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Samantha Bee on Orlando - Again? Again.

PlayhousePals says...

Yowza! That wasn't MY experience landing in Auckland from Australia during Little Feat's April 2001 tour. They pulled out ALL the stops from dogs to a selected body search [one of the techs was detained because his glasses case smelled of marijuana!] The St. James Theater and the people we met there were delightful however and the country is absolutely stunning. I'd go back in a heartbeat [after fumigating my clothes and belongings of course] =o)

sirex said:

Landing in auckland i got "ayyy bro, did you see the (rugby) game ? We smashed 'em!".

I live in NZ. Its fucking awesome.

bjornenlinda (Member Profile)

A Chameleon Like No Other

eric3579 (Member Profile)

Zifnab says...

Congrats to your Sharks! I think they have a great shot of beating St. Louis and making it to the final. My son is super happy as well since he fancies himself a Sharks fan too

Ralph Nader on Hillary Clinton's Transparency

Mordhaus says...


We have 4 years of this and at least one scotus judge that can interpret the constitution, or 4 years of the worst possible person to run for president in...ever.

The sad thing is, I could be referring to either presumptive nominee. Either way. expect another Wall St. crash and/or mini-Depression again.

eric3579 (Member Profile)

Fort McMurray is on Fire

Talking Tapes

oritteropo says...

It worked for me, random glitch perhaps? The list of regions allowed is fairly extensive, so it's probably not blocked (are there any missing? Canada and the US are both included):


Tommy Boy Parody done by Microsoft Execs.

ant says...

I just tossed out my Compaq Armada 1585DMT back in 2013. It was my college lappy. It was working well when I booted it up. I laughed at my Windows 95 OS2's animated ST LCAR startup and shut down screens, icons, custom multi-configs for DOS, etc.

spawnflagger said: is available to register...

Amazing they would claim that Windows 2000 is better at running a web server than Solaris.

And Compaq hardware? We know where that went.

Don't Try And Start Shit With A Letterkenny Dude

bremnet says...

How're ya now? That's pretty close, and a common error in dialect assignment, as the Classic Received Cape Breton is often confused with the Middle South Ontario (the St. Mary's / Listowel /Wingham Triangle Region to be precise) from which this originates. The telltale difference is the use of "Give 'er", uncommon in the MSO, popular in the CRCB.

(and yes, we do speak like this)

Payback said:

Sorry, it's a Windtalker sort of thing. You have to be born to it.

There's actually two dialects going in this clip, Common Hockey and Classic Received Cape Breton.

Perfect FedEx Truck Reverse Parking

Something's Rotten In Iowa-Sanders Won Coin Toss

nock says...

She gets more delegates because most of the superdelegates had already said they would vote for her before the primary even happened. This is the game that is primary season in the US. She is actually very smart since the popular vote means nothing, it all comes down to how many delegates a candidate has at the convention. While Bernie has been railing against Wall St., Clinton has been quietly getting superdelegates to promise to vote for her. There are 2436 total delegates at the DNC of which 714 are "superdelegates". In September, Clinton already had the votes of over 400 superdelegates. Check out for more on how this process works.

sage francis-conspiracy to riot-the RNC of 2008

sage francis-conspiracy to riot-the RNC of 2008

enoch says...

oh bobby bobby bobby..
you should know better than to talk smack like that my boy.
you need to back that shit up son!

still think it didnt happen at an RNC?
why you keep defending fascism only to be forced to eat humble pie eludes me.
you may be republican but those cocksuckers dont give two shits about you bobby boy.

bobknight33 said:


Definitely not at any RNC

Caspian Report - Geopolitical Prognosis for 2016 (Part 1)

radx says...

Apologies, I got carried away... wall of text incoming.


I agree, monetary policy at low rates has very little to offer in terms of economic stimulus. Then again, the focus almost solely on monetary policy is part of the problem. Fiscal policy can have a massive impact, both directly (government purchases of goods and services) and indirectly (increase in automatic stabilizers). But for that you either need to be in control of your central bank, so that you can engage in Overt Monetary Financing ("printing" money). Or you need the blessing of the private banks, which is particularly true for a Vollgeld system.

The budget is the core of a parliamentary democracy, and to be at the whim of the folks at Deutsche Bank, HSBC or Credit Suisse -- no, thank you very much. We saw how that played out in Greece.

Anyway, the central bank can do miraculous things: if it provides funds to the democratically elected body in charge of the budget, aka parliament/the government. Trying to "motivate" the private banks to stock up on cheap reserves to stimulate lending is just a sign of ideology.

The great Michal Kalecki, in his essay The Political Aspects of Full Employment, summarized the general issue of government spending quite clearly. The industrial leaders stand in opposition to government spending aimed at full employment for three distinct reasons: a) dislike of government interference in the problem of employment as such; b) dislike of the direction of government spending (public investment and subsidizing consumption); c) dislike of the social and political changes resulting from the maintenance of full employment.

I'd say control over your currency is too great a tool to leave it in the hands of unelected managers. Clement Attlee knew very well why he had to nationalize the Bank of England in '46.

Back to the issue of inflation, I'd like to make two points. First, how big a role should inflation really play when talking policy. Second, what's the influence of a central bank on inflation.

Where does it come from, this focus on inflation. People usually talk about government spending when discussing inflation. Private spending is rarely brought up, even though it can be just as inflationary. So let's ignore private spending for a moment and talk purely government spending: should a deficit/surplus not be judged primarily by how well it helps us achieve our macroeconomic goals? Or more clearly, why should we sacrifice full employment or our general welfare on the altar of inflation? Yes, that's over the top. But so is the angst of inflation.

I'd say let's stick with Abba Lerner's concept of functional finance and judge deficits/surpluses purely by how well they help us achieve our macroeconomic goals. Besides, the US has run massive deficits during the GFC, so much in fact, that a great number of monetarists saw hyperinflation just around the corner. Still waiting for it. Same for Japan. Massive deficits... and deflation.

As long as spending, both private and government, doesn't push the economy beyond its limits (full employment, real resources, production capacity), out-of-control inflation just doesn't materialize. Plus, suppressing inflation is actually one thing central banks can do quite well. Unlike causing inflation, which both Japan and the EU are showcases off. Draghi can dance naked on the table, monetary policy (QE, mainly) won't push inflation upwards.

Which brings me to the second point: what's inflation, what's the cause of inflation, how can central banks manipulate it.

CPI is often used as a measure of inflation, but I prefer the GDP deflator. CPI doesn't account for externalities that you cannot influence, whatever you do. Prime case: the price of oil. Monetary policy of the Bank of Sweden has no influence on the price of oil. The GDP inflator, however, accounts for every economic activity within your currency zone -- much more useful.

General theory says, this measure of inflation goes up when demand surpasses supply. And vice versa. The primary factor of demand is domestic purchasing power, therefore wages. If you suppress wages, you suppress inflation. If you push wages, you push inflation. More specifically, you can see a direct correlation between unit labour costs and the GDP deflator in every country at any time. Here's a general graph for multiple countries, and the St. Louis FED provides a beauty for the US.

That's why it's easy for central banks to combat inflation, but almost impossible to fight deflation.

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