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The Trouble with Transporters

enoch (Member Profile)

Unexpected End of Fight Between Octopus and Crab

False facts about Star Trek many think are true

poolcleaner says...

Ok, these are cool and all, but any legit Trekker/ie (BOTH terms have been used by varied alumni cast members and fans to mean whatever they want it to mean) knows these things. Anyone who has watched every episode is like "Are these not obvious facts?"

Spock's emotions were even referenced in the JJ reboot. The beam me up thing is already memed. And ST:TNG practically showcases the burreaceacy of Starfleet as something Picard can elloquently rebutt.

But cool video, this is favorited so i can just send it to people who aren't ultra nerds. (My wife is actually the legit Trekker in the family tho -- i set her ringtone to "It's been a long time" because she hates that folky intro song and i know it annoys her that it's Star Trek music hahahahaaaaa...

Do you consider the film Die Hard a Christmas movie? (User Poll by eric3579)

JustSaying says...

Man, I'm suuuper late to this party....
Anyways, Die Hard is and is not a Christmas movie at the same time. And it depends on your definition what makes a Christmas movie.
I'm gonna take an insane detour here that'll make sense.
Is Star Wars Episode 4 a science fiction movie?
That setting is futuristic, sure, must be sci-fi then. Lasers, Spaceships, Robots, the works. The checklist is done. Sci-Fi.
But what are the themes it touches upon, what is the story?
A young farmer's boy (naturally an adoptred orphan) named Luke is dragged into a rebellion against an evil king (Palpatine) by accident. When the boy get's hold of a pretty princess' (RIP Carrie Fisher) message to an old ally and menthor (Obi) through the fault of her two comic-relief servants (Robot-slaves), he decides to seek the adventure he's yearning for. He finds the old man (by fucking up) and both seek the next harbor to board a ship to join the resistance. The hire smuggler/pirate/bandit/nerfherder Han and his foreign friend Chewie and cross paths with the black knight Lord Vader, the evil kings enforcer. Hijinks ensue, princess rescued, the magic castle/ship/train of the evil king get's destroyed and everyone gets a medal.
What's exactly sci-fi here?
That could play out in medieval times. Or ancient greece. Or the wild west. Or on Christmas.
The setting and the genre are two different things and both determine what you'll label a story with.
Alien is a horror movie, a slasher. Aliens is a war movie. Alien³ is a horror movie of the animal-gone-maneater kind. Alien: Resurrection is a disaster movie (hihi).
They're all sci-fi, like Star Wars. Because of the setting.
Now look at Star Trek: The Next Generation Season 2 Episode 9 'The Measure Of A Man'.
Lasers, spaceships, robots, the usual. What is it about?
A Robot who's so sophisticated that he has to go to trial to prove he's not property but a real boy. Sure, you'll say, I've seen Pinocchio and I can see african men argue the same stuff in the 18th century. The point of the story is not only that is humanity is questioned, the point is he's an artificial lifeform. The question is not only 'What makes you a person?' but also 'When does artificial intelligence become an artificial person?'
That shit won't work in a setting without spaceships and robots. That's sci-fi because of its story.
So, setting and story are both what makes you label a movie a certain way but they're not the same.
Die Hard. Happens on Christmas. Could be Thanksgiving too. Setting interchangeable.
Story? Doesn't contain any christmas-related themes beyond two estranged family members become closer again. That could happen at a funeral as well.
I'm in my mid-thirties and I love Die Hard. It's one of the best 80's action movies. I can watch it anytime and I've seen it at least 20 times (noit joking here). But mostly in the summer. But I understand the question and its diverse answers perfectly well.
Die Hard is a christmas movie if it feels like one to you. For me, Lord of the Rings (especially Fellowship) feels like a Christmas movie to me. I've seen them all in theatres in December, I watched them on VHS and Blu-Ray only in December so far. They have fuck all to do with the occasion but this year was the first one I didn't watch any of them in December. And I feel I missed something this year. I'm not sure I can watch them at this time of the year.

The Mummy (2017) - Official Trailer

Payback says...

Sofia Boutella is getting a lot of work. She's the Mummy, she was the black and white alien in Star Trek 3: The Beat Drops Here, had a funky bent sword foot in Kingsmen.

Star Trek - Transparent Aluminum Now a Reality?

Sithstress (Member Profile)

Star Trek 25th Anniversary Playthrough

Building Star Trek (Full Episode)

Rogue One feat Beastie Boys

Kurzgesagt - CRISPR Genetic Engineering Changes Everything

ChaosEngine (Member Profile)

Rogue One: A Star Wars Story - Celebration Reel

coolhund says...

I think SW7 was enough parody.
But looking at Star Trek, I guess we will see more of that...

SFOGuy said:

I say this with the greatest of reverence; someday, Ben Stiller needs to make a parody of the Star Wars film-making genre; the same way he did for Apocalypse Now and every other "Hollywood Epic War Film" with "Tropic Thunder"...

Man Gets Payback After Neighbor Steals Shovel

SFOGuy says...

No one else has thrown it in yet, so I will:

"Revenge is a dish best served cold..." (Khan, Star Trek II, "Wrath of Khan")

Apparently, preferably with a snowblower...

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