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The Third Stage

BBC reported WTC7 Collapse while it was still standing!!

LadyBug says...

WTC7 was not built AS a NYC hub for emergency, farhad ...

WTC7 was completed in 1985 ... it wasn't until 1998 when Giuliani ordered the construction of a $15 million emergency command center. and then it was only the 23rd floor that was reinforced with:
* Bullet- and bomb-resistant windows
* An independent, secure air and water supply
* The ability to withstand winds of 200 mph

i would still like to hear an explanation from anyone explaining how ALL support structures for three steel skyscrapers gave way at exactly the same time, fell at pretty much terminal velocity and disintegrated into a pile of rubble when this hadn't happened since nor has happened again.

The Winning Ticket - A Lottery Prank (NSFW - Language)

How do I discard my own video submission to free up my queue? (Sift Talk Post)

James Roe says...

you simply type *disc@rd where the @ is an a. I would have typed it normally but it would have killed your blog post. The SiftBot runs every half hour or so, which means there is a little bit of a delay.

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Beggar's Canyon