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dystopianfuturetoday (Member Profile)

ponceleon says...

I'm with you man... it was unwatchable...

In reply to this comment by dystopianfuturetoday:
What is this narcissistic nightmare? Why is she famous? She is a mediocre singer, a mediocre dancer, produces mediocre songs and has shown little to no artistic growth for her 30+ year career. And what's with using younger, more interesting acts as fashion accessories? Wouldn't it be more interesting to let MIA, Cee Lo or LMFAO cut loose rather than have to watch Madonna lip sync her way through a late midlife crisis? And, unless you are Snoop Dogg, putting your own name in your own song is just sad.

UMass Superbowl Riot 2012

Stingray says...



Quoted from the second article: In a statement, UMass Amherst officials said the students will also face school discipline.

“Dean Enku Gelaye will review the cases under the code of student conduct, with students facing potential sanctions that can range up to suspension or expulsion,” the statement said.

The Avengers - Super Bowl Trailer

The Avengers - Super Bowl Trailer

artician says...

>> ^luxury_pie:

Scarlett is always a good cast.>> ^artician:
>> ^Shepppard:
Ohh, that awesome genius billionaire playboy philanthropist.

He's really the only guys I'd see this for. He fits that character so well, in the same way Wolverine was so aptly cast in the Xmen films. I really wish all of these films were handled with that level of perfection, though I know that's fantasy, it would be phenomenal for everyone to see their favorite superhero portrayed by someone who had that perfect "thing" for the role.

You are kidding, aren't you?

The Avengers - Super Bowl Trailer

Jinx says...

>> ^A10anis:

Hate to sound negative but isn't it just the same old, same old. I wonder, are we running out of ideas? Films, with the rare exception, are just variations on a theme. And no, before you ask, I can't think of anything new either..

No, you're right. I think it has something to do with the amount of money they spend on these films. The industry is so risk averse and they know exactly how well the same shit will sell.

Madonna ~ Halftime Super Bowl XLVI

NetRunner says...

>> ^dystopianfuturetoday:

What is this narcissistic nightmare? Why is she famous? She is a mediocre singer, a mediocre dancer, produces mediocre songs and has shown little to no artistic growth for her 30+ year career. And what's with using younger, more interesting acts as fashion accessories? Wouldn't it be more interesting to let MIA, Cee Lo or LMFAO cut loose rather than have to watch Madonna lip sync her way through a late midlife crisis? And, unless you are Snoop Dogg, putting your own name in your own song is just sad.

I thought it was great, especially for a Superbowl Half-time show.

artician (Member Profile)

Confucius says...

I agree...whats his face fits tony stark perfectly....HUgh jackman though kinda sucked imo...way to PG...too clean, not believably grundgy, dark, conflicted enough for the role (although he looked the part closely enough though).

In reply to this comment by artician:
>> ^Shepppard:

Ohh, that awesome genius billionaire playboy philanthropist.

He's really the only guys I'd see this for. He fits that character so well, in the same way Wolverine was so aptly cast in the Xmen films. I really wish all of these films were handled with that level of perfection, though I know that's fantasy, it would be phenomenal for everyone to see their favorite superhero portrayed by someone who had that perfect "thing" for the role.

The Avengers - Super Bowl Trailer

luxury_pie says...

Scarlett is always a good cast.>> ^artician:

>> ^Shepppard:
Ohh, that awesome genius billionaire playboy philanthropist.

He's really the only guys I'd see this for. He fits that character so well, in the same way Wolverine was so aptly cast in the Xmen films. I really wish all of these films were handled with that level of perfection, though I know that's fantasy, it would be phenomenal for everyone to see their favorite superhero portrayed by someone who had that perfect "thing" for the role.

Dr_Q (Member Profile)

Super Bowl Sundays... (Sports Talk Post)

The Avengers - Super Bowl Trailer

artician says...

>> ^Shepppard:

Ohh, that awesome genius billionaire playboy philanthropist.

He's really the only guys I'd see this for. He fits that character so well, in the same way Wolverine was so aptly cast in the Xmen films. I really wish all of these films were handled with that level of perfection, though I know that's fantasy, it would be phenomenal for everyone to see their favorite superhero portrayed by someone who had that perfect "thing" for the role.

Teddy the porcupine predicts the winner of the Super Bowl

Teddy the porcupine predicts the winner of the Super Bowl

New Ferris Bueller movie?!?!?!

A fantastic, inexplicably rejected Doritos spot

Fletch says...

>> ^Shepppard:

Wait, isn't this the older of the two brothers that make youtube videos to each other?
I think the other ones name is hank.

Written by: Jack Dreesen, John Ramsey & David Ward

Directed by: David Ward & John Ramsey
Produced by: Jack Dreesen, John Ramsey & David Ward

Starring: Byron Brown

It's an entry for Dorito's Crash the Super Bowl contest. The five finalists are pretty good, but I like this one better.

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