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Bulldozer Toppled Gate After Porsche SUV Blocked entry

Russian Man Somersaults After Hit By Car on the Highway

chilaxe says...

He stepped back to the empty position between lanes, but the car behind the SUV that hit his friend stopped braking and hit him in between the lanes while merging left.

This is why we need Google cars that talk to each other.

Doesn't look fake. That's what can happen when a light object gets hit that fast.

The Fundamental Elements of Design

In Russia Manholes Launch SUVs skyward

ReverendTed says...

>> ^Asmo:

I don't know what you're thinking, but I'm thinking someone placed that metal mesh over the hole so that cars could go over the hole, but the mesh actually got caught in the hole, and levered the car up.

Umm, the video makes it pretty clear.
The front left tyre goes in to the hole, smashes in to the far side and the ass end of the car rises as the front dramatically decelerates...

Nope. Watch the second video (in eric3579's post above) on 720p and you can better see what happens.

The manhole has an off-center metal mesh cover welded to a cylinder that fits down into the manhole (presumably to keep the mesh in place).
The front-left tire clips the side of the mesh cover, presumably just enough to pop it up. That's what catches the undercarriage and vaults the back end up.
The structure of the mesh-cylinder apparatus is more apparent at the end of the video when it settles near the hood of the vehicle.

In Russia Manholes Launch SUVs skyward

Asmo says...


I don't know what you're thinking, but I'm thinking someone placed that metal mesh over the hole so that cars could go over the hole, but the mesh actually got caught in the hole, and levered the car up.

Umm, the video makes it pretty clear.

The front left tyre goes in to the hole, smashes in to the far side and the ass end of the car rises as the front dramatically decelerates... Same sort of force applied as jamming on the front brakes of a bike and the back of the bike rises.

It would be difficult to see the lack of a dark metal manhole over a dark hole at speed when you aren't distinctly looking for it.

Dog Needs To Hold Hands While Driving

kceaton1 says...

>> ^Unsung_Hero:

Road trip with his dog = No eating, drinking, changing CD's, picking nose, or crotch adjusting.

Yeah I love my dogs, but I would try sticking him in the backseat or somewhere else to try to get him comfortable. You really DO NOT want to reinforce that behavior, good for a few videos and trips though.

Both my dogs on LONG road trips I stick in the flat bed of the back of the SUV, with the back seats down too. Usually there is a bunch of camping gear and various other stuff back there off to on side and they get the other, but they really like walking around on a flat area with some blankets below them for cushion and the Lhaso Apso needs a stuffed animal to be happy (he's like a 4 year old kid--I must admit it's a bit like this behavior, but it doesn't bug anybody and he seems to feel far more safe with his plush's cute). The Terrier could give a rats ass about what is happening in the world, but he just wanders around to the various windows watching, he LOVES looking out the back window. Eventually the Terrier goes to sleep and that lets the Lhaso relax and he snuggles up against the Terrier and they go to sleep cuddled up, should throw a pick up.

Anyway, I really just wanted to talk about my dogs on car trips, but long story short: don't coddle them too much. You got to choose your moments. Hell watching the dog whisperer taught me a lot about dog psychology. It also shows HOW absolutely wrong "dog experts" are ALWAYS wrong about them--like putting down dogs that have been rescued from bad homes because they "puppy-guard" their food and are INTENSELY aggressive about it, they put these animals down. The Dog Whisperer EASILY modifies their psychology and STOPS it.

This guy should watch a few shows. Luckily my parents had parents that had some farm backgrounds, so animals were a must and how to handle them. So I've always been able to train my dogs and get them to do what I want. My friends can be oblivious, but really a show like the Dog Whisperer is perfect for people that have a dog and WANT to teach them to do other things or things they do differently.

I love dogs though, all types. Mans best friend, bar none. Smart enough to be useful (and some even save your damned LIFE) and their psychology allows them to be incredibly affectionate and wonderful, but YOU as their master MUST BE as well!

/I've said too much!

In Russia Manholes Launch SUVs skyward

In Russia Manholes Launch SUVs skyward

"America's not Racist -- It's just that Blacks are Shitbags"

Police Video: No Blood, Bruises On George Zimmerman

dystopianfuturetoday says...

How unsurprising.

Here is a comment from reddit -

Yes. Martin's nickname was 'Slim'.

And Martin was only 100 feet from his father's house down the pathway between houses where he was killed by Zimmerman.

And Martin was on the phone with his girlfriend telling her he was scared that he was being chased by some strange man. And she told him to run home.

And the initial confrontation of Martin by Zimmerman was overheard by the girlfriend who heard Zimmerman demanding to know what Martin was doing.

Every new piece of evidence continues to paint Zimmerman as a liar:


"Zimmerman said he had stepped out of his truck to check the name of the street he was on when Trayvon attacked him from behind as he walked back to his truck, police said. He said he feared for his life and fired the semiautomatic handgun he was licensed to carry because he feared for his life."

There are no street signs at the spot where Zimmerman killed Martin - it's a pedestrian walkway between the backs of houses that leads to Martin's father's house

There are no signs of grave injury to Zimmerman like he claimed or any hospital trip

There are only three streets in the entire gated community. Zimmerman didn't need to get out of SUV to check which street he was on

He didn't get 'attacked' by Martin - the girlfriend heard Zimmerman approaching Martin demanding to know what he was doing

Zimmerman expects people to believe that this 17 year kid racing home to his father's house at night in the rain while being stalked by a 250 lb unknown adult armed with a handgun suddenly turned around and attacked Zimmerman savagely enough for the nutcase to shoot Martin and leave no obvious signs of serious injury on Zimmerman's body.

FOX explains $4 gas when Bush was president

Sagemind says...

So many mixed messages in there.

I think a large amount of the population is running at bare minimum as it is. When I was young, we used to go for "Drives" and do "road Trips" just for the sake of it. Now we can't afford it.

We have to budget our trips into town so we do as many things as we can in each trip. We don't make extra trips to friend's places that live more than a few kilometers away, We don't even drive into town to shop at the mall or go to Costco or whatever.

It seems like freedom of movement has just taken care of itself. We can't move around if we can't afford it. And we can't afford it if they keep raising the prices on us.

15% less? I already use around 50% less than I did 15 years ago and the prices still go up.
Modern SUVs are still more economical than the Boats we used to drive 20-30 years ago.
15 years ago, when we bought our new car - we were exited that it only cost $22 to fill the tank. We now pay $70 - Can that be right?

Neil DeGrasse Tyson - We Stopped Dreaming

Yogi says...

>> ^hpqp:

>> ^VoodooV:
Hate to say it, but as much as I want us out in space. Sometimes I think we're better off not being out there until we work out our social issues first.
We're simply not grown up enough.

Society needs a future to dream about, and as NdGT points out, it's not the cash that is lacking. As of right now, the only futures people are seeing are catastrophic and/or apocalyptic. Neither are good for the economy nor for social issues.

Yes keep dreaming cause we have no future if we don't stop the threat of nuclear weapons and global climate change. Or fuck it, lets ride our SUVs into Ground Zero with the A/C Blasting!!!

Top 1% Captured 93% Of Income Gains In 2010 --TYT

Edgeman2112 says...

Completely agree! That is the argument that is logical to make, but it will never hold up in a federal court because it is the philosophy and the freedoms that are availed to us that lead to the problems, not the money itself. And I wouldn't want to limit that type of freedom.

A poor person with a tiny income can decide what to do with their income the same way large, multinational corporations can. And by that I mean either act in a way that is decent, respectful and responsible, or they can spend it questionably.
>> ^Grimm:

While that kind of welfare is a's peanuts compared to the kind of corporate welfare that goes on.>> ^Edgeman2112:
I worked at a grocery store when I was younger outside Philadelphia in a bad section. I would watch people pay for groceries with food stamps, then pack the groceries into to their lexus suv. No joke.

Top 1% Captured 93% Of Income Gains In 2010 --TYT

Grimm says...

While that kind of welfare is a's peanuts compared to the kind of corporate welfare that goes on.>> ^Edgeman2112:

I worked at a grocery store when I was younger outside Philadelphia in a bad section. I would watch people pay for groceries with food stamps, then pack the groceries into to their lexus suv. No joke.

Top 1% Captured 93% Of Income Gains In 2010 --TYT

Edgeman2112 says...

Take an unbiased point of view. You must realize that is not the only money (stumulus, bailouts) in the world. People, and banks, have money that earned through their own private investments. Now, the government gives a business a million dollars, then you read later they earned a million, that is not a legitimate reason to get pissed at them. But that's what is happening.

Here is a 100% true story that servers as an analogy:

I worked at a grocery store when I was younger outside Philadelphia in a bad section. I would watch people pay for groceries with food stamps, then pack the groceries into to their lexus suv. No joke. Yes I got mad, but it wasn't illegal. The same thing happened to the banks. They need help, but they also have money to afford other things that they value. If the government stepped in, they would be powerless because the shopper spent money that was not the government's money.

And before you start replying with proposed government regulations, realize that government isn't the cause of that food stamp SUV problem. They can't fix it either. The problem was that that person was able to afford the SUV by leasing it. The problem is not that the government failed to check her income level. Now the question becomes whether it SHOULD be fixed at all. Ponder that further.

>> ^Grimm:

...he's blaming the current administration for not taking measures to help insure via the bail-outs and stimulus packages that the vast majority of the recovery isn't being funneled to the top 1%.

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