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"Look How Dangerous These School Teachers & Nurses Are!"

blankfist says...

@NetRunner, what's stimulus money got to do with money supply? Are you serious? You must be trolling. For the benefit of others, I'll answer that question:

The Treasury Department borrows the money from the Federal Reserve. This money is printed new and is NOT already in circulation. So, once those trillions get circulated into the economy, what happens? It inflates the money supply. Presto!

And you asked what happens to wages during inflation? Well, I don't know, let's look at history, shall we? There are plenty of examples in history (Rome, Germany, Yugoslavia), but let's look at Zimbabwe in the 2000s because it's really easy to google. According to wikipedia, Zimbabwe's "annual inflation was estimated at 6.5 quindecillion novemdecillion percent (6.5 x 10108%, the equivalent of 6 quinquatrigintillion 500 quattuortrigintillion percent, or 65 followed by 107 zeros – 650 million googol percent)." But that's fine, right? Because they just increased the wages and everyone went back to happy Krugman land and ate marshmallows and played with bunnies. Oh no, that didn't happen at all, did it? No. In the end the Zimbabwean Dollar was destroyed, and the people were forced to adopt foreign currencies.

I'm sorry, but inflation is bad. Very bad. It's not as easy to fix as "putting upward pressure on wages". In fact, the people who are first impacted are the people on the bottom, because ALL (and I mean absolutely ALL) inflation enriches the government first, the big businesses with government contracts second, the rich third, and ultimately it's the poor and retired who suffer through the adjustment phase.

And what of the people with savings? Are you so willing to write them off with a big dildo shoved up their asses, because they're not currently "earning" a wage? What of those people who saved and saved because that's what society told them was prudent for their retirement? What does your precious Krugman messiah say of the grandmothers and grandfathers who see their savings diminish while their social security payments play catch up with the current cost of living changes?

Un. Fucking. Believable.

"We Need a Christian Dictator" - since the ungodly can vote

Ryjkyj says...

>> ^bobknight33:

The Book of 2 Timothy was written in approximately A.D. 67 which is interesting that for something written so long ago appear so timely today.
I guess that if Nostradamus wrote it more would probably give it more credit.

What's interesting is that people don't realize or don't admit to themselves that they were always like this. Even in Rome. If you love history so much then I'm surprised you would fool yourself into thinking that there was some better time in the past when people were more moral. It just so happens that the people who are allowed to write everyone's history tend to think very highly of themselves. But more and more, as technology allows individuals access to the ability to write their own history and have it preserved, then we learn what truly goes on in the world and are forced to reconcile.

Way more people still give credence to the Bible than to the writings of Nostrodamus, but the two groups have one very strong common thread: the obsession with "end times".

"We Need a Christian Dictator" - since the ungodly can vote

bobknight33 says...

Did you skip your history class?

Dark Ages referred to the period of time ushered in by the fall of the Western Roman Empire.

The decline of the Roman Empire refers to the societal collapse encompassing both the gradual disintegration of the political, economic, military, and other social institutions of Rome.

To be sure Christians have done their good part in making a mockery out of religion. This doesn't make the Bible wrong. Just piss poor examples that do more harm than good.

The irony of this is that our 21st Century world is no less dark. It is an individual darkness, which multiplies and grows as those who reject Gods walk. Our age is characterized by every intellectual and technological advance but our morals have turned backwards.

From 2 Timothy 3
1 But mark this: There will be terrible times in the last days. 2 People will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boastful, proud, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, 3 without love, unforgiving, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, not lovers of the good, 4 treacherous, rash, conceited, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God— 5 having a form of godliness but denying its power. Have nothing to do with such people.

The Book of 2 Timothy was written in approximately A.D. 67 which is interesting that for something written so long ago appear so timely today.

I guess that if Nostradamus wrote it more would probably give it more credit.

>> ^TheGenk:

Didn't we have a christian dictatorship on this planet already? What was it called...? Ah yes, the fucking DARK AGE!

Lady Eats Seven Couches and Two Chairs in Her Lifetime

Islam is hijacking the UN Human Rights Council

legacy0100 says...

Who set up the microphone on the podium? That person did a shotty job.

Anyways I can't comment on this issue simply because it's a matter of perspective I suppose. Because you cannot force your own unique beliefs onto other people. When in Rome, do what the Roman do ya know? But then again the westerners were the ones always invading Arab countries and telling them what to do. Wearing hijab is wrong, Saddam Hussein is wrong etc etc. So................

Yeah. It's kinda ironic that westerners are complaining about Muslims forcing them to behave certain ways when they've been doing the same thing to Muslims all these years. That's why Buddhists are in the clear, because they believe in Karma and all lol.

QI: Vatican City Has the Lowest Age of Consent

Deano says...

>> ^GeeSussFreeK:

>> ^xxovercastxx:
I don't think this is true.
Up until 1/1/2009 Vatican City automatically adopted Italian laws. As of that date, they must now pass a review process before they are accepted. Back in 1929 when the Lateran Treaty was signed, Italy, and thus VC, had an age of consent of 12 but it has since been raised to 14. This took place while VC was still automatically accepting Italian law, so it should be 14 now.
A lot of people seem to believe that it's still 12, but it seems otherwise.
It's 13 in Spain and, leaving Europe, Yemen was 15 until 1999 when they lowered it to 9. Africa has some countries with pretty low ones, too. Of course it probably doesn't matter; If they don't prosecute rape, I doubt they prosecute statutory rape.

"The Vatican does not have its own separate criminal code. Instead, in matters of criminal law, as per Article 3 of the "Law of the Source of Law" (one of the six fundamental laws adopted upon ratification of the Lateran Treaty in 1929) the Vatican State generally uses current Italian national law, as well as regional and municipal laws for Rome, as long as they do not conflict with ecclesiastical law or laws specifically promulgated by Pope for the Vatican.[39] As a result, the age of consent is the same as that of Italy. Before January 1, 2009, the adoption by the Vatican of changes made by Italy in its laws was automatic. Effective January 1, 2009, the Vatican adoption of changes in Italian law is no longer automatic but comes into effect only after a review.[40] However, as Italy adopted its present age of consent before January 1, 2009, this change in Vatican policy does not affect the age of consent in Vatican City, which remains the same as that of Italy. The claim is sometimes found that "In the Vatican State, there is an equal age of consent set at 12 years of age",[41] but this is not correct. The misunderstanding derives from the fact that Vatican Law follows Italian law. In 1929, when the Lateran Treaty was signed, the age of consent in Italy was 12,[42] and so the same was true then in Vatican City. However, since that time the Italian law has been changed, and so the laws of Vatican City (in accordance with the policy that was in place until January 1, 2009) changed automatically with them. Since there has been no change in the Italian age of consent since January 1, 2009, the two remain identical with no further review by the Vatican."

Still though, 14. Wow.

QI: Vatican City Has the Lowest Age of Consent

GeeSussFreeK says...

>> ^xxovercastxx:

I don't think this is true.
Up until 1/1/2009 Vatican City automatically adopted Italian laws. As of that date, they must now pass a review process before they are accepted. Back in 1929 when the Lateran Treaty was signed, Italy, and thus VC, had an age of consent of 12 but it has since been raised to 14. This took place while VC was still automatically accepting Italian law, so it should be 14 now.
A lot of people seem to believe that it's still 12, but it seems otherwise.
It's 13 in Spain and, leaving Europe, Yemen was 15 until 1999 when they lowered it to 9. Africa has some countries with pretty low ones, too. Of course it probably doesn't matter; If they don't prosecute rape, I doubt they prosecute statutory rape.


"The Vatican does not have its own separate criminal code. Instead, in matters of criminal law, as per Article 3 of the "Law of the Source of Law" (one of the six fundamental laws adopted upon ratification of the Lateran Treaty in 1929) the Vatican State generally uses current Italian national law, as well as regional and municipal laws for Rome, as long as they do not conflict with ecclesiastical law or laws specifically promulgated by Pope for the Vatican.[39] As a result, the age of consent is the same as that of Italy. Before January 1, 2009, the adoption by the Vatican of changes made by Italy in its laws was automatic. Effective January 1, 2009, the Vatican adoption of changes in Italian law is no longer automatic but comes into effect only after a review.[40] However, as Italy adopted its present age of consent before January 1, 2009, this change in Vatican policy does not affect the age of consent in Vatican City, which remains the same as that of Italy. The claim is sometimes found that "In the Vatican State, there is an equal age of consent set at 12 years of age",[41] but this is not correct. The misunderstanding derives from the fact that Vatican Law follows Italian law. In 1929, when the Lateran Treaty was signed, the age of consent in Italy was 12,[42] and so the same was true then in Vatican City. However, since that time the Italian law has been changed, and so the laws of Vatican City (in accordance with the policy that was in place until January 1, 2009) changed automatically with them. Since there has been no change in the Italian age of consent since January 1, 2009, the two remain identical with no further review by the Vatican."

deathcow (Member Profile)

dag (Member Profile)

deathcow (Member Profile)

Jim "Chris" Everett confronts Jim Rome

Jim "Chris" Everett attacks Jim Rome on live TV

Jim "Chris" Everett confronts Jim Rome

kronosposeidon (Member Profile)

Duckman33 says...

Thank you sir!

In reply to this comment by kronosposeidon:

Once he invokes *isdupe deathcow's video will be killed, and then you can use the embed. We'll get this ironed out.

In reply to this comment by Duckman33:
Sorry cant fix this one because there's a dupe of mine using the only other alt embed code on youtube I could find:

In reply to this comment by kronosposeidon:

Duckman33 (Member Profile)

kronosposeidon says...

Once he invokes *isdupe deathcow's video will be killed, and then you can use the embed. We'll get this ironed out.

In reply to this comment by Duckman33:
Sorry cant fix this one because there's a dupe of mine using the only other alt embed code on youtube I could find:

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