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How Much for a 30 Second TV Ad (Videographic)

ShakaUVM says...

Do the authors think you can get a primetime TV spot for the cost of a cheeseburger or something? Maybe a Super Bowl spot for the price of two Top Ramens and a slab of bacon?

ANY time there's scarcity you need money to regulate it, and the more scarce something is (like primetime TV minutes) and the more people value it (like primetime TV minutes) the higher the price will be.

Fucking study economics, idiots.

Fun with my new VS Decals! (Sift Talk Post)

Articulate Parrot is Passionate Packers Fan

hpqp says...

>> ^bareboards2:

He has no lips. There can be no plosive P for Dusty!

>> ^hpqp:
Somehow I keep hearing something far more vulgar than "green bay packers".

Too bad, I guess they can't teach him this then:

I'm not the pheasant plucker but the pheasant plucker's son,
I'm only plucking pheasants till the pheasant pluckers come.

Articulate Parrot is Passionate Packers Fan

The Proper Way to Celebrate Osama Bin Laden's Death

Better with a beard (Blog Entry by Sarzy)

Roddick Wins With "The Best Shot of my Life"

jubuttib says...

>> ^Crosswords:

I agree somewhat with Westy, it certainly lacks the flair of American football when a player makes a spectacular catch, or well executed plays trounce their opponents.

I've been trying to watch some NFL games on tv here in Finland when I have the opportunity, because I do think that handegg is basically a good game, requiring a lot of tactical and strategical thinking along with high amounts of athleticism. The problem is that it's impossible to watch. Totally, completely impossible. We lack the advertisements you guys get over there, and since there really isn't anything to replace them with they have to put on a blank screen (because they don't get the feed during the advertisements either), so you get a few minutes of game time and then you get a static image with some elevator music playing until you get back to the game for another few minutes. If only the pauses between plays would be more along the lines of 10 seconds, tops...

At least the Super Bowl had some historical footage to show during the commercial breaks...

Issykitty (Member Profile)

Stingray (Member Profile)

Should we have a *graphic tag? (Sift Talk Post)

kronosposeidon says...

*graphic would be good. However, what if a video is *brief, *nsfw, AND *graphic (or *long, *nsfw, AND *graphic)? Where would all those tags fit? Look at this. See how there's only room for two tags below the thumbnail? That could be a problem. If we were to have a *graphic tag, it might have to supersede the *nsfw tag, basically meaning if something is tagged *graphic it could be all sorts of crazy shit the boss might not like OR might make you a little queasy, so watch it at your own risk. Even then, this solution might not be acceptable to some. Some members might have bosses who don't care if you watch a video of someone having his brains spattered against a brick wall, but a nipple slip or a "motherfucker" earns you a pink slip.

I don't know nothing.

jonny (Member Profile)

NicoleBee says...

Well, I get virtually all my videos from videosift these days, so I don't tend to contribute. At least I'm posting comments again though now and then, for better or worse! You go ahead, I don't mind!

In reply to this comment by jonny:
If you're interested, I put up another one - Bruce Lee vs The Karate Kid - one of my favs. I like the Danny DeVito one a lot as well. I'll probably post that soon too, unless you want to. But you don't seem to post anymore.

In reply to this comment by NicoleBee:
I loved the original set of these. I'm such a sucker for stop motion. This is good too, though I don't know much about Eminem.

Bill O’Reilly interrupts President Obama 48 times

Ronald Reagan Super Bowl XLV Tribute

Cowboys and Aliens -- Super Bowl commercial

Stormsinger says...

>> ^Yogi:

Are you kidding? She's TERRIFYING! When she opens her eyes wide she looks like she's going to devour your soul!
Also...newly single.

I may be stupid, but when I saw that "newly single" fact, I had to warn my wife that if my tricky wizard powers work, she may well come home one day soon to find we have a new roommate. And she -laughed- at me!

Then said, "I wouldn't kick her out of bed." One of the many reasons I married her...

Cowboys and Aliens -- Super Bowl commercial

Yogi says...

>> ^Stormsinger:

I may even have to go to the theater to see this one. An alien invasion of the old West seems worthwhile, and a topless Thirteen makes it something of a no-brainer.
Although, to be honest, I couldn't even make a good guess as to Wilde's chestsize...I've never been able to take my eyes off of her face when she's onscreen. She has the most amazing cheekbones I've ever seen.

Are you kidding? She's TERRIFYING! When she opens her eyes wide she looks like she's going to devour your soul!

Also...newly single.

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