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Robot Chicken: Saving Private Chicken: WÜnder Chicken

Robot Chicken: Saving Private Chicken: WÜnder Chicken

kceaton1 says...

>> ^ant:

>> ^kceaton1:
Epic. I was crying with laughter by the end of this episode, pure quality.

Was the whole episode about SPR movie?

No. The rest of the sketches were of great quality, on par with the best of the last star wars parody.

Robot Chicken: Saving Private Chicken: WÜnder Chicken

Robot Chicken - GI Joe

The ten best and worst films of 2010 (Cinema Talk Post)

Shepppard says...

I would make a terrible movie critic, I actually liked a lot of "Bad" movies this year, The last airbender included.

Maybe it's because I know nothing about the lore behind the Manga, but I found it mind-numbingly enjoyable.

However, I think the most fun I had was going into the movie knowing it was Shamalamalamalan and knowing his style. I actually couldn't contain myself and even said (in the robot chicken voice) "What a twist!" at the end.

Good laughs were had by all.

I guess I really didn't see any "bad" movies this year.

Harry Potter
Toy Story 3

and as before mentioned: Scott Pilgrim vs the world. I never -NEVER- would have expected my favourite movie slot to be taken by a Michael Cera movie, but it quite honestly is a movie for nerds.


mas8705 (Member Profile)

gwiz665 (Member Profile)

Robot Chicken- Boba Fett in all his awesomeness!

Robot Chicken the Force Unleashed Ad

kceaton1 says...

>> ^Xaielao:

Lol quite funny. To bad the game sucks just as bad as the original did.

The game is definitely worth a playthrough if you like Star Wars in any fashion. It's basically, Star Wars *with the force powers over the top), a well written story and plot that fits into the mythos (except for the powers, but that's part of the fun).

It's more of an action-RPG for those wondering if they should play it. You level up (decide what powers/ attack combos/ and passive skills to put up), get to find hidden accessories for your lightsaber (let you deal more damage with force powers, more damage with your lightsaber, conserve "force stamina", etc...), and it has two endings going for it.

The story is better than the prequels... Even though it's straightforward and simplistic at times, it will make you play enough to get to the next story outro/intro. It sold a LOT of copies and was highly reviewed. But, I would listen to the gamers on this one as it's a platinum seller just on the XBox-360.

P.S.- I'm talking purely about the first "Unleashed". But, considering what I saw in the demo for the second, I'd guess that I'll be expecting the same quality/stuff plus the story is continued... The combat seemed far more "cleaner" in the "TFU:2" demo as well.

-- People have different tastes and expectations. Just turn the difficulty all the way up (it'll force you to learn good tactics and combo usage). I'd take "The Force Unleashed" anytime compared to: Halo:Anything, Gears of War: 2, Final Fantasy VIII-XIV, any EA Sports game, MoH 2-x^n, etc...

-- I'm not trying to be dismissive @Xaielao, but I thought I should do the very least of posting my completely different viewpoint. I also, got the game for ten dollars. So that helps.

Robot Chicken - Episode III

kceaton1 says...

Freakin Wizard!

edit- Right at the end the emperor gets cut-off going into commercial break; beforehand he's talking about picking your trainee better. Meanwhile, during the break they have a "The Force Unleashed 2" commercial that is done by Robot Chicken; it feeds straight into the episode. I'll try to find it.

edit deus ex- Somebody, did get a good embed, here it is. So make sure to watch this during the little "pause" in the emperor's talk at 11:12 (right as he's about to mention Darth Maul; which is another inside joke concerning "Starkiller").

Another edit-

As I this in Sift Talk with no responses...: from one to ten what does everyone rate this Robot Chicken as?
I, in fact, give it a wizard. That's right, I'm taking it back! (Clerks Two homage anyone?)

Robot Chicken - Episode III

Robot Chicken - Episode III

skinnydaddy1 says...

Best Robot Chicken Episode Ever. They put a hell of a lot more thought in to this one than any of the others. Funny how that turned out. "Blue Harvest" and "Something Something Something Darkside" where damn good but "Its a Trap!" fell on its face. The first 2 Episodes of the Robot Chicken where meh but one the 3rd they nail it. Still it needed more Garry.

gwiz665 (Member Profile)

gwiz665 (Member Profile)

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