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Mordhaus (Member Profile)

siftbot says...

Congratulations! Your video, The Kittyman Sea Shanty, has reached the #1 spot in the current Top 15 New Videos listing. This is a very difficult thing to accomplish but you managed to pull it off. For your contribution you have been awarded 2 Power Points.

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Mordhaus (Member Profile)

When your very large boat breaks in half

When your very large boat breaks in half

Comrade, I think this is not a fish

Bit windy out

fuzzyundies says...

At some point, you can only lay out so many cables of anchor chain. I'm guessing she was anchored bow and stern to come in sideways like this? Otherwise she got super lucky to hit broadside on (and so did the dock). Really, if you can't be in a sheltered cove, you want to be at sea in conditions like this and get some sea room and take on the wind and waves on the best possible terms.

Comrade, I think this is not a fish

Quarantine | A Capella Science

Feeding Humback whale gets a mouth full of kayakers

Killer Whales Charge Blue Whale (Rare Drone Footage)

newtboy says...

But.....Bruhathkayosaurus might have been between 40–44 m (131–144 ft) in length and 175–220 tonnes in weight according to some estimates.
Certain rorquals from the Pliocene possibly rivaled the size of modern blue whales.

It's worth considering there were likely many yet undiscovered large marine animals who either were Chondrichthyes (cartilagenous, no bones) or lived in deep seas where any skeletal remains are still hidden.

Why Trump Wants Covid To Last Forever

newtboy says...


No Bob, a Trumptard is not a republican. A climate change/science denier is not a Republican. A war hawk is not an old school republican. A draft dodger who calls those who serve America losers and suckers is not a Republican. You are a ReTrumpican, not a Republican.

Fiscal conservatism is the core of Republicanism, and the antithesis of big spender Trump, the nation's biggest loser, who made zero money at all 10 out of the last 15 years (taxes leaked, so sad), and less than my wife and I did at least two of the remaining five, paying at most $750 in income tax...unless he's a total tax cheat too....and it's looking like he's actually hundreds of millions in debt, some to mobsters, some, like $100 million, to Uncle Sam. THAT is not a Republican, Bob, it's a failed business man, convicted fraud and con man, and soon to be boat anchor in the Black sea.

bobknight33 said:

A McCain republican or Bush 42 republican is NOT a republican.

Skokomish River salmon cross the road

newtboy jokingly says...

No, those aren't chickens....not even chickens of the sea, so that's not an obvious question.

I told you I didn't want points, so wouldn't ask the obvious's THE answer. I implanted the question in a random sifter's brain without their knowledge. Come on.

BSR said:

OK, the "OBVIOUS question" would have been, "why did the chicken cross road?"

"To spawn on the other side, of course." is not a question at all...NEWT. 🤨

Boats vs Haulover | When to turn around

Otter Jumps Onto Boat Escaping Orca With Seconds To Spare

lucky760 says...

What you didn't see after the video ends is that the orca bumped the boat and John fell into the water where he was eaten.

The otter put the boat into gear and high-tailed it out of there. The positive that came out of it was the otter opened Animals for the Ethical Treatment of People (I'm sure you've heard of it), which has been rescuing humans from the jaws of sea creatures ever since.


Karen, Please Just Wear A Mask

newtboy jokingly says...

What do you have against Samoa. Don't they have enough problems with sea level rise, now you want to lower their average IQ by double digits and overpopulated them at the same time?!

I say dig up the waterworld set and let them fight over dry space mad max style.

StukaFox said:

I don't believe you should have to wear a mask. I also believe that if you don't, you should be shipped to American Samoa and kept there until this whole thing blows over.

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