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NASA Samarai Hybrid-Electric VTOL Personal-aircraft Concept

Mordhaus (Member Profile)

mintbbb (Member Profile)

Russian Superhero gives a hand to a fellow driver

"How DARE You Cut Me Off Motherf...... oh, go on then"

How to Unlock your Car in 10 Seconds

skinnydaddy1 says...

It does not matter. I stopped locking the doors on the car a few years back and they still break in. I keep nothing in it and have even stopped bolting the stock radios in it. Break ins - 23, Keyed - 4, egged - 5, radios stolen - 9. Wheels stolen - 6, Hit by others 7, Hit by thrown objects - 9, Tail lights broken 3.
Police could not figure out why the car kept being targeted and it was not until a few people had been caught that we found out why.

1. Make and model of car - 98 Honda Civic hx
It seems a large number of people have a massive hatred of Japanese cars or ricers as they like to call them.
Car is not modified in anyway other than after market tail lights. They were 30 bucks and far far cheaper than stock after someone broke the others. Bought the car after a soccer mom parked her SUV on my mustang and I wanted a car with much better MPG and the HX got 39 hwy.

2. Street I live on.
It is the only strait cut through from one road to another so people cutting through see the car all the time. "Oh look we can do something and be miles away before the owners get outside"

Its gone from being a nice little car. To a something being held together with duct tape and with my current job situation means I'm stuck with it for awhile to come.

arekin said:

so what this and other videos have taught me.

1. don't bother locking your car doors.
2. don't leave anything you like inside your car.
3. pray that no one uses your car as a restroom.

Cop Deals with Fast-Lane Slow-Poke

5 Levels of Psychedelic Experience

shagen454 says...


You are invited to my house. I have a nice house, I will transport you with my Lexus SUV from the train station through the extinct volcanoes to my house where I will make you comfortable, bring your Bible keep it handy. Then I will give you a MAOI a natural substance and then I will give you another natural pill. These both have been used for many more thousands of years than Christianity has even been around.

Then you tell me what you see and feel. I assure you, you will not be saying demons, you will have no idea of how to describe what you are seeing except that you are feeling God and God is feeling you. You may even realize that there is no God but that is the only way you know how to describe it. Once you experience this, once again, something that has been around before most religions, then you can tell me your opinion. But, until you do, my door is open to you but your opinion is pretty much meaningless. I am a non judgmental person, I understand that you just do not know because you have not had this natural experience

shinyblurry said:

What you're doing when you take these drugs is that you're turning over control of your mind to demons. It may feel good and seem profound but in reality you are being programmed. I know that many psychonauts believe they are experiencing true freedom, but it is actually mental and spiritual bondage they are experiencing, being imprisoned inside an unreal construct with chains they cannot see.

shinyblurry (Member Profile)

shagen454 says...


You are invited to my house. I have a nice house, I will transport you with my Lexus SUV from the train station through the extinct volcanoes to my house where I will make you comfortable, bring your Bible keep it handy. Then I will give you a MAOI a natural substance and then I will give you another natural pill. These both have been used for many more thousands of years than Christianity has even been around.

Then you tell me what you see and feel. I assure you, you will not be saying demons, you will have no idea of how to describe what you are seeing except that you are feeling God and God is feeling you. You may even realize that there is no God but that is the only way you know how to describe it. Once you experience this, once again, something that has been around before most religions, then you can tell me your opinion. But, until you do, my door is open to you but your opinion is pretty much meaningless. I am a non judgmental person, I understand that you just do not know because you have not had this natural experience

shinyblurry said:

What you're doing when you take these drugs is that you're turning over control of your mind to demons. It may feel good and seem profound but in reality you are being programmed. I know that many psychonauts believe they are experiencing true freedom, but it is actually mental and spiritual bondage they are experiencing, being imprisoned inside an unreal construct with chains they cannot see.

Road Rage Surprise

Bus Driver's Life Saving Grab

Payback says...

>> ^artician:

Eh, good for him for thinking of the good of the kid. Obviously not a close call since there seemed to be no cars coming, but upvote for the good-hearted citizenry!

If you check out behind the driver before the girl leaves, there's an SUV, a couple cars and a large cube van rolling past at full legal speed (30mph or so) and a bunch of cars oncoming as well. I would classify it as a busy street. I would say he significantly reduced the child's chances of injury or death.

I also believe he will be sued right along with the bus company. "He shouldn't have let her get out first." I don't believe it's right, just inevitable.

Landing Plane Crashes into a Moving Car

Romney Campaign Ad - Lies About Jeep Moving to China

Sagemind says...

OK, Chrysler went bankrupt and had to be bought out to survive - I may be corrected (and that's fine) but my point has still been made. Obama didn't make them go bankrupt (he kept people employed) - Obama did what he could to stop them from dissolving altogether. He could have done nothing and watched every Chrysler employee loose their jobs, from the factories, to the mechanics to the sales teams, to all the little companies that manufacture parts.

A few years back, we had a factory in my town as well. White Western Star. They manufactured diesel trucks and they were the largest employer in town.

They were bought out by Freightliner (a US company - a foreign company) a subsidiary of Daimler Trucks, (A German company - also a foreign company).

The factory was shut down when Freightliner acquired them. Putting half the town out of business that catered parts and services to the factory. Times were tough and we are still recovering.

My point is, I know how it could have gone in the US and on a much larger scale. Obama didn't let this happen. But Romney is making it look like Obama was the one at fault here - which is pure lies.
>> ^deedub81:

Chrysler DID go through Chapter 11 Bankruptcy. A foreign auto manufacturer bought the majority of the shares from the U.S. (Fiat) and the new chairman of the newly formed Chrysler Group, LLC has said that they will be moving "Jeep output" to China as demand rises. >> ^Sagemind:
"Obama took GM and Chrysler into bankruptcy" WTF - Obama bailed them out so they wouldn't go bankrupt.
Most people were against it but he helped them out anyway to keep them afloat and their workers employed. So how does this attack make any sense?

Romney Campaign Ad - Lies About Jeep Moving to China

deedub81 says...

Chrysler DID go through Chapter 11 Bankruptcy. A foreign auto manufacturer bought the majority of the shares from the U.S. (Fiat) and the new chairman of the newly formed Chrysler Group, LLC has said that they will be moving "Jeep output" to China as demand rises. >> ^Sagemind:

"Obama took GM and Chrysler into bankruptcy" WTF - Obama bailed them out so they wouldn't go bankrupt.
Most people were against it but he helped them out anyway to keep them afloat and their workers employed. So how does this attack make any sense?

Road Rage Karma

wormwood says...

For me, the SUV guy is the bigger menace here: he is equally able to pull in behind the other jerk but refuses, and instead barely misses oncoming traffic, drives on the shoulder, passes on the shoulder and, of course, drives an SUV the whole time. Jerk. Hopefully they go on to take each other out, thus giving us *eia

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