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Fjnbk (Member Profile)

The History of Gravity - from Newton to Einstein

God is Dead - A Weird Short Film

VideoSift Fall Charter Membership Drive is On! (Sift Talk Post)

13475 says...

XXXL-2 please

Choggie Kendall
23326 Hegar Rd.
Hockley, TX 77447
All Calls Forwarded to God

unless the one yer throwin' starts at is a large, then he said to tell me, to tell you, no hard feelings, he'll take all the xx smalls, you gots left, for all his lady friends....(cause all the gals hang with him, shop in petite and juniors here, and there, if you will.....otherwise make up reasons again why choggie don't get the one you said he could have......Way back when.....Amen

Oh....and, perhaps you should ban that motherfucker for gross violations of logging on on his new cuttlefish-snakeplissken,MyArmy, and gorgler......Make it stop, he's ruining the sift.........

South Park - How about the new Indiana Jones movie?

Video of the Go Topless Protest Parade in Venice

Feature suggestion: Sift Pools (Sift Talk Post)

Obsidianfire says...

Cunner: Blogs don't stimulate community though choggie. I've heard somewhere, no source so take it with a grain of salt, that for every 1 blog out there on the amazing interwebs, there is 1 user to read it. If you really wanted to incorporate blogs into the sift more then they already are, make them a gift for achieving a certain amount of stars. I'd rather have a place where the mass of minds can share themselves together in one big collective. We could call it.. hmm.. sift.. sift something.. Sift.. talk? Sift talk! That's it! ohwait.

srd: As for the pqueue response. You just aren't going to get everyone to enjoy something that's normally obscure. I've learned to deal with that. I have no problem with videos sitting in my pqueue. The people who enjoy the same kind of obscure videos and music I do, regularly take a peek at what I have in there. And it gets upvoted. Eventually even sifted if you give it time.

As for the centralization of channels, I have no problem with that. You can add a video to several different channels, it's not like it doesn't get seen.

As for privatization, all you'd have to do is join that channel literally a "Join this channel" button and it could put an RSS feed, or a side panel feed of that channel's goings-on. That way you'd be kept up to date. You're right about not allowing read access as being a bad idea. Maybe you'd have to join that channel to post to that channel-talk then, But still be able to read it?

Colbert Report - John EdWørds

More old Toys: Swing Wing

Soldier Throws Dog Off A Cliff

10395 says...

That scumbag is a real man he is.....that is humiliating that a US soldier would act like that.....I pray that he gets what is coming to him.

his name:

David Motari
24419 Florence Acres Rd
Monroe, WA 98272-9662
Phone: (360) 794-7191

soldier David Motari throws puppy off cliff video:

I copied these from the other comments of the same video:

Soldiers blow up dog, find it funny

Soldiers, tormenting a dog...

blowing up a kitten and cheering

Soldiers killing civilians in front of their children

Any idea why they hate us?

Penn & Teller - Bullshit - Gun Control

gorilla_squad says...

The paranoia shown in this thread is amazing. From what's been written it sounds like people here are fully prepared to be carjacked or wake up and find someone in their bedroom.

I'm also amazed that the UK is being used as a negative example of what happens when strict gun control is enforced - gun crime was rising even before the recent legislation was passed, so to suggest that its introduction created a dangerous new gun culture is misleading. Even so to put this in perspective, of the 755 recorded murders in 2006/07 barely 7% involved a gun.

In fact, in the Home Office's 2006/07 British Crime Survey, crimes involving firearms decreased pretty much across the board - due to gun control, knives are still by far the most popular weapon. These figures are on page 78 of the survey.

Gun crime in the UK (and I expect the US) is predominately concentrated in a few urban centres and more often than not is linked to some form of inter-gang activity i.e. it's 16-24 year old males from ethnic minorities killing each other. I'd say I'm fairly safe in assuming that the majority of the people who have commented here are white and of European origin, which automatically means the likelihood of you being involved in a gun crime are statistically and comparatively small.

As a non-US citizen the whole debate over an anachronistic right to bear arms mystifies me.

Huckabee Ad Played Backwards says Paul is Dead

videosiftbannedme says...

doogle: I'm going to assume you're serious. Back when the Beatles were releasing albums, there were rumors that Paul McCartney had died. This was further enhanced by little tell-tale things people saw, ie. the Abbey Road album had all the members walking across the actual Abbey Rd. in England with the left foot first. All except Paul who's right foot was forward. ( There were also several other "clues" that people used to put together that McCartney had died. More info here:

Regardless, this is the "Paul is dead" he's referring to; making allusions to the fact that people were seeing what they wanted to see.

With that said, of course they put that in the Huckabee commercial. He has armies of people on his campaign staff and you're telling me not one person noticed it and pointed it out before it went to air? Of course they knew...

CNN Interview: Handcuffed & Tazered Drunk Woman in Ohio

MarineGunrock says...

Whoa whoa whoa... I never said it didn't hurt! I whined like a little girl!
However, my entire unit (approx 135 Marines) went through it as part of training for riot control, and none mentioned injuries like she claimed. Also, the pain stops as soon as the tasing does. They would all attest to that.
Though this particular article isn't the end-all be-all, it is written for people who feel victimized by tasers. No where in it does it mention any sort of swelling of the brain or visual impairment.
Again, I'm not saying she deserved it, nor am I defending the LEO. Yeah, she deserves compensation but I think she's milking it.
Also, yes it is 50,000v, but only 1.33 watts, not 20.

jonny (Member Profile)

Richard Dawkins interview on "The Enemies of Reason"

BicycleRepairMan says...

he will continue to miss the important point that religion and its beliefs are just one of many excuses mankind uses to justify atrocity and inhumanity to fellow human beings.

I'm betting not a single viewer of these videos became an atheist because of them. Dawkins is no Guitar Hero.

Did any of you two even watch this before posting? This clip focuses on the scams of astrology, new age, psychics, cold reading, dowsers and other nonsense, and leaves your imaginary friend completely be.

That being said, I dont think Dawkins/atheism videos convert people on the spot either, but I think Dawkins views are very, very far from persephones "microscopic view on humanity" (please see "Queerer than we can suppose" to see how "dogmatic" RD really is.. : no there are no atheist "preaching" there either))

You also probably judge him from the title of "Root of all Evil?", a title he objected to, and has ever since tried to distance himself from, he did get the question mark in there, but I guess thats not enough for people who only reads by title.. Dawkins has never actually claimed religion truly is the root of all evil, what he does say its that it does little good and much harm.

I cant speak for Dawkins, but if I could change the title slightly, I'd perhaps call it "The root of just evil" because I cant see anything good thats ever come from believing incredibly arrogant, ignorant things about the way the world works, nor have I ever seen a good deed committed in the name of these ideas that are not -or could just as well be- a result of genuine human solidarity and a reasoned view on things.

If we humans didnt know right from wrong innatley, we would have no way to distinguish between the best ideas of Jesus and the worst of Hitler..

But when we hear stuff like "love thy next as yourself" or "do onto others" etc, it rings like music in our ears, because we already know it.

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