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Quebec's cutie Ariane Moffatt wants it all! "Je Veux Tout"

Hypnotist vs Police Officer

Quebec's cutie Ariane Moffatt wants it all! "Je Veux Tout"

And the Winner Is...

thinker247 says...

"Dedra, you know I hate playing Risk with you."

"Stop playing with me."

"Dedra, why do you always take Kamchatka?"

"Stop playing with me."

"Your continued focus on Canada is going to make you lose Asia."

"Stop playing with me."

"See? Now I took Asia. But at least you have Quebec."

"Arrêter de jouer avec moi."

Obama to Critics: Grab a mop!

Mashiki says...

>> ^Memorare:
Here's hoping that health care reform will nclude Free Medical Marijuana! Wheee!

Move to Canada. You have a higher chance within the next 10 years of seeing it up here than in the US. It's already a non-issue in a lot of places(BC and Quebec in particular), and as someone who is studying the current trends in Canadian Law Enforcement. It's such a moot point with the average person, and they're so far below the radar that unless you're really screwing up somehow(aka DUI, direct possession while driving, flagrant abuse in a public place), or something stupid like that you'll probably see minor decriminalization as the government tries to stop the already sinking boat from going under.

FOX's Shep Smith: Was that Canadian Health Care Story Fair?

Mashiki says...

FYI The Canadian government(Federal) doesn't run our health care system. The federal government simply mandated that all citizens are required to have it, then left it to the provinces(aka s on how to best get it to the citizens. Since they're in BC(aka the odd land of Canada), more so than Ontario. You should be asking "what's wrong with BC's healthcare system, and what are the other critical care cases that had to be in front of them?

To break it down it goes like this:
Federal Government - Mandate by law all Canadians must have to provinces
All provinces & territories required by law to provide health care

Level of health care must be equal and equitable across the country as mandated by the oversight of the federal government(there is someone who checks to make sure that things aren't out of whack).

That means. The level of healthcare in BC is not the same as in Alberta, or Saskatchewan, or Manitoba, Ontario, Quebec, Newfoundland, or PEI. However, they are all close to the same levels mandated by law, but everyone has it. It also means that in some provinces some drugs are not covered, while in other provinces others are. However, if you live in Ontario and go to BC and need medical help. You're covered. OHIP(Ontario Medicare), will cover the treatment. The only places where the federal government is required to deal with health care are in places where such as back-ass-nowhere(territories, and reserves, or settlements in the middle of nowhere). Even then there are equalization, the province/territory covers part.

Lip Dub - I Gotta Feeling - UQAM (4:54)

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'lip dub, black eyed peas, i gotta feeling, uqam, quebec, canada' to 'lip dub, black eyed peas, i gotta feeling, uqam, montreal, quebec, canada' - edited by calvados

G20 protester snatched off the street by unmarked car

Mashiki says...

>> ^Bruti79:
Could be an undercover guy, happened in Quebec, when they had cops there dressed up like protesters to start a fight. When their cover got blown they "got arrested." and then dragged away.

That was deemed unconstitutional and inciting a riot under the criminal code. AKA Bringing the Administration of Justice into disrepute(BAJD). As much as Quebec tries to push the boundaries of law sometimes, even they can't supersede the highest courts in the land unless they leave Canada.

G20 protester snatched off the street by unmarked car

Ryjkyj says...

Alot of you seem to be writing this off so quickly. It's definitely not a protester prank. The car drives right through two cops that would've opened fire on it if they didn't know what was going on.

^ I agree, looks like exactly what happened in Quebec.

G20 protester snatched off the street by unmarked car

Bruti79 says...

Could be an undercover guy, happened in Quebec, when they had cops there dressed up like protesters to start a fight. When their cover got blown they "got arrested." and then dragged away.

Les Cowboys Fringants "Gars d'la compagnie"

calvados says...

(English translation follows)

Depuis le début du siècle
Des gars courageux ont coupé le bois du Québec
Partaient à l'automne, passaient l'hiver dans des camps
Revn'aient voir leurs femmes quand arrivait le printemps.......
Les Américains flairant la bonne affaire
Sont v'nus faire la piasse dans l'bout de Trois-Rivières
Ça va nous faire d'la job pour les Canadiens-Francais
B'tissez vos usines pis nous on vous donne la forêt!

Pendant des années y'ont coupé comme des défoncés
La demande est trop grande pour s'qu'la forêt peut donner
Mais cé pas ben grave
Y'ont des chums au gouvernement
Fa'qu'y sont r'montés au nord
Continuer la coupe à blanc...

Les Amérindiens ceux qui chassent de père en fils
Ont voulu leur parler
Y s'sont fait dire rentrez chez vous
C'est pas avec vous autres qu'on va faire des b'n'fices
Pour nous un caribou c'est ben plus beau sur un trente sous

Et le gars d'la compagnie rit dans sa barbe
C'est qui le con qui a dit que l'argent poussait pas dins arbres ?


Since the turn of last century
Brave lads have been logging the forests of Quebec
Leaving in the fall, spending winter in the camps
Returning to their wives when the spring would come again
The Americans could smell a lot of cash
Came to make a buck at the town of Trois-Rivières
It'd mean jobs for us, the French-Canadians
Build your factories and we'll give you the whole forest

Year after year they cut down trees like men possessed
Asking too much more than the forest could provide
But it was no big deal
They had friends in government
So they headed further north
And kept up their clearcutting

The aboriginals, who were hunters, man and boy
Tried to have a say
But were told to take a hike
It's not from your kind that we're going to make our profits
For us, your caribou looks better minted on a coin

And the company man is laughing to himself
Who's the fool who said that money doesn't grow on trees?

Krupo (Member Profile)

"Montreal" -- cute singer travels like a suitcase

Obama's Message To American Indians

blankfist says...

I'm 1/8th Cherokee. You have to be 1/16th or greater for the Federal government to recognize you, so I could be taking some of those sweet, sweet gub'ment handouts if I could prove it, which I cannot because when my great grandmother married a white man she was removed from the Cherokee register. I seriously am about as Native American as I am an astronaut, so it would be silly for me to take any Federal money.

@Payback. It's not Quebec. I'm pretty sure their tribal band is near Edmonton, Alberta Canada.

@KnivesOut. You're so smart. You have a firm grasp on "logical" things. I marvel at your mental prowess. Reparations for dead people is EXACTLY like disaster relief for the living. You nailed it. Bravo.

Obama's Message To American Indians

Payback says...

>> ^blankfist:
Also, the Canadians around the reservations tend to treat the Native Americans as lesser beings. My gf, who is American and part white and black and East Indian and everything else under the sun (but mostly Native American), experienced the Canadian racism first hand. Most of the local white vendors would be extremely rude to her because they assumed she was from the local tribe.

Which province? If it's Quebec, you have to remember that they treat everybody like that. Furthermore, Quebeccers aren't Canadian, they're French-Canadian. The second part doesn't really apply at street level. I'm in British Columbia, but none of us claim to be British (those who aren't born in Britain, that is).

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