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Mungo Jerry - In The Summertime ORIGINAL 1970

Medicare Supplement or Medicare Advantage?Medicare Explained

newtboy (Member Profile)

newtboy (Member Profile)

What Makes This Song Great? QUEEN Bohemian Rhapsody

BSR says...

What is a good song to test audio quality?
“Bohemian Rhapsody” is one of the greatest songs of all time, and the dynamic changes throughout the song make it great for sound system tests as well.

The Matrix Halloween Light Show with "Wake Up" by RATM

eric3579 says...

The Matrix paired with the perfect Rage Against The Machine song and a brilliantly choreographed light show. What is there not to love.

Johnny Cash on David Letterman

Sweden offends Russia w/ parody Eurovision song

noims says...

извените, дорогаи

My Russian is poor, but then so is my apology.

Here's a lovely optimistic Russian song to make up for them being so mean.

newtboy said:

I’m offended and I demand an apology.

Sweden offends Russia w/ parody Eurovision song

US sues to block TX abortion law

bobknight33 says...

Any Tech knows when there is a heart beat( except those in training or just out of school).
And they will tell you it occurs around 6 to 10 weeks. Fully developed or not a beat is a beat.

When finger develop they are stubs but still they are fingers.

Techs are not Drs but they relay 100% on what the tech say and write.

Not talking about Techs giving a treatment plan ( straw man argument).
Techs report and Dr give treatment options.
( hence high malpractice insurance costs).
Dr may edit and add to the report. IF they spot an error then can edit.

So you mom dragged yo to work and you somehow you became as knowledgeable at them.

My sister used to be a butcher and brought her daughter to work often. This does not make the daughter a butcher or even remotely knowledgeable of the subject.

You bringing up the many any many DR yo u met is irreverent to the argument.

So reading a book makes you more knowledgeable than the ones who see for themself day in day and day out.
( bet you supplement this with lots of YouTube's)

{{If I listen to lots and lots of music and read a few books This will make you smarter than an actual song writer? }} Good logic bud.

Elitist Tool:
What actual hands on knowledge do you fucking have about this topic?

newtboy said:

If people who see it daily call it a heart beat, then clearly reading a book is better, because you can't get a heart beat without a heart, and a valveless, chamberless tube isn't a heart.

Jebus. Double negative and heart best? Are you drunk?

I do think +-90% of them know, 10% believe they hear a heart beat because they can now detect a faint nerve signal, but no heart. That 10% are fooling themselves to avoid contradicting their beliefs with fact.

What bubble? Did I say they didn't? That doesn't make them doctors. Lab techs do the same...mri techs, even x-Ray techs in some places. Would you let a tech determine your treatment plan, or even diagnose you without a real doctor involved? They aren't even nurses, they know how to run the machine and spot certain results for further investigation/treatment. The doctors review and often edit the reports. If a report of a 6 week pregnancy talked about the heart, that tech would be let go for incompetence. There is no heart.

Dumb fuck, you asked me how many I've talked to. I answered. Now you act like I brought it up to say I know some, so I am one?! Are you on meth?

Mom worked at Texas Children's hospital and Methodist hospital in Houston, so yes, those specialists and many many many more, and being curious I asked them lots of questions.

Because my mom worked at a childrens hospital means I knew sonographers and ultrasound techs, there's a difference, which was your question. Jesus, you're like Ritalin kid from smoking yourself you're fighting this amazing fight with spinning kicks and flips so amazing it gets you hard, but to everyone else you're flailing wildly and are just annoying, not a dangerous opponent to be feared or respected.

Texas man strips down to make a point about vaccination

luxintenebris says...

believe the idea is that all of us do or don't engage in things that we don't necessarily enjoy (or enjoy). either for legality or decency or the stir, it causes...

- breastfeeding
- pistol wearing in town
- hats at weddings/funerals/churches
- shutting off cells at the same and more
- wheels on busy sidewalks
- not heckling the priest's sermon ("YOU SUCK FATHER!")*

some of these are up to the person, some not as bad as others, but common sense SHOULD guide sane people.

'tho if COVID becomes a public health crisis (ala Black Death-esque) they'll find where their freedom meets real oppression (Thyphoid Mary on a large scale).

personally, the idea that I could end up killing someone quickly replaced my health concerns. if found someone died because wasn't wearing a mask - would kill me.

so, in short, hope any/or all of these blunts find themselves in a situation where their car won't start. and no one will help them 'til them mask up.

"just need a part!"
"not until you observe our policy of public health! here's a mask...and if you'd put on shoes and a shirt..."

bet they'd do it for their f'n car. but for little bobby or old man Thorney?

...hope a camel w/a huge lip blister kisses them straight on the mouth.

reminds me of a song...


* Bobcat gag

vil said:

If he is against mandatory masks he is arguing against his own case by pretending to break other mandatory requirements that make sense.
If he is for mandatory masks his (sarcastic?) argumentation style is going to antagonize people who do not already agree with him.

Texas man strips down to make a point about vaccination

Foo Fighters Troll Westboro Baptist Church Protest

DOPESICK Official Trailer (2021)

luxintenebris jokingly says...

maybe, the idea is to meet logic with insanity. wear down the resistance and install the weirdness until all are weary, worn down, and helpless to resist.

none of the DC GOP, red-hand media can seem to undo their doings. the black-hearted voo-doo of foo has set into the rigid minds of their prey.

FL & TX are leading the nation in new hospitalizations (40% together). yet 'new sheriff in town' Abbott is trying to lock up folks for trying to keep masks on children's faces. and DeSastre calls summer, "covid season", when it was previously a winter thing. both are anti-mask.

none of it makes sense.

one would think people's kids would be their most treasured gift...but their song of 'no mask mandates' could be their swansong. with masks, the last flu season was unusually low and some areas a rarity. the real fear was flu and covid, but w/all the covid cautions it was largely avoided.

but maybe not this time. mix a regular flu season and new strains of covid in the vastness of unvaccinated, unventilated rooms of children?

if fear sells, let's hope this 'terror' becomes the top seller. save all of us.

BTW: am totally sold on masks. even if covid disappear today, they stop transmissions and truly could be an answer to flu season of the future. not a republican. hate being miserable.

newtboy said:

How long before Hulu makes a movie about insane anti vax cultists who don’t believe COVID is dangerous but when they get COVID are over running the medical systems in red states where vaccinations are falling behind to the point that no other illnesses or emergencies can be dealt with and even responsible vaccinated people are dying from lack of medical care, dying from non life threatening injuries and illnesses that minimal care would have prevented, but hospitals are full and clinics closed because their personnel were needed at local hospitals?

Can we please create a policy that, without a vaccine “passport”, no patient is allowed in any hospital that takes a dime in public funding? Let the right wing denier cultists die from the disease they deny exists, they said they gladly would, but in the quarantine cages set up in parking lots, not at home, not in hospital beds, but under freeway overpasses and lower level subterranean parking lots. No responsible vaccinated citizen should be turned away to serve the deniers like is happening in red states today, but they can’t be allowed back in public for weeks at a minimum.

Journey - Separate Ways (Worlds Apart)

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