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davidraine (Member Profile)

SlipperyPete (Member Profile)

KRS-One vs. Sean Hannity

MrFisk (Member Profile)

SlipperyPete (Member Profile)

Jesse Ventura "Give Me A Waterboard Dick Cheney & One Hour!"

Shepppard says...

You know, I'm definitely on the side of "Waterboarding is torture", It shouldn't have been done, and shouldn't be done.

I'm getting right tired of people, even some on the sift, being complete hypocrits about the situation.

The people saying "It's wrong, it shouldn't be done" but as soon as something is said, even in a video like this, like "Give me an hour, a waterboard, and Cheney" people start rooting.

Yes, it's torture, Yes, he deserves it, but it's still bloody torture, and it's wrong.

Same thing goes for Sean Hannity and his dumb assed remark. I can almost guarantee that if they were waterboarded, they probably would agree it's torture, but a few sayings come to mind.

Eye for an eye makes the whole world blind.

Do onto others, as you would have them do unto you.

And the one that seems to be pertain to what i'm talking about in particular

"Two wrongs don't make a right"

The people involved with waterboarding should be persecuted, yes, but they shouldn't be tortured as a result of it.

Jesse Ventura Attacks Bush Aministration's War on Terror

Memorare says...

The correct term is "Sissy Hawk" :

Armchair Warriors - the Sissy Hawk Brigade

A Sissy Hawk Cheer:
“All-out war is still our druthers,
Fiercely fought, and fought by others!”
-Calvin Trillin, 'Obliviously On He Sails : The Bush Administration in Rhyme'

In his list of Sissy Hawks he forgot to mention :
- Paul Wolfowitz, Deputy Secretary of Defense and intellectual guru of the Bush regime - no military service
- "Dick" Cheney - no military service
- George Tenet, CIA Director, no military service
- Condoleezza Rice, National Security Advisor - No military service. -
- Jeb Bush, Florida governor - No military service. -
- Rudy Giuliani, Former NYC mayor - No military service
- Pat Buchanan, MSNBC commentator - No military service.
- Ann Coulter, writer & commentator- No military service.
- Sean Hannity, Hannity & Colmes host - No military service
- Brit Hume, Fox News anchor - No military service.
- Rush Limbaugh, Radio talk show host - No military service.
- Bill O'Reilly, O'Reilly Factor host - No military service.
- Michael Savage, Radio talk show host - No military service.

Keith Olbermann's "Worst Person in The World" May 07, 2009

demon_ix says...

So, QM, when is Sean Hannity gonna make good on his own words, and be waterboarded for charity? "Olbyloon", as you call him, offered $1000 for every second Hannity lasts. Surely he can last more than a second under such non-torture conditions, right?

After watching that particular Glenn Beck segment with the ACORN dude, Olbermann proceeded to say precisely what I was thinking about that embarrassing display of debating skill Beck exhibited.

Anyway, thanks for the uselessly irrelevant comment, and keep on trollin'!

Fox News - Food Police for Obama

Hannity: Obama The Elitist Likes.....DIJON!!! Shock! Horror!

Hannity: Obama The Elitist Likes.....DIJON!!! Shock! Horror!

Hannity: Obama The Elitist Likes.....DIJON!!! Shock! Horror!

Torture With Tools By Fisher Price! Coulter and Hannity talk

Torture With Tools By Fisher Price! Coulter and Hannity talk

Olbermann Offers $1000/sec For Hannity Waterboarding

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