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Premier Parkour: Young Love (Romeo Julieta Parkour Nike Ad)

Swing Wing

No more geeks? (Sift Talk Post)

The Simpsons: The Island of Dr. Hibbert

The Lo'oris is back (Sift Talk Post)

looris says...

ahahah rotfl, I remember you live near the strips, lol. One of my friends went to Vegas recently, was intresting to read what he said about it.

[OT] why is the *quality button not grayed out? mmmmh

Welcome to VideoSift 3.0 (Sift Talk Post)

looris says...

Overall Top Channels
The highest ranked channels overall as determined by votes cast by all members.

Fine. Where's complete rankings? Or, at least, how can I know how many votes and videos my channel has?

I also miss many collective-related functions, such as top collective posters, top collective videos, and so on (maybe there are but I couldn't find'em).

Moreover, in the "Channels Listed Alphabetically" the basic channels are missing. So, if one of them isn't listed in the top10, it isn't listed anywere in the channel page...

Finally, a grievous1 question: Viral VS Commercial. I find many many commercial videos who aren't viral by any means. And I *do* mean many.
I guess more than half of the viral channel are actually commercials, due to the fact that the commercial channel wasn't there.
Should I simply add the *commercial channel, or am I also supposed to remove the viral one where I feel it's inappropriate? Can we have a simpler way of modifying channels? Either similar to the tags or playlists one, or anyway better than *nochannel *one *two *three *four *five invocation, that when channels are all-five is really a pain in the ass.

Anyway, gg, I'm really linking VS3

PS: so, looks like I was the only one besides JR to use "bigger" function, weren't we?

PS: rotfl@Goofball_Jones

1 i don't actually know what grievous mean, that was a nice-sounding word and I decided to use it

Japanese/Thai tea commerical with caterpillars

If Bison was Mario in Mario World 1-1...

Trying to Access VideoSift during the 3.0 Upgrade

Peter Griffin vs. Ice Age squirrel

Omazing Grace - Worst Singer Ever

twiddles says...

ROTFL. Brought tears to my eyes! Seriously!

Was this an AA meeting or something? I love that he tries to get other people to sing hoping they would know the words. If you can bear to listen to it, this video is comedic gold.

"Coach, this isn't our ball!" - Great Football Play

Dutch fire brigade commercial

Dynamic Queuing (Sift Talk Post)

What about racist comments? (Sift Talk Post)

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