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JiggaJonson (Member Profile)

JiggaJonson (Member Profile)

Basil Marceaux : The Next Governor of Tennessee

JiggaJonson (Member Profile)

GeeSussFreeK says...

HAHAHAH wow, talk about a human train wreck. If he gets elected, perhaps he can ban the eating of paint chips which gave him is plucky disposition!

In reply to this comment by JiggaJonson:
Ok I'm sorry, i know this is my third comment on this but I've been perplexed/utterly fascinated by this whole thing. It seems like the website which is where will redirect you to is down due to a huge traffic influx but I found others who have been to the site:

"When I first saw the video early this morning, I thought Marceaux had just kicked back a few too many drinks to calm his nerves before a big television appearance but, after viewing Marceaux’s website (which, despite what he says in the video, totally isn’t or even and reading his writings, it became clear that what you see is what you get and that this is the real Basil Marceaux…or possibly the most brilliant political performance art prank since Andy Kaufman threw on some cheek puddy, faked a deeper gruff voice, and made everyone believe that there was a real man named “Richard Nixon“. On the website, Marceaux has a list of “Things I done for my citizens,” asks “why Democracy invaded the U.S. State on July 16 1866,” and promises that, if people vote for him, “I WIN I WILL IMMUNE YOU FROM ALL STATE CRIMES FOR THE REST OF YOU LIFE!” Even more amazingly, you can check out his son’s site (Basil Jr. is running for Tennessee House Representative) and find some equally terrific quotes."


And if you want a REAL laugh check out his youtube page which consists of nothing but him staring into the camera for 8 minutes with static audio

Basil Marceaux : The Next Governor of Tennessee

Basil Marceaux : The Next Governor of Tennessee

Samaelsmith says...

>> ^JiggaJonson:

Ok I'm sorry, i know this is my third comment on this but I've been perplexed/utterly fascinated by this whole thing. It seems like the website which is where will redirect you to is down due to a huge traffic influx but I found others who have been to the site:

Just checked out the website. This guy is indeed either brilliant or batshit insane. I love how he mentions the importance of education while only having the most basic grasp of spelling and grammar. There are just so many crazy things to quote but one of my favourites has to be:

"See why dental is not in most plans a tooth aches hurt more than a back aches and no teeths depresses people"

Basil Marceaux : The Next Governor of Tennessee

Basil Marceaux : The Next Governor of Tennessee

mintbbb (Member Profile)

Basil Marceaux : The Next Governor of Tennessee

JiggaJonson says...

Ok I'm sorry, i know this is my third comment on this but I've been perplexed/utterly fascinated by this whole thing. It seems like the website which is where will redirect you to is down due to a huge traffic influx but I found others who have been to the site:

"When I first saw the video early this morning, I thought Marceaux had just kicked back a few too many drinks to calm his nerves before a big television appearance but, after viewing Marceaux’s website (which, despite what he says in the video, totally isn’t or even and reading his writings, it became clear that what you see is what you get and that this is the real Basil Marceaux…or possibly the most brilliant political performance art prank since Andy Kaufman threw on some cheek puddy, faked a deeper gruff voice, and made everyone believe that there was a real man named “Richard Nixon“. On the website, Marceaux has a list of “Things I done for my citizens,” asks “why Democracy invaded the U.S. State on July 16 1866,” and promises that, if people vote for him, “I WIN I WILL IMMUNE YOU FROM ALL STATE CRIMES FOR THE REST OF YOU LIFE!” Even more amazingly, you can check out his son’s site (Basil Jr. is running for Tennessee House Representative) and find some equally terrific quotes."


And if you want a REAL laugh check out his youtube page which consists of nothing but him staring into the camera for 8 minutes with static audio

JiggaJonson (Member Profile)

Basil Marceaux for Governor

Basil Marceaux for Governor

Rare Look Inside a Bible Belt Classroom

Lann says...

This video saddens me almost to the same extent as when I've met some of these lovely southerners in a Tennessee University. At least there the instructors themselves aren't chocked full of stupid so you only have to deal with that trash the first part of the semester.

Cloudy with a chance of penis

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