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Texas Says: Canadian Crime Bill is a Mistake

criticalthud says...

the implications here are enormous. really good news. i wish i could upvote a thousand times.
This is a wonderful step towards actual rational thinking in the USA when it comes to drugs (non-violent offenses and imprisonment).

at one point in my life i represented incarcerated juveniles in louisiana, the majority of which were imprisoned on petty drug offenses. Once they were in the system it was typically a downward spiral. incredibly sad and incredibly stupid. what a waste.

it's almost hard to believe that texas, who often led the "tough on crime" crap, is leading in the right direction.

Romney: Anyone Who Questions Millionaires Is 'Envious'

Porksandwich says...

It's really not envy. It's people tired of having a small portion of people suck up more and more wealth each year while they themselves can't even get a cost of living raise yearly.

It's been shown time and time again, on the whole the majority of people make less now than they did 20 years ago because they haven't gotten cost of living increases.

They marginalize your job by whatever means they can, and glorify for their positions so much so that not only does their salary not compensate them for DOING THEIR JOB but they also need yearly bonuses that exceed your 10 year income.

And then when times are tough, they continue to take those bonuses and salaries and cut out the jobs that haven't gotten a wage increase in years maybe even decades. Certainly not enough to keep up with inflation 99/100 times.

It's a silly way to operate, but they are backed by both politicians and the major money holders in the nation to enforce this weird dichotomy we have. Where even though they will tell you your job is worthless to the never completely disappears...they just move it as close to poverty as they can and still get someone "satisfactory" in the position. Then move onto the next position and repeat it. After they've made their rounds, then they have to offshore as much as possible to continue the downward spiral that allows them to bring in higher and higher profits and pay out increasing bonuses.

And soon you'll see they have to outsource and offshore to other countries (from the ones they are in now) because people eventually figure out that it's fucking nuts to let these guys put a stranglehold on them like they are. Slowly tightening and tightening until it becomes more sustainable to not work versus the cost of clothing, commute, extended hours, health detriment, etc.

If they didn't have everything locked up for 50-100 years via patents and monopolistic deals, we could have small businesses spring up in our country to compete that might actually force them to pay competitive wages if they want to keep customers by providing quality service and quick repairs. But they continue to run "satisfactory"...and satisfactory standards get lowered each year. People get paid less, less people work there.....they pull in more money per employee by providing less service. And never grow or maintain their operations to stay modern (look specifically at cell phones and ISPs for this), but charge increasingly more each year for less service.

How can you envy that kind of behavior? The money they gain is coming from directly fucking over their employees and customers. The "more successful" ones are just better (more ruthless) at fucking people over.

Neither party wants this kind of behavior to end, that's why none of them actually bring all this bullshit to the forefront and call out specific businesses (especially the TOO BIG outfits) for their behavior. FCC blocking AT&T + T-Mobile merger is what they exist to do, and they are getting slapped on the back for doing it after months and months of information gathering on it, when the layperson on the street could tell you one less provider equals more being fucked as a consumer like they aren't getting fucked enough as is.

I wish they would start revoking the charters of corporations for negligence and malfeasance. They are like parasites feeding on the population at this point, and not mutualists that are good for the human body and in turn the population. And they are parasitic in more than one way, services rendered with their rising costs, and workforce shrinkage with it's decreasing wages and total amount of jobs.

hpqp (Member Profile)

Human foolishness at its mediocre, BIG money-BIG fish

ponceleon says...

I don't know if the math is right, but some article on it was saying that it would be cut up into sushi that would go for $50 a piece. It makes me think of Genki Ya, my fav sushi place in Boston. Little hole in the wall in Brookline with no pretension and so silly Caucasian waitresses in kimonos and other nonsense I see in other sushi places that cost far more. The guys behind the sushi bar are skilled and intense. I remember watching one slowly slice a cucumber in a spiral in order to make a long millimeter thin strip which they use in an appetizer roll with smoked salmon and a spicy sauce, topped off with vinegar. The way the man slowly ran the knife along the rolling cucumber showed patience and years of practice honed to real talent.

I don't doubt that this fish will go to some amazing meals. I don't doubt that it will taste amazing. I just doubt it will take as amazing as the full meal I can get at Genki Ya for $50 (for 2 people).

Earth As You've Never Seen It... in 1080p

kceaton1 says...

Of course, if you wish to know why some of Earth's most magnificent structures (like grouped mountain ranges--looking at them from over head) many look peculiarly like pieces of fractals, then spend some time looking into the "Golden Number" or the natural number, but as science refers to it: Euler's number (the constant: e). It is related to a great many interesting things.

Beyond seeding fractals, it is used in math a lot, Golden Spirals and the Fibonacci Sequence are part of it. It can be seen in nature in many places: those mountain ranges, trees, our cardiovascular system, and even shells. It's one of the most interesting constants we have and it is related to many structures that occur naturally. Which sometimes makes it appear that natural origins--structurally--may have their beginnings through this number via things like the Golden Spiral and of course fractals.

Just a little information to help make a piece like this seem even more impressive.

Doodling in Math: Spirals, Fibonacci, and Being a Plant

SeesThruYou says...

Now I remember why I didn't like math in high school... BOOOOORRRRRING. Maybe if she had slipped an "arrow to the knee" joke in there somewhere, I would have stayed interested. This video reminds me of math in high school and how every time I'd reach the answer to a long and complicated algebra equation, my response would be... "Uh, so what?" The answer is X=19. So what? Big fucking deal. I've never understood how to people find that interesting.

So here I am, watching this video and she shows us all these spirals in flowers and how they all coincide with the Fibbobotchy numbers, or whatever... and in the end, I still have to ask, "So what?" There are spirals in flowers. Ooooh. Big whoop. Sounds like just the sort of thing the government likes to spend hundreds of millions of "research" dollars to find out. I'm sure this amazing find will save the lives of dozens of imaginary people somewhere in the back of this girl's mind.

Doodling in Math: Spirals, Fibonacci, and Being a Plant

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'vihart, math, doodle, spiral, fibonacci, plants, flowers' to 'vihart, math, doodle, spiral, fibonacci, plants, flowers, Doodling in Math' - edited by Grimm

Doodling in Math: Spirals, Fibonacci, and Being a Plant

ant says...

>> ^shagen454:

Not attracted to her at all and I am a sucker for tall, skinny, pasty, artsy, intelligent, brunettes with dark brown eyes.
It is ok though. It wouldn't work out, even if I were attracted to her. She hates me and I know it, already.
Incredibly, well done, simple and thought-provoking video though.
>> ^ant:
>> ^Zifnab:
Watch this if you want to see what she looks like:>> ^ant:
>> ^Jinx:
I love this girl.

But is she cute/hot? What does she look like?

Not bad.

They all hate me.

Doodling in Math: Spirals, Fibonacci, and Being a Plant

shagen454 says...

Not attracted to her at all and I am a sucker for tall, skinny, pasty, artsy, intelligent, brunettes with dark brown eyes. She had so much going for her; but I'm sure she'd rather figure out the probability of failing?

It is ok though. It wouldn't work out even if I was attracted to her. She hates me and I know it. I can tell simply by the way she speaks and her body language. I don't know, usually when I date a girl/lady/woman, though frustratingly rare - it's usually like they knock my socks off the second I see them because we immediately have this intense connection and she usually is... tall, skinny, intelligent... maybe I have some sort of Freudian problem. LOL.

Incredibly, well done, simple and thought-provoking video though.

>> ^ant:

>> ^Zifnab:
Watch this if you want to see what she looks like:>> ^ant:
>> ^Jinx:
I love this girl.

But is she cute/hot? What does she look like?

Not bad.

Zifnab (Member Profile)

Doodling in Math: Spirals, Fibonacci, and Being a Plant

Doodling in Math: Spirals, Fibonacci, and Being a Plant

Doodling in Math: Spirals, Fibonacci, and Being a Plant

Doodling in Math: Spirals, Fibonacci, and Being a Plant

Doodling in Math: Spirals, Fibonacci, and Being a Plant

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