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Klavan on the Culture: Shut Up, Conservatives!

thepinky says...

I like your comment, enoch.

What I DO like about this video is his explanation of how political rhetoric works, but of course it's ridiculous for him to suggest that this is only a tactic of the left.

I have to say that nothing annoys me more than hearing my mother, after listening to Glen Back or Sean Hannity or Rush Limbaugh, regurgitating the one-sided half-truths of the extreme right media (I hate left media just as much). Like when I talked to her last week and she said that Barack Obama created a website that asked for the names and addresses of people who are spreading "lies" about the healthcare bill. I told her that this was very unlikely. She vehemently argued that she had been hearing about it on the news and that an expert was talking about it and that they gave the address over the radio so that you could check it out for yourself and so on and so forth. I asked her if she had gone to the website herself. Nope, of course not.

I don't like Obama. I think that he is going to be very bad for this country, but I don't think that he's an evil socialist bent on tyranny. That is what these guys are trying to tell my mother. They are trying to convince her that Obama is planning to silence anyone who opposes him. Yikes. My mom is a very cool, very smart lady, but too much of these idiots isn't good for the whole reasonable part of the brain that tells you to check the facts and take everything with a grain of salt. You CAN be conservative without liking Limbaugh and Hannity.

TDS - So You Think You Can Douche!

Bill Mahers Visit To CNN's Situation Room

peggedbea says...

>> ^BoneyD:
Now... I enjoy Mahers show and all that. But seriously, why the hell is a comedian being frequently interviewed for his opinions on a news network?

because instead of journalists, we turn to comedian commentators for our world view.... (see glen beck, rush limbaugh, sean hannity, etc etc etc etc)

Even Tom Arnold Can Out-Think Sean Hannity

Even Tom Arnold Can Out-Think Sean Hannity

Even Tom Arnold Can Out-Think Sean Hannity

shiner_man (Member Profile)

peggedbea says...

its because governor sanford is a staunch supporter of anti gay marriage legislature. he parades the idea that homosexuals will ruin the sanctity of marriage. see the hypocrisy in that one?

In reply to this comment by shiner_man:
I agree that Sanford should resign. He is absolutely hypocritical if he doesn't.

But what the hell does that have to do with gay marriage? I mean, I'm for gay marriage but what does some guy cheating on his wife have to do with gay marriage?

Why do you consistently upvote this self-admitted partisan hack here? Or more to the point, how do you condone this man's behavior and Kieth Olbermann's behavior while at the same time condemning Bill O'Reilly's and Sean Hannity's behavior?

TYT: Sanford Should Apologize to Gay Community

burdturgler says...

>> ^shiner_man:
I agree that Sanford should resign. He is absolutely hypocritical if he doesn't.
But what the hell does that have to do with gay marriage? I mean, I'm for gay marriage but what does some guy cheating on his wife have to do with gay marriage?
Why do you consistently upvote this self-admitted partisan hack here? Or more to the point, how do you condone this man's behavior and Kieth Olbermann's behavior while at the same time condemning Bill O'Reilly's and Sean Hannity's behavior?

I'll tell you what it has to do with it. You have this hypocrite liar Sanford who is cheating on his wife, leaving his kids at home on Father's day, to fly on the taxpayers dime to Argentina to screw around .. and somehow this twisted degenerate fuckwit thinks he has the moral authority to tell gay people they should not be allowed to get married. Where does he get off telling anyone ANYTHING about marriage? And he was making these speeches while he was cheating.

He was 5 months into his affair when he did this interview:

To make it short, I upvoted the "partisan hack" here because he's absolutely right.

TYT: Sanford Should Apologize to Gay Community

shiner_man says...

I agree that Sanford should resign. He is absolutely hypocritical if he doesn't.

But what the hell does that have to do with gay marriage? I mean, I'm for gay marriage but what does some guy cheating on his wife have to do with gay marriage?

Why do you consistently upvote this self-admitted partisan hack here? Or more to the point, how do you condone this man's behavior and Kieth Olbermann's behavior while at the same time condemning Bill O'Reilly's and Sean Hannity's behavior?


Yogi says...

I remember this trailer but I never wanted to watch the whole film. I think I watched a lot of Sean Hannity's speech though. "Here little liberal liberals" that man could get a nun to take a swing at him.

Name: Hannity. Job: professional liar

Yogi says...

I've always liked Sean Hannity. He's one of the best spinsters they've got on the right, and probably the most hilarious. I don't actually think he believes most of what he says, he just knows how to put on a show. I see him as a Circus Ringmaster.

Nice touch with the Monty Python theme music

Jesse Ventura body slams Sean Hannity

Paging Doc_M - I think you have GOLD FEVER (Happy Talk Post)

rottenseed says...

-Disrespectful or otherwise rude people. - Me
-Ignorant or otherwise moronic people. - Me
-Most conspiracy theorists. (This means you, Rosie) - They're all after me
-Most activists. (This means you, Cindy) - Hell no I won't go
-Religion bashers. - Dirty hippy Jesus.
-America bashers. - Dirty hippy hippies
-Whiny victim types. - It's not my fault I'm an asshole
-Anti-science types. - but at least I didn't evolve from a monkey!
-Keith Obermann, Sean Hannity, Pat Condell, and Richard Dawkins. - all great men
-PETA, the RIAA, the ACLU, and CAIR. - Those must be some other language
-Those dang melt-sealed, bleed-you-to-death plastic packages everything seems to come in. - HEY! My dad invented those!

Jeez, according to this, Doc_M should LOVE LOVE LOVE ME!

congrats on the 100 and on finally diagnosing this rash.

Jesse Ventura body slams Sean Hannity

HollywoodBob says...

>> ^rebuilder:
I'm not from the US, so I don't know, but is this representative over how "discussion" on TV is over there? From the clips I see on-line, it seems people mainly shout over each other, barely stopping to listen long enough to know which pre-rehearsed talking point to blare out next. No exchange of ideas, no meeting of minds, just two or more high-volume monologues happening simultaneously. What's the point?

Jesse Ventura is one of the few people that can bring this reaction to an interview. Usually the host would be the one shouting over a guest trying to express their differing opinion and not being able to complete a thought.

But, it's not just TV. If you were to listen to talk radio, you'd get the exact same thing. A caller disagrees with the host's assertions and gets shouted down for it. I've found the louder and more argumentative a host gets, the easier it is to realize that not only are they wrong, but they know they are.

Jesse Ventura body slams Sean Hannity

Clumsy says...

>> ^alizarin:
The secret to success on these shows is to have an overpowering voice.

Yea, and it's nice when the voice actually has some talking points to back it up. The thing I usually hate about these political vids is how it becomes a 'let's talk at the same time' video for 10 minutes on the same issue. At least these move along because he's overpowering the news anchors who can't talk over him.

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