I’m betting neither, you can’t reply on topic or answer those questions because they require self examination of your beliefs and admissions, something you avoid at all costs.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Er mer gerd, the more I read of his cross examination the more disastrous petulant child Costello was for Trump, boatloads of texts and emails of him trying to convince Cohen to continue lying for Trump, saying if he does he will be protected by “powerful friends” (Like Trump, Giuliani), discussing pressuring him to stay in line with third parties, threatening him if he talks, obvious to everyone exactly what this was, Trumps hopeful new fixer trying to take on his old fixer and protect Trump from the crimes they committed together. Obvious to the jury. He was a laughing stock. Trump’s only actual witness was better for the prosecution than for him.

bobknight33 said:

Dickhead, pay attention,

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Ahhhhahahah! Awww…”dickhead”?! Isn’t that one of Trump’s nicknames…Tiny hands Don…lil no shaft…dickhead….mushroom tip? Are your feelings hurt?

Cohen is the key…Who told you that?
They lied.

There are volumes of proof, from emails to texts to checks signed by the big man to recordings of him discussing the payoffs, how to hide them, try to delay and maybe not pay after the election because it won’t matter then, etc. Cohen only explained and corroborated that evidence.

The evidence is the key between Stormy and Trump, and far more importantly between Trump and the scheme to hide her payoff as legal fees to protect his election chances, which is the crime here, not the cheating to the second power…on his mistress and his wife.

Just like the phone call you said he lied about that tanked the case but is now corroborated with video and photographic evidence and stipulated to by Trump’s team, he didn’t lie, he told the truth that he “stole” from Trump (or set his own fee for hiring and secretly paying the company in cash to falsify polls, depending on your viewpoint) by telling Trump to REIMBURSE him for $50k to redfinch but he only paid them $20k in cash to hide the payment…again (shockingly he wanted to be paid for making that clandestine transaction). Trumps entire defense is he didn’t have a NDA (something he’s admitted to having publicly) and he didn’t REIMBURSE Cohen he paid him for legal fees, but this was definitely reimbursed in that payment, stipulated by both sides now. There’s physical evidence proving the rest was reimbursement too, handwritten notes, texts, emails, ledgers, and recordings, and common sense, you know Trump knew what half a million was paying for, he OKed the repayment. You fool. You keep buying these immaterial minutiae that you are told will save him by people who know you don’t understand how court works. If only it registered when, one by one, they become ethereal vapors. But. It. Never. Does. And. I. Believe. It. Never. Will.

There are recordings, texts, emails, and checks tying Trump directly to the hush money payment. Whoever is telling you this nonsense is lying, and you just won’t understand how he gets convicted because you’ve been told there’s no evidence and you haven’t bothered to look.

Yes. I don’t just think it, I know it. He is, was, and he will be guilty. Trump is undeniably guilty of business frauds a hundred times over, and tax frauds by the dozen, and this particular business fraud to hide election interference too. Yes. Definitely, no doubt, he has admitted it all publicly. I don’t know if he will be found guilty. I am fairly certain he won’t be acquitted….he might get a hung jury if even one maggot lied to get on and save him. Reportedly many tried.

I can’t serve on a jury, I’m honest that I’m prejudiced against police who are professional liars in every aspect of their job, who fought all the way to the Supreme Court to secure their right to lie to citizens about anything, and I don’t trust professional liars.
It’s dishonest asshats like yourself we need to keep off the jury. Would you have lied to get on? Can you admit you wouldn’t convict him no matter the evidence? I know it’s true, do you?
I would admit his extensive history of civil fraud convictions and constant lying would make me more likely to convict and unlikely to believe him, which would get me excused. I’m not a liar, even when it would benefit me. You cannot say the same, indeed once when Trump was caught lying about this very incident under oath you once said only a moron would tell the truth under oath if saying it would hurt them, and rather than remain silent lying under oath to protect yourself was perfectly acceptable….for Trump.

It will be appealed, but like every other appeal he’s lost, just like every popular vote, just like every challenge to the 2020 election, just like the coup, just like his rape defamation suit, just like his many business fraud lawsuits… he will lose. His track record in court is worse than his track record in business where he went bankrupt over a half dozen times including with a casino! Worse, he can’t afford competent lawyers and appeals cost a shit ton, and even if he “finds” the money (like under a Saudi check book) no capable attorney will take him as a client, most never get paid, many lose their licenses, all end up looking foolish for thinking THEY can be the one to change him.

bobknight33 said:

Dickhead, pay attention,
Cohen is the key between Stormy and Trump.

But Cohen had no proof.
He lied again and again under this trial
He stole $ from Trump.

There is no connection between Trump "hush" $ and Stormy.
Totally fabricated after FBI nailed Cohen.

This is so clear even teh fake news is forced to admit this.

Yet , you dumb-ass dickhead still have you head up you ass.

You still think Trump will be guilty?

Its possible when you dumb dicks like you on the jury.

If so it will be appealed and overturned.

Michael Cohen LIED AGAIN in TRUMP TRIAL says Ex-Lawyer

newtboy says...

Yes, you are a loser in the eyes of leftists, bigots, righties, inclusives, centrists, the intelligent, the educated, and the rational…there are many on the sift and in life, they all see you, loser.

I can deny he lied under oath, or at least that that has been proven…you have no evidence that he did, only the unreliable memory of a disgraced maga lawyer who suborned perjury before claiming so. Nothingburger Royal with cheese. Still would be a nothingburger if he went under oath and testified to his claims, but he won’t.
You think the accusation that he talked about being harassed means he absolutely didn’t talk about the payoff…because you have never talked about two things in one call?
This is not the gotcha you believe it is. Even if the disgraced ex lawyer speaking not under oath making this accusation was correct about the specific phone call, highly suspect but giving him the benefit of every sliver of doubt, his contention doesn’t even contradict the testimony that he spoke to Trump on that call, and even if it had (and again, it did not) this was one call among many others from 8 years ago he might be recalling happening at a slightly different hour on the same day during one of the dozen calls they had that day.
It doesn’t impeach his testimony in any way, nor any of the evidence Trump knew exactly what he was doing and knew this was criminal, evidence including texts from Trump and audio recordings of Trump discussing the crime.
If Cohen was making it up as you claim, he has plenty of other calls they can’t deny or explain away he could have said were about the details of hiding the secret payoff to hide sex with a porn star while married and dating a playboy model on the side, instead he testified honestly to the best of his recollection…which further enforces the idea he’s now being honest (has been since he left Trump’s employment).
Wait for re-direct. This minutiae will evaporate into pure warm zephyrum and you will still be grasping at straws…loser.

bobknight33 said:

I'm a loser in the eyes of leftest bigots. There are many on the sift. You being 1 of many.

That being said you can not deny what this guy said.
Can you deny that Cohen lied again under oath the other day.
The most important link to Trump was a recorded call, suspect as it is.

Cohen provided the date and time of this call any yet on Cross this lie was corrected. This "link" call was about a crank caller harassing Cohen and he asking Trumps bodyguard to take care of it.

Total fail that even CNN is WTF about this.

So If I am the piece of shit for pointing out truth, that has to make you a much lower commie turd. you and newt need to take you head out of you asses and start looking around.

Michael Cohen LIED AGAIN in TRUMP TRIAL says Ex-Lawyer

newtboy says...

Man enough to listen to whining propaganda? 😂 I’m not infantile enough.

😂 Michael Cohen Lied Again in Trump Trial Says Disgraced Ex Lawyer Who Helped Him Lie To Congress For Trump The First Time When He Was Convicted For Lying 😂

“Says ex lawyer”! 😂 you fucking idiotic moron. You can’t even find a maggot who hasn’t been disgraced to make these idiotic claims? 😂
He was Cohen’s MAGGOT lawyer while Cohen was still Trump’s loyal “fixer”, defending crimes he committed for Trump while Cohen was Trump’s lawyer, crimes comitted at Trump’s order and for his SOLE benefit, defending him because he was tied to Trump, now slandering him because he’s testifying against Trump and Costello himself, putting Robert Costello and Trump personally deep in the plots to deceive congress. He is not reliable, he was the lawyer who tried to help Cohen get away with lying to congress and failed…and he’s still making up nonsense. Let’s see him testify to this under oath in a court where perjury has consequences….won’t ever happen, not that it would make a difference if he did.

If he perjured himself in any way, Cohen will go back to Rikers…so I doubt it. Everything salient he testified to was pre-corroborated with incontrovertible evidence already admitted, mostly evidence unwillingly provided by the defense like texts and emails. No finding of fact rests on Cohen’s testimony, it merely confirms evidence already submitted to the court. 😂

Why would I listen to this twaddle? The only thing to “learn” is how delusional you are. I can reasonably downvote based on the source, this disgraced lawyer in mom’s basement who loves to mislead morons like yourself and has been debunked every time, now talking about another disgraced lawyer who defended Trump’s fixer for crimes he committed for Trump …defended him and lost. Find a real source, not a ridiculous idiot and co-conspirator that has been caught lying a hundred times already and whose position has already been tried in court and failed miserably.

You haven’t ever had anything worth 20 minutes of my time, or even 10 at 2x…still I watched (skipping most of the idiotic commentary)…as expected you still didn’t have anything worth 29 seconds, much less 20 minutes.
Watched, another nothing burger royal. Downvoted.
Next time you post this braying moron you don’t get to waste my time, just insta downvote.

PS-Where’s Melania?

bobknight33 said:

ok @newtboy don't watch and downvote

Or watch and learn. Are you man enough?

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

lol. The texts have been released. 400 pages of texts.
They outline the clearly illegal and dishonest attempt to steal an election despite admitting knowing full well they lost by millions of votes starting November 9 or before.
They utterly destroy the lie that the fake electors were just in case a court reversed an states results, they are absolutely clear that they should just count those fake electors and deny the real electors a count.
They also claim only the Trump Supreme Court could reverse that election theft, and they’re on board with not taking the case.

lol. One text is Chesebro on the steps of the capitol on Jan 4 with the text “I’ve decided not to storm the capitol…at least not today.” Kinda hurts the lie that storming the capitol wasn’t planned….not that even maggots believe that stupid nonsensical lie.

Fun…note that WHEN Trump is found in contempt of court today or tomorrow, even if he gets no jail, he may get jailed. ALL of his other cases required him to submit to conditions of release, one of which is he must commit absolutely no crimes while released, not federal, state, or local felonies, misdemeanors, or infractions. Basic contempt is a misdemeanor crime, a crime that violates his conditions for release in 3 other cases. Buh-bye Dumb Donald!
Edit: now Thursday…that’s when the SECOND contempt hearing is scheduled, penalties are on hold because Trump continues to violate the orders even while awaiting sentence so they will have to be increased dramatically….oh sorry, I forgot I’m not following the trials, so I guess I don’t know about all that.

Bonus- Constant dog hater Donald hasn’t dropped his puppy murdering vp pick yet, on top of everything you can legitimately call maga the dog hating party.

His ridiculous paid black actors aren’t hiding their payments well, going on righty press junkets, getting paid speaking engagements at billionaires events, and sailing in the Bahamas…that’s what the everyday woman who hugged him at Chik-fil-a (who has been a long time Republican paid operative and was set up by the campaign to pretend rump likes average black people and not just multi millionaire blacks, oops!). Paying for public support is a hallmark of a despot, just like Gadaffi.

Hunter Biden is about to sue Fox for continuing to air false stories long after they’re proven false….just like Dominion….and is demanding public retractions from all righty media….just like Dominion and warning them that they violated felony revenge porn laws nationwide and continue to do so. He’s going to win a 9 figure settlement, just like Dominion, from multiple righty propaganda outlets, finally making him that hundred millionaire maga insists he is. 😂

Bwaaahahahahaaaa! A bit stale but new to me…try claiming it’s not a cult again….

NYC Stores Surrender To Thieves

newtboy says...

The biggest violent crime/murder increase was 2020, since then there’s been significant progress made in lowering violent crime in the last 3 years, down double digits, property crime (like petty theft) is down 25% over the last decade.

“As of 2022, New York City has a murder rate of 6.3 per 100,000. This makes the Big Apple one of the safer large cities in the country. Overall, crime rates continue to go down in New York City. New data released in late 2023 shows an overall decrease in crime — a drop of 4.1% compared to the prior year.Feb 21, 2024”-,compared%20to%20the%20prior%20year.

Again, since it didn’t penetrate the feculent helmet the first few times… If the cities like NY and SF were the shitholes you claim, absolutely no one would want to live there, instead they are the highest valued real estate in the country. Explain this conundrum.

The narrative is bullshit. All actual crime statistics prove that.

Hilariously Right Side Network’s Brian Glen was shocked live on air to find that New York was not the hotbed of liberal crime and debauchery when he was there, only ably to point to seeing scary groups of Hispanics and black men, but no crime or squalor visible.
Reminds me of the MAGtard caravan to the border and when they got there they said “where’s this invasion you said was happening?”.
The Trump crime family leaving New York significantly lowers the amount being stolen in the city…a statistically significant amount likely equal to petty theft.

bobknight33 said:

The narrative is TRUE
Your liberal cities have been turned into shit holes.

Biden Closes Gun Show/Internet Background Check Loophole

newtboy says...

More idiotic blather based on your complete lack of knowledge.
The FBI estimates that only 10% of guns used for crimes are legally obtained, so stopping the illegal unregulated gun trade should stop arming 90% of viloent criminals. Stopping the flow of 90% of guns used for crime is nothing? Derp.

Sure, keeping criminals in prison longer might help some after the fact, but 1) they have to commit at least one violent gun crime first and 2) our prisons are already so bursting full of them… so much that many states cannot put non violent criminals in prison without first releasing violent criminals, so longer sentences are impossible.
BTW- speaking of harsher sentences, a Vietnamese businesswoman was just sentenced to death for a fraud scheme extremely similar to Trumps real estate/bank/tax fraud scheme.
Is that what you suggest, harsher sentencing all around, or only for crimes you wrongly believe are committed mostly by minorities?

This won’t stop every illegal gun sale, but it closes 3 major methods of easily “legally” selling unregistered guns to people who are barred from owning guns. That is a good thing to anyone who isn’t a criminal looking to buy a gun for crimes….and braying morons.

If it does nothing, why has the right been fighting tooth and nail to keep the loopholes open for so long? A: because so many are felons (just like their leadership) and they still want to buy more guns.

bobknight33 said:

This will do nothing.
If you want to stop gun violence.
Keep those who commit these crimes in jail.

Another feels good do nothing law that Democrat party will use to circle jerk each other.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Trump is sueing his partners/cofounders at truth social attempting to steal their stock. Is anyone surprised? Trump screws over everyone who gets in bed with him, badly, usually by not paying them or bankrupting the venture.
(Edit: the judge who presided over the merger is “gobsmacked” that he lied about having any claims so he could judge shop his lawsuit and has said he’s considering sanctions.)

It’s exactly what he’s doing to the Republican Party. Fundraising is flat across the board since he installed his family into leadership rolls so they could rob it blind.

Major donors don’t want to fund don’s legal bills (isn’t he a billionaire? Why can’t he pay for his own lawyers?) but they can’t donate to the RNC without at least half going directly to Habba, and the rest going to pay don’s family exorbitant salaries for tanking the party…it’s still paying millions a year for Melania who hasn’t been seen this year! Not a single election rally scheduled. The RNC isn’t paying for down ballot campaigns. They have no ground game (armies of volunteers who canvas) in swing states and no money to organize any. The ONLY thing the RNC has is election workers willing to break the law and falsify the vote for Don, again, and maggots willing to vote multiple times, again.

Don’s support with millennials has dropped below 35% and is still shrinking fast. They really don’t like losing abortion rights, or birth control, and have heard the leadership saying the goal is to end “recreational sex” in America.
He’s still polling below 15% with the black community and never received over 12%. Biden lost a few percent, but they did not switch to Trump.
Women are outraged at the attempts to reverse the sexual revolution and get them barefoot and pregnant back in the kitchen with no rights and no voice and are voting against Republicans in droves even in deep red states.
There is no group he’s gaining with and many he’s losing, expect even evangelical support to evaporate as his porn star payoff/business fraud case is in the news all next month, sordid details and all.

It’s just hilarious that you still think someone with all that baggage, who is a well known rapist, business failure, convicted fraud, charity thief, repeatedly bankrupt trust fund baby, narcissist, constant liar, racist, misogynist, gullible idiot, and who clearly has full blown dementia is the best the right has to offer. 😂

Turns out China has been setting up thousands of MAGA social media accounts and are 100% in the Trump camp, posting ridiculous conspiracy theories about Biden (that get picked up by righty media) and pro trump propaganda (also repeated by righty media). Normal people see our enemies like Russia and China backing the same candidate (who utterly failed to stand up to either when he was in power) and understand that candidate is on our enemies side, not America’s.,Satanist%2

Michael Cohen to Trump donors: 'It's time to wake up, stupid

bobknight33 says...

Snopes is hardly a credible source.

Show the trump Tweet .. Not some rag -- For the sake of clarity and truthfulness, show the actual text in context.

Like I said.
When did Trump say any of these falsehoods?

Enlighten me?

mram said:

It's exhausting chasing down this rabbit hole for you.

I'm going to focus on just one part of this -- does he want to rewrite the constitution?

Just understand that a lot of his rants, his diatribes, his verbal diarrhea, is like the fruit of the poisoned tree -- it's all flash paper and if you even examine it slightly, it has no foundation in reality whatsoever. There was no rigged election, therefore everything even derived from that premise is WRONG. Full stop. No exception.

He has contempt for any process of procedure that goes against his will and has spoken up against it.

Any president who claims to "preserve, protect, and defend" the constitution then wants to gut even pieces of it at a whim based upon his own fabricated, misleading, false, repeatedly disproven agenda is unfit. Consider yourself enlightened.

And that's just the first point.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Still waiting you spineless wonder.
Only infants are incapable of admitting mistakes, and they can’t talk. What’s your excuse for a total lack of testicular fortitude?

😂 Because Fox said so! 😂

Too bad he already testified under oath that he had no knowledge that this was true, if the text isn’t a fraud, which considering the source is nearly guaranteed, even if it’s a real text it’s only what he said he THOUGHT happened, not what he has sworn to under oath.
Also too bad for Trump it’s not criminal to have a relationship with other attorneys.
Also too bad its been proven he was not her first choice, or her first offer for the position, nor the highest monetary offer made, he was the only one willing to take the physical risk of going against the Trump terrorist cult.

Always, every single time you lie to twist reality to what you want then you actually think that’s real. Hide and watch. There’s no crime here.

It does seem the illegitimate supreme court has decided to be Trump’s public defender and delayed their ruling (which shouldn’t be a consideration, a ruler with absolute immunity is a king or emperor, not a president) on absolute immunity late enough to not know if Trump is eligible to run before the election happens.

How is disqualifying Smith going?

bobknight33 said:

Poor fraudulent GA voter fraud case- is derailing.. All because the DA is banging the hired help and lied about it. This could taint the whole county office and might need to be moved to another county---- OR dismissed ..
Either way big loss for the left and big win for Trump.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Oh no! Trump has filed a motion 25 days after judgement asking for a stay of execution because he doesn’t have the $83 million for Carrol, actually asking to be allowed to appeal without posting bond…due in 10 days +- or she can start seizing and selling his properties. It will be rejected, she’s going to get a building or two (remember, Trump said everyone is leaving NY, it’s a total shit show there just so crime ridden and businesses leaving in droves so the value of his properties there is near nothing, she might need three! 😂).
Only a few weeks later his >$460 million judgement to NY comes due. If he doesn’t have $83 million (and can’t get a bond because his assets are forfeited) where do you think he’ll get $460 million +? The Saudis? MAGA? Not daddy Putin, he’s broke. Rest assured the source of his bond, if he can get one, will be publicized and when it turns out to be a foreign nation he will have to register as a foreign agent.

PS- Mr “nobody can ramble like this” killed CPAC. 😂

This is you guy, this you’re pick?

OH SNAP! Chesebro was caught with a secret Twitter account he used to promote the fake elector strategy far more aggressively than he has admitted previously, it has back and forth text conversations and recordings explaining the scheme, clear that it wasn’t about Trump having won but about falsely calling Biden’s victory into question and having Republican legislatures overturn the election and install Trump despite his election loss. He specifically told investigators he had no such accounts…his plea deal likely just evaporated and he’s going away for decades…unless he makes a deal to be a fully cooperative witness. UH-OH! Wanna bet he ends up just like Epstein, the last Trump guy facing the rest of his life in prison who knows where the bodies are buried and is about to spill Trump’s dirty beans?

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