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Train after hitting a semi, Park County MT

Use of force incident at Walmart in East Syracuse NY

C-note says...

It is law enforcement's responsibility and job to protect and serve. The police are suppose to uphold the law and respect the citizens of the community. It is disrespectful to put your hands on someone and especially disturbing to put your hands on a pregnant woman. This also goes against de-escalation training that law enforcement professionals should already have.

Police responding to a scene are paid professionals doing a job. They are owed no respect. There is no law that mandates police receive any respect. The first amendment freedom of speech grants the right to every citizen to express their feeling no matter how disrespectful to the police.

These officers were out of line. They entered a scene where no crime was being committed and immediately took one side and used excessive force. It is a fact that the highest rate of excessive force and death cause by police is against black women. Black women are killed at a higher rate by police then black men. Black women are abused by police at a higher rate then any other demographic.

Respect is earned. Police in america have no intention of even trying earn respect and do not deserve it. Settlements are the only bright spot and one will be paid.

bobknight33 said:

Why do people act so disrespectful?

If you were pregnant would you act like this?

LAPD Intentionally Sets Off Huge Bomb In A Neighborhood

newtboy says...

I heard 5000 lbs in other reports too....but it seems that's the entire haul, not what they exploded on scene. Footage of the 5000 lbs of fireworks looked like two pallets worth. I'm curious about whether the fireworks were removed before detonation or if they just got lucky they didn't go off too.

That was not just 10 lbs of fireworks exploding. It flipped over nearby cars and obliterated the bomb disposal truck, launching the 1ton lid over two blocks away. I know that's the LAPDs story, 10 lbs, but they aren't exactly known for telling the truth, especially if it's bad for them.

I've now read there were 40 coke can sized IEDs and 200 more slightly smaller devices all filled with unknown explosives. That sounds like 35lbs +- for the coke can sized ones alone (based on the weight of an unopened can), and who knows how much the smaller ones weighed, but there were 200 of them!!! Somebody screwed up big time putting them all in at once. That was way more than 10 lbs of unknown high explosives, and 10lbs wouldn't be safe to dispose of in a neighborhood. It should have been done in stages, starting with a test of just one, and a full evacuation of the block, not knocking on the 2 neighbor's doors and walking away.

At least it's turning out that most of the injuries weren't civilians, but more than one home is destroyed and many may have permanent hearing damage.

eric3579 said:

She says detonating 5000 lbs? From what i could find it was 10 lbs as the container was rated to take up to 15 lbs.

Seems almost all the fireworks were on pallets and were forklifted onto a semi to be moved.

Underground Monster Hunting Eelfish

"Mostly Fair" Media

newtboy says...

On Jan 6,
How many forced entries to federal buildings that you declared terroristic behavior when black people tried it? Thousands.
How many violent physical attacks on police with weapons that you called terrorism when black people did it? Hundreds to thousands.
How many deaths? 5+.
How many Molotov cocktails on scene fortunately stopped from being used to burn the capitol? Over a dozen.
How many live explosives planted as deadly distractions? Sounds like over a dozen.

What's the overall cost of the Trump insurrection failure? Just repairs and the deployment of the national guard cost over $550 million for one incident. We won't know the full cost for years if ever. Yes, the summer riots full cost including troop and police deployment is near $2 BILLION, but remember 1/2 of that is right wing counter protesters, and 1/4 was not BLM but opportunists using rallies as cover to riot, so BLM's share of the damages all summer is near $500 million...less that the Jan 6th riot.

Jan 6th was exactly like that. Armed treasonous traitors with guns, knives, mace, spears, handcuff/ziptie restraints, teasers, clubs, firebombs, and explosives planning to murder congress are more dangerous, only an ignorant uneducated racist moron could disagree.

1/2 the violence and damage of summer 2020 was perpetrated AGAINST BLM by right wing groups like proud boys and Boogaloo boys that got caught, so stupid they carried their plans for more terrorism they would blame on BLM with them when they murdered police and set off bombs, another >1/4 were by people rioting near but not with BLM, leaving 1/4 at most BLM and it's supporters, 1/2 the amount right wingers did trying to frame BLM, unequivocally and verifiably.

Such sad, factless arguments you make these days. Those sweet sweet snowflake tears must be blinding you.

bobknight33 said:

How many burning of buildings,
cars and businesses .
how many shootings and deaths

Jan 6 has nothing like that.
BLM and Antifa are more dangerous.

Mom arrested after posing as 7th grade daughter in school

BSR says...

First, she wouldn't need to break into the mall for obvious reasons unless the mall was locked up in which case her daughter or anyone else wouldn't be in there to begin with. The mall is a public venue so a disguise wouldn't be necessary. Usually visiting friends homes and/or sleepovers would not require a disguise either.

It's just speculation on your part where mom lets her child hang out and what safety precautions the child might take before and while visiting those places.

However, schools are becoming more secure in light of school shootings but more needs to be done and this was the point she was making. She was able to bypass the lax security at the school and was willing to pay the price for putting it to the test.

She wasn't there to kill anyone, just the poor security measures. If anything the school board or whoever should be fined.

This was not about her having "the right" to do what she did. She knew she didn't have "the right" but she did have the guts and a plan to expose the hole in the dam. Do you think a school shooter gives a shit about their rights to be in a school?

With my job I've picked up a few children on crime scenes that have been shot or stabbed to death and it's the hardest thing to witness and live with.

I hope you are able to refocus your priorities.

jimnms said:

I'm willing to bet she lets her daughter go hang out with friends at the mall or other places, go to friends houses for the day or sleepovers. Does that giver her the right to break into those places to test security there too?

Funny Wedding Moments - The Huddle

cloudballoon says...

While I was grade 9, I tackled a fellow 2 years my senior (G11), he must be 5~6 inches taller than me (me being 5'6" in my adulthood, while he was one of the tallest in school, though not muscular), I dislocated his shoulder TWICE, during practices. First time he was hospitalized for 4 days, the second time was kind of funny. When I dislocated his shoulder again (with an audible "pop"), the guy next to me floored him and put his shoulder back in place (with an audible "click/sploosh"-y sound, hard to describe). Obviously he was in pain, and was twisting and tossing himself, but when the pain subsided a little bit and opened his eyes and saw me just standing there, he screamed "you again!?" All I could do was thinking of those Mel Gibson "dislocating shoulder" scenes in the Lethal Weapons movies.

So, it's not about size, really, it's to know where & how to tackle a big boi.

lobster diver swallowed by humpback whale off Cape Cod

Why There are Now So Many Shortages (It's Not COVID)

StukaFox says...

Yeah, not to mention the fucking clownshow that was the RTX 3080 launch. That single day in November did more to damage the PC gaming scene than anything else that's happened in the last 20 years.

Digitalfiend said:

So, in short...all your containers are belong to US?

Oh and you can't easily get a PS5 because of scalpers using bots to snatch them all up... argh

David Lynch is annoyed by your question

moonsammy says...

Admittedly, I've never worked in film. But it does feel weird as hell to suggest making a scene shorter while on set like that. Isn't that what editing is for? Perhaps in the days of actual film it would have made some sense (as that shit was expensive), but not really now. Comes off much more as "I personally want to wrap this up, maybe fewer shots?" than "It would be somehow better for the movie to not do this thing"...

One of Trump's Biggest Scams, the Foxconn Deal, Falls Apart

luxintenebris jokingly says...

FOX CONN (like what signal do you need?) bernie madoff smiles up at them now.

yup. would enjoy bk33 or tangled's take on this chess move.

every three-card monte dealer suddenly opened shop outside the WS capitol building on hearing this deal.

remember seeing this unfold, in the news, and thought "aren't they gonna be surprise to see what comes out of that can o' pringles?!"

bad move. morally questionably also. this is the company that had employees committing suicide on site. still could be. like that wasn't a red flag? kill their workers and they'd go easy on a cheesehead? (seriously? if they [at least] visited one of FC's factory wouldn't they've asked "what's those nets for?")

the deal reminded me of the ending scene in 'Angel Heart'... O'Rourke (playing Gov. Walker) and DeNiro (Foxconn or themselves). you know the one? (if you don't ***SPOILER ALERT*** skip the clip)

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How Car Chase Scenes Have Evolved Over 100 Years

How Car Chase Scenes Have Evolved Over 100 Years

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