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Mordhaus (Member Profile)

kulpims (Member Profile)

Crazy Lady Doesn't Like Skateboarding, or Little Bastards

albrite30 says...

Bravo. In my youth I once had a person attempt to "confiscate" my dirt bike, because he "thought" I was doing something I shouldn't have. The only thing I was doing was doing skidouts in the dirt at the end of a bike path on public property. People think they have all kinds of "right" when it comes to enforcing other people's behavior. The fact is that they DO NOT. The proper response in this woman's position would have been to politely ask them to leave. Then if they didn't leave call the police non-emergency number to report the trespass. Not 911! Most skateboarders will leave as soon as they are asked to and the rest will leave after the police are contacted.

Confucius said:

Lulz....since when can you legally confiscate anything anywhere even if its on your property? (BTW she was a building manager not an owner)

But sir...i didn't steal their wallet. I CONFISCATED it. Carry on then....

You're lucky you were able to bully those laser-pointer KIDS into giving you their pointer. They could have easily told you to buzz-off. Then What? Then you could have either awkwardly sat back down or you could have been the 'crazy lady' in a movie theatre.

The only legal thing to do is have a chat and if that doesn't work, call the authorities.

Crazy Lady Doesn't Like Skateboarding, or Little Bastards

chingalera says...

I used my skateboard for my primary means of transportation while living in San Francisco-Once, a cop approached me (never had been for 2 years while on my daily commute) quite gruffly with obvious control issues telling me to get off the board now. I did, and he proceeded to rant about ordinances and threaten me with arrest. I reminded him that I had immediately complied and began walking away from him. He escalated his rant, I dropped the board, mounted and sailed away.

My only encounter with the po-po on a board happened to be with a dickhead. I run from dickheads, especially alphas with issues that have been given unlimited power to fuck me.

All that to say, these skaters were dicks and had it been my property, I'd have taken the kids board and cracked his deck on my property, then given it back....or perhaps I would have simply pummeled them with eggs, grease, water, etc. from a window.

Crazy Lady Doesn't Like Skateboarding, or Little Bastards

newtboy says...

"confiscating" is a thing only the government can legally do, when private citizens "confiscate" we call it stealing. In your example you asked the offender for the laser, if you had ripped it from their hands it likely would be technically illegal (even without tripping them like she did). When you take another's property without permission it's stealing, it does not matter if you claim you intend to give it back later or if they are asshats.
I was talking about the end of the video where she tries to either grab or punch the kid running away, and falls doing it. If she had grabbed and held him, as it seemed she was trying to do, they could have freed themselves, whatever that took. That's what I was saying, of course they could not legally beat her because she stole their board. I did say "if she had caught them..." in the original post, but I guess that wasn't clear.
I agree, the kids were wrong and should have left when told to, she should have escorted them off the property and returned the board, not tried to bully them because they didn't listen to her right away. They did "offer" to leave if she returned their property. What she did could have easily put her in danger of being sued (successfully) had her timing been better, or beaten with skateboards if the kids had really been little scumbags, and she had other, better options.

edit: on a side note, my point that she's just bullying is born out by the fact that she tells the kids they can get the board back from the sheriff, but then later indicates she had not intended to really call the sheriff by saying "OK, now I AM calling." (this implies she didn't intend to call until they grabbed for their board).

ChaosEngine said:

She wasn't stealing it, she confiscated it while they were engaged in something they were explicitly told not to do... ON HER PROPERTY.

A few years ago, I went to see Inception at the cinema and some little scumbags kept shining a laser pointer at the screen. After about 30 mins I figured out who it was, walked up to them, and told them to give it to me, or there would be trouble. They did, I gave it back to them after the movie. Was I stealing?

"They might have been within their rights to beat her senseless until she let them go."

No, they wouldn't have. Not even close. She wasn't holding them against their will, she took their board. By your rationale, a student would be entitled to beat a teacher senseless if they took the cell phone off them in class.

Frankly, fuck them. She asked them to leave and they deliberately set out to provoke her. They're cowardly little shits and they can count themselves lucky if they don't get in trouble.

edit: upvote, because as @spawnflagger says, I hope they get nailed because of this.

How to Handle the Police When You're Videotaping

st0nedeye says...

So it's Christmas eve, I'm having dinner with my parents in rural Colorado, they also have some of their friends and neighbors over, including a nearby neighbor who's a local sheriff, nice guy, I know him ok. Everybody's having a good time, laughing and telling stories.
He tells us this hilarious story about when he got pissed off and choked and beat a sixteen year old for skateboarding on the sidewalk. Killed the mood.

Cops are fucked up. Even good cops are fucked up.

The BEST use of 20 Roses on Valentines Day!

Fearless High-Speed Skateboarder Sets Off Speed Camera

mintbbb (Member Profile)

Fearless High-Speed Skateboarder Sets Off Speed Camera

WaterDweller says...

Why would he wear a helmet when he's in a car? You can see the light from the two headlamps on the road, and shining off the skateboarder. And he entered on the right side of the car, as befits a car in a country with left lane driving. I'm fairly certain he's in a car.

peter12 said:

He is less stupid than other, he wears a helmet. Wouldn't it be more fun, if he did this in Russia? Far bigger tension.

Ever See A Giant Lava Lake Collapse? Kilauea's Pu'ue

Retroboy says...

"Leidenfrost" does sound like a good name for some sort of Middle Earthian battle horn or something, so if you hold the skinny end and scoop the lava out, it COULD work.

Heck, if Legolas can use a shield as a skateboard...

Afghanistan's Girl Skaters

spawnflagger says...

but if this school existed in Pakistan, the Taliban would go and kill some, if not all the girls in it, then ban skateboarding for girls - the day after they saw this video about it. Sorry to bring down the mood.

Insane Skateboarding Tricks! William Spencer at the Berrics!

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'william spemncer, skateboard, trick, jump, berricks, caution tape' to 'william spencer, skateboard, trick, jump, berricks, caution tape' - edited by volumptuous

Liquid oxygen attracted by levitating Gold Magnetic spheres

Girls and Skateboards

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