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Bill Gates Jumps Over Chair For Connie Chung

Steve Jobs Goes To Heaven.

Transcendent Man (Blog Entry by dag)

chilaxe says...

@csnel3 @dag

Steve Jobs had 7 years since his diagnosis to found a think tank or research institute. He had unusual assets to bring to the problem in the form of his abilities, capital, and influence on many of the smartest people alive. 7 years is an eternity for a radical science project helmed by a genius and funded by Jobs' own 6 billion plus donations from other sources that would want to help.

How far are we really from being able to extend the life of people in his position? What steps need to be put in place before failing body parts can be replaced well enough to sustain life?

He didn't even need to directly cure his cancer within those 7 years. Extending the amount of time he had could have allowed him to then find other interventions that extended his time even more.

Transcendent Man (Blog Entry by dag)

dag says...

Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)

My comment feels diffent now in light of recent events. >> ^csnel3:

>> ^dag:
@chilaxe.I, like probably most people (in their heart-of-hearts), find the fact that the super-wealthy die, to be very comforting - natural justice dealt. When youth really is for sell - all hell's going to break loose.

With Steve Jobs death at 56 years old,a billionaire, by a disease that he had known about for years (not some kind of freak accident), I feel pretty hopeless that I will be cured of whatever I eventually get.
I want to be loaded on to an Ipod instead of a Dirt Nap, but , it wont happen in this century.

Transcendent Man (Blog Entry by dag)

csnel3 says...

>> ^dag:
@chilaxe.I, like probably most people (in their heart-of-hearts), find the fact that the super-wealthy die, to be very comforting - natural justice dealt. When youth really is for sell - all hell's going to break loose.

With Steve Jobs death at 56 years old,a billionaire, by a disease that he had known about for years (not some kind of freak accident), I feel pretty hopeless that I will be cured of whatever I eventually get.
I want to be loaded on to an Ipod instead of a Dirt Nap, but , it wont happen in this century.

Torturing The Gay Away (Powerful Personal Testimony)

hpqp says...

Oh, I got one, albeit succint (here): believers go to heaven, non-believers to hell, end of story. So it makes sense that this video, which presents the child-torturers believers in a bad light, should be downvoted.

I for one look forward to not having to share my (non-existent) afterlife with child-beaters, kiddifuckers and 99.8% of criminals.
>> ^Gallowflak:

>> ^hpqp:
@ant's downvote seal of approval has been cast, the quality of this video is now indisputable!

Sure would be nice to have a cogent, complete and honest opinion or argument for once, rather than a naked and unsubstantiated downvote, but whatever. Who am I fucking kidding?

Do you have to be an asshole to make great stuff? (Blog Entry by dag)

kymbos says...

Ah, no. There are no reasons why the discussion should end. It shouldn't. Feel free. Analyse Snooki and Steve Jobs and whomever you like till you're blue in the face. I'm just giving my two cents.

I do find it ironic that you appear to be defending our right to discuss, but downvoting people's comments who contribute to the discussion. Enjoy.
>> ^JiggaJonson:

Are there reasons you didn't mention for why you are suggesting the discussion should end?

Do you have to be an asshole to make great stuff? (Blog Entry by dag)

JiggaJonson says...

@kymbos a little gossip isn't so bad now and again. In fact, it's likely programmed into our genes to be gossipy. That said, there's nothing I find particularly wrong with a curiosity about what motivates certain individuals.

Sure we'll never know with absolute certainty all of the inner workings of Steve Jobs' mind (as you pointed out), but analyzing his life and behavior will surely grant some insights about what kind of person he was and in turn how said personality reflects humanity as a whole.

I don't appreciate your "I will never know" approach here. I doubt you'd have much support among people who study Shakespeare for that idea. And as much as it makes me twitch to admit it, even studying the life of someone as lavishly ignorant as 'Snooki' would bear fruits of wisdom in the right intellectual climate. I'm not saying you have to care about him or his life, but there is always something to be gained by studying and discussion.

"An unexamined life is not worth living" as Socrates would say. Are there reasons you didn't mention for why you are suggesting the discussion should end?

1983 Apple Keynote-The "1984" Ad Introduction

Do you have to be an asshole to make great stuff? (Blog Entry by dag)

kymbos says...

I'm a bit surprised at the general level of debate about Jobs. I don't really care about whether he was nice to people or not. I don't measure him on that basis, and I couldn't hope to know the truth of it.

To me, that whole discussion smacks of tabloid driven fantasy. You know, the whole pretence that we might actually know what celebrities are like. Oh, Angelina Jolie's a bitch, Steve Jobs was an arsehole, Tom Cruise is craaaaaaazy!

For me, the debate seems to have been about canonising a 'genius' or demonising a capitalist pig. Neither of these comes close to capturing how I think he should be remembered.

I confess, I'm not an Apple fan. I'm not an early adapter, I'm not into gadgets and I tend to wait until something is proven before I buy in. I'm not blown away by Apple products, but I did buy an Ipod when the dust settled and they seemed like a useful product. I still have it, and it's been worth the purchase. I don't see anything worthy of a genius tag on an Apple product, but they are beautifully designed, intuitive products.

Similarly, I don't think of him as an evil capitalist any more than any other business owner, and no less. Like any other manufactured product, Apple uses cheap Asian labour, but that doesn't offend me greatly. They appear to control the supply chain, and they have differentiated their products, managed supply, and achieved margins that are higher than their competitors - this is good business, and I respect it.

I don't believe he's 'changed' anyone's life dramatically - certainly not my own. I think he was a very smart guy who delivered very good products to a generation of people with high disposable incomes and an interest in technology. Well played.

I will never know what he was like as a person, and I'm ok with that.

The FIRST keynote of Steve Jobs - unveiling the Macintosh co

Steve Jobs Demonstrates Macintosh For The First Time

Jobs Introduces Apple Macintosh 1984

Jobs Introduces Apple Macintosh 1984

Steve Jobs Demonstrates Macintosh For The First Time

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