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Taylor Swift - I knew you were trouble (goat edition)

‫Taking your Falcon out for a spin

Jinx says...

I think your average duck can do about 70mph. Fastest on the flat is prolly something like a Swift (African or Eurasian? ).

And yes, it most certainly can do 88mph but nature did not see fit to evolve them a flux capacitor so ya, no blazing trails in the sky.

Related Legislation | Crown Capital Eco Management Jakarta

How Velociraptors Will Eat You

Jinx says...

Fun fact: It has been proposed that raptors actually used their claws in a similar manner to their namesake birds of prey - by hooking onto their prey and pinning them under bodyweight. Either way, they probably didn't kill their prey before starting to eat it

Oh, and velociraptor means swift seizer. Thanks wiki.

Important to know the facts should you ever be a victim of a raptor attack. Even if the facts only serve inform you of just how painful your death is about to be.

Epic kung fu kick takes down knife-wielding attacker

Assassination attempt During Pauline Marois Victory Speech

CrushBug says...

A 62-year-old-man man was swiftly arrested outside the venue and a rifle was seized.

The man, wearing a blue robe and with his face partially covered by a balaclava, allegedly entered the venue from the back as Marois was giving a jubilant address calling for unity among Quebecers. The back door was about six metres from the stage.

"He shot at least one shot toward two victims," Const. Danny Richer said.

That's how we do it here folks; in ski masks and bath robes with some old rifle.

Nurse Repeatedly Slammed to Ground by LAPD

charliem says...

The act of exiting the vehicle did not create this fuckup of a mishandled situation...if that were the case then the reaction to her movements would have been far more swift than whats shown.

This is just an asshole cop being a total fucking asshole for the sake of being an asshole.

"I wear a badge, the law? I am the law...and today im feeling mighty authoritarian".

Nearly 2 minutes after the first encounter (which would be hard enough to explain in its own right), when she has been cuffed and searched....they slam her into the ground again...hands bound behind her back.

This is not excusable in ANY circumstance.

Fantastic X Factor Audition Song by Lucy Spraggan

zaust says...

>> ^wax66:

Didn't even need to see the emotional end. She got into the song and it was an instant upvote. I seriously hope I can buy and download one of her songs some day.

You could have done - except there was a strong possibility she was going to beat "Little Mix" (last years winners) to number one this week. Following a swift rule change she was forced to pull the track from itunes - even though it's still showing at number 5 in the midweek charts.

Psycho Girlfriend Destroys Xbox

My House is on Fire! I'm going to film in instead of fleeing

bcglorf says...

>> ^GenjiKilpatrick:

Right, cause the appropriate response to realizing your parent's home is in the process of burning to the ground is..?
I think you're confusing this girl's lack of swift-thinking and vocabulary..
for her genuine panic and shock over an uncontrollable situation.
>> ^budzos:
This is a pretty sad example of how kids/young people today are often incapable of engaging sincerely with actualy reality. This little idiot's house is burning down and she can't even have an honest reaction to it.

I've heard water does well against fire.

I know I probably spent more time playing with fire as a kid than most kids today, but surely some common sense should still exist? You can hear that she already has someone else in the house on the phone, presumably with 911 or the fire department. But that also means some time has passed since they spotted the fire. The only 2 normal reactions I can understand as coming next are, get some water to try and slow it down, or get yourself and everyone else out to safety. Grab my phone or camera and start filming from inside the house doesn't get on the list. Filming it doesn't seem a likely jump from somebody panicking either. Filming it from inside the house is simply stupid, plain and simple.

My House is on Fire! I'm going to film in instead of fleeing

GenjiKilpatrick says...

Right, cause the appropriate response to realizing your parent's home is in the process of burning to the ground is..?

I think you're confusing this girl's lack of swift-thinking and vocabulary..
for her genuine panic and shock over an uncontrollable situation.

>> ^budzos:

This is a pretty sad example of how kids/young people today are often incapable of engaging sincerely with actualy reality. This little idiot's house is burning down and she can't even have an honest reaction to it.

Feynman: Magnets (and 'Why?' questions...)

PostalBlowfish says...

If you're asking "Fucking Magnets, how do they work?" in the first place, there is probably some mystery explanation already in your head to explain it. If it's a real question, you can surely google up something to read about that. Whether or not you get good information depends on how much time you put into studying the question. If it's a rhetorical question, you're wasting the time of whoever you've asked by expecting them to take it seriously.

Another good example of this is any discussion with a creationist about evolution. They've heard just enough from pseudo-scientific creationist arguments to know some minor points about evolution, but this comes with misconceptions, flawed arguments, and logical fallacies. When you try to educate these people, you swiftly learn that any attempt to do so is a waste of time and energy. If they really wanted to know they would study for answers, but what they want instead is to shout down the people with the actual knowledge.

I think what Mr. Feynman is saying here is that if you expect to get a good answer to your question, you should study enough so that he won't have to "dumb down" his answer to satisfy you. If you're actually curious about the answer and want to understand it, you'd oblige.

3-Legged Rescue Dog Learns To Surf

Confirmed: Obama's Birth Certificate Not Authentic 2012

Patrice O'Neal - Men and Cheating

shinyblurry says...

I'm not a sinner. Your lot invented the concept either to claim superiority and power over others, or as a device to beat yourselves up with, and I simply don't accept your judgement. If God existed, then yes, I would have broken his laws many times. But he doesn't (see, that's my own assertion), so there's nothing to break. You certainly don't know better.

According to the word of God, you are a sinner. According to the word of God, I am a sinner. The difference between you and me is, I have asked God to forgive me, and have chosen to serve Him the rest of my days. I'm not on a powertrip; I'm no better than you are, or anyone else. God doesn't show partiality between persons. Whether you admit to being a sinner or not, you have done what is called sin. It doesn't make you any less guilty if you acknowledge or not.

It's not nihilism. It's just nature. Nothing's more natural than that. I know what wrong sex is. I don't do that. I am well in control, or certainly more than Mr. O'Neal appeared to be. And why would I limit myself simply because it's enjoyable? I like bacon, beer, ice cream and riding my bicycle. They all give me extreme pleasure and no suffering. Should I stop doing them simply because they give me pleasure? That makes no sense. No more sense than giving up sex would, considering I don't accept your assertions about God, and so neither do I accept your judgement of me.

You don't know what wrong sex is, because you have no insight into spiritual matters. The reason fornication is wrong, among other things, is because sex is a spiritual marriage between two people. When you join together with someone, you become one flesh. God designed sex to be between married couples only. God isn't against pleasure; my point was is that you do what makes you feel good; that is your priority. That is an inherently selfish mindset. Also, moral relativism is essentially nihilism.

Your religion is controlling your mind. I too am at rest in terms of my morality. As I've probably said to you in other threads, I'd love to know of some God-type thing, but just choosing to accept one religions's dogma isn't the way.

You would love to know God, that is, if He didn't require anything of you. It is because He requires you to modify your behavior that you don't know Him. God makes His existence plain to everything; you reject God because you don't want to know Him. You are suppressing the truth.

My problem with SB is twofold: first, from where I stand, he is not trying to find any truth because, as he will tell you, he believes he already has complete access to all "The Truth" in the Bible and in his direct personal contact with God, and the book cannot be questioned, and neither can the nature of his "communication", so he's trying to make the planet, including us, change to fit his Truth, rather than the other way around; and second, he has the nerve tell us all that he's right, and so we're bad people --he literally calls us bad people-- for choosing to guide our lives by hearts rather than accepting the bible of his religion as the living word of God, which is demonstrably false -- or at least as false as any metaphysical claim can ever be "demonstrated" to be.

Your idea of truth is something we can never really know for sure. In a word, relativism. Yet truth isn't relative, it is absolute. It isn't your truth and my truth; there is *a* truth and someone is right and someone is wrong about it.

The word of God is inexaustible. There is more truth there than any person could discover in many lifetimes. Neither am I trying to bend the world to make it fit scripture. Scripture perfectly describes the condition of man, the nature of reality, and the spiritual realm. The world is only comprehensible through scripture.

You say I have the nerve to state what I believe to be true, yet you feel free to tell me I am wrong. You've made your unprovable assertion, the presupposition that there is no God, and from there you dismiss every claim to the contrary, with no evidence; there is nothing there except pathological skepticism.

We're all bad people, because we have all sinned. You think I am pointing the finger at you, which isn't true. All human beings have fallen short of the grace of God. I'm no different. I preach the gospel because I care what happens to you, and everyone else who doesn't know the Lord. You perceive it, incorrectly, as an attack (because the message convicts you), but they are actually the words that lead to life.

If he had the humility, at least, to say he can never be sure that his evidence is true, but that's what he very strongly believes, AND to act that way towards others, then he would be a very valuable contributor in these parts for adding his different view to our frequent comment threads on religious topics. But he doesn't do that. He talks humble, and in the same breath tells us without qualification that we are "fallen," and "degenerate". People slinging insults like that around should expect swift treatment from those he's insulting, and should be surprised and getting less respect than I have already shown him. I don't care what anybody's framework is, nothing gives you the moral authority to put other people down.

I absolutely believe Jesus Christ is God, that is true, and why do you think this is something I need to apologize for? You don't believe God is real, but I know that He is, and those who know Him of course will absolutely attest to the fact that He exists and that He loves you and has a plan for your life. You accuse me of not being humble when you are basing your criticism on your own presupposition, that there is no God. According to your own definition of humility, that is a very arrogant thing for you to say.

Your issue is that you believe the truth is some kind of unknowable morass and no one really knows what is going on. That's because your comprehension of the truth is that it's unknowable morass and you don't know what's really going on. Atheism is a religion for people who have no experience with God. The truth is knowable, and you could know God today, if you would serve Him. The fact that you won't is the reason you don't know Him. You regard your personal autonomy as more valuable than what is actually true; you prefer an illusion of control.

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