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Guy drives jet ski into van. Van sinks into water.

nomino says...


I know it doesn't sound like french, but it is...Definitely from Quebec. It's so raw and crude that it is almost poetic, almost. It's also nsfw for those who understand what they are saying.

Cute Together: Dog and Baby playing

David Mitchell - Dear America...

calvados says...

>> ^Payback:

Burr-nard for Americans, Bear-nud for British.

... my own personal pet peeve is people who think the cops wrote them up for "driving with undue care and attention"

My late grandma was actually ticketed for undue care while driving; she was driving dangerously slow on the freeway.

It might've been here in Quebec, the first place I'd seen that had minimum speed limits.

Net Neutrality is really Obama taking control of Internet!

Matthu says...

They must be fucking trying to confuse me those bastards!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Because now I'm confused. I am so ridiculously for net neutrality which means all content and applications run over the interner are treated equally.

If this changes. If my internet in Canada becomes censored... Like in China... If the government tries to sway internet traffic by making some content/applications slower than others - I will be protesting in the streets night and day. And I've never protested anything.

In Canada, ISPs were throttling torrents, then, from my understanding, the CRTC (Canadas FCC) declared that throttling certain applications over others was illegal. However it currently remains the responsibility of the customer to determine whether they are being throttled and file a claim. ISPs throttling of the internet is not policed by our government as well it should be. This remains a problem.

In Canada we have a duopoly. Bell and Rogers(Videotron in Quebec) control the whole network. They have recently eliminated unlimited internet plans. Now they've switched to UBB(useage based billing). Anyone who already had an account would retain a "grandfathered" account which meant they would retain their unlimited plans. Bell, however, employed vicious aggressive tactics to eliminate as many grandfathered accounts as possible. This happened to my mother. What they did was they called her and offered her a "free upgrade". They told her she'd have fewer viruses and a faster internet. They did not tell her she would lose her grandfathered unlimited GB plan. Now we're limited to 80 GB a month and charged for every GB over.

As far as UBB goes - it's not the end of the world. I suppose it's fair to pay for the bandwidth you use. What I take issue with is that they offered it to begin with, and then employed disgusting tactics to get rid of it. Tactics they used on customers who have been loyal to them for over 30 years.

Sorry to be so long-winded but this makes me RAAAAAGE.

tl;dr ISPs are evil. Protect Your Internet. WWW.SAVEOURNET.CA

Report From the Seal Slaughter - Spring 2010

silvercord says...

The difference is, apparently, that the Canadian hunters don't have to abide by the laws of the land regarding the hunt. That is what the observer is pointing out.

This really is unnecessary. While I don't begrudge the Inuit hunt, I've read that they do not participate in the commercial hunt and that their take amounts to three percent of the total kill. Here, reportedly, is a letter from an Inuit named Arnaituk M. Tarkirk, of Quebec:

We have been hearing all about the European vote to ban the importation of seal products from the so-called seal hunt.

I am an Inuk and I would like to say what I think about this.

Peter Ittinuur, Northwest Territory MP, has been saying that this vote will put a lot of Inuit on welfare. This is stupid. The money from the hunt goes to Norway mostly and has nothing to do with the Inuit.

We are skillful hunters who hunt adult animals for food, That is not the same as bashing a pup, which can’t move, over the head.

In fact, if the seal hunt stopped, we would benefit the most. There would be 180,000 more seals left for us to eat when they are a few years older, and also people would not have such an aversion to sealskin products as they have after seeing the way they kill the pups, so craft work made with adult seals would be more popular.

The Hudson Bay Company and the government are just using the Inuit to further their own purposes. I am surprised Peter Ittinuur, whom I know, could allow himself to be used like that. I know people who are against the seal hunt, and they are not against the Inuit.

I am an Inuk, and I oppose the seal hunt.

And, let's do talk about seals and cod:

To every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. The seals aren't the problem. Man has unbalanced the ecosystem.

Quebec story on The young turks,Muslims stirring up trouble

jwray says...

>> ^Matthu:
What if the teacher is a man? What if there are no female teachers nearby? I know, we'll hire a woman specifically to I.D. anyone who has issues with a man seeing their face. That's reasonable accommodation.

No, that's a waste of money to accommodate some insane dogma.

It's not any more a violation of her rights than it would be a violation of the rights of a student who was afraid of bright lights to refuse to dim the lights in a classroom. She's partaking in services that involve other people, and therefore doesn't get to dictate all the terms. She can wear whatever she wants / do whatever she wants at home.

Also, if a female goes to certain Muslim countries while NOT wearing some full body covering, she'll get assaulted by police because of it. That's way worse than a school dress code. It's a symbol of the oppression of women because in many countries they still do not have the choice to not wear it.

Quebec story on The young turks,Muslims stirring up trouble

rougy says...

>> ^xxovercastxx:
So you're very tolerant except of Muslims, foreigners and other cultures? Don't set that bar too high, now.
>> ^rougy:
Hard call for me. I'm all for tolerance, but I do remember a college professor forcing all of the guys to take off their ball caps in his class.
I also can't stand fundamentalist religions of any sort, especially the type that subjugates women, which I believe Islam does with these sorts of dress codes.
I'll also say that in western cultures, the concealment of the face is usually associated with criminal activity.
I kind of think...if a person wants to live their lives in such a backwards manner, how can they really expect to be treated otherwise in a modern, western, 21st century world?
I mean, fuck! A couple of Britons are going to jail in Dubai (I think) for kissing in public. Given that kind of social intolerance, I'm not going to get all worked up about this one just yet.

So my hat is douch-baggery and her face-hiding scarf is sacred?

I'm very tolerant. If you've looked at my words and trace them henceforth you might agree. But I have little patience for fundamentalists.

And I'll tell you why: because when the tables are turned, the fundamentalists will never afford the "secular world" the same tolerance that we afforded them.

I don't hate her. I hope she learns French, but more importantly I hope she learns how to take off that stupid fucking mask.

I do not apologize for that thought.

Legalizing Marijuana - Ron Paul and Jesse Ventura

Matthu says...

I started smoking weed when I was 15. I don't think, like some hardcore supporters do, that it's a magical drug that will lead us all to nirvana.

That being said, the hypocrisy on the part of the government disgusts me. In France, they've banned msg. Pot is also illegal in France, but at least they are being consistent. It's funny because just last night I went out for some mcd's. I haven't eaten any mcdonald's in a few months. I swear people... Ok I was a little hungry but still... I couldn't describe to you how bad I was fiending for that McChicken. I felt it in me, if someone would've come by and tried to take it away I would've FUCKED them up.

I've never felt that with weed. I might go a few weeks without smoking and then really want to smoke because having gone a few weeks without, I'll get a nice buzz. I might think as I'm about to light up, "Damn this is going to be sweet, and then smoke and be like MmMmm." But not like my desperation for that McChicken last night. And I've smoked way more joints in my life then eaten McChicken's.

Here's a nice article on msg:

So why's it like this? Well, I think it's religions fault probably. Religious people don't do "drugs". But they got no beef(pun not intended) with a McWrap.

Furthermore, in regards to driving stoned. I drive stoned. When I first starting driving I said to myself I'll never drive stoned. But after a couple times of doing it anyways, I got comfortable with it and I'm telling you I can drive just as well if not better(due to feeling relaxed and not in a rush) as sober.

I can't drink and drive tho. I would not drive drunk and I fucking can't stand driving even tipsy. I've driven tipsy before it's not fun. I don't feel comfortable doing it. I'm likely to not feel my speed unless I'm scared and staring at the speedometer. It's hard to describe how I feel driving tipsy. I just feel handicapped vs the other people on the road. Also, I live in Quebec and people drive aggressively here.

Anyways smoking weed might mildly impair your reflexes, but it doesn't affect your motor skills. So if a retard runs out into the middle of the street, you might not react in time. But you won't jump the sidewalk and kill an older lady going out for a power walk.

Also, alcohol makes me a little aggressive. Not enough to go out looking for a fight, but enough to hope someone else does.

Weed makes me completely docile.

Also, it hasn't been a gateway drug for me. Shrooms is the only other drug I've ever done.

Wasted Potential:
A good image showing the wasted potential of marijuana.

Quebec story on The young turks,Muslims stirring up trouble

xxovercastxx says...

So you're very tolerant except of Muslims, foreigners and other cultures? Don't set that bar too high, now.
>> ^rougy:
Hard call for me. I'm all for tolerance, but I do remember a college professor forcing all of the guys to take off their ball caps in his class.
I also can't stand fundamentalist religions of any sort, especially the type that subjugates women, which I believe Islam does with these sorts of dress codes.
I'll also say that in western cultures, the concealment of the face is usually associated with criminal activity.
I kind of think...if a person wants to live their lives in such a backwards manner, how can they really expect to be treated otherwise in a modern, western, 21st century world?
I mean, fuck! A couple of Britons are going to jail in Dubai (I think) for kissing in public. Given that kind of social intolerance, I'm not going to get all worked up about this one just yet.

Quebec story on The young turks,Muslims stirring up trouble

BoneRemake says...

That is a fine example of a quality post, ALTHOUGH, this topic does have to do with Canadian provinces and its judicial follow up. I hope there is a equivalent on the .ca side

>> ^NordlichReiter:
All of this talk of rights. You know what Carlin said about rights? You have no rights. You have privileges.

Alright, look. I had alot of good info down here. But the HTML links caused my browser to dislike the width of the comment boxes. I had to do some digging in order to figure out how to edit the comment without an edit option on my screen.
So I looked at the source (firebug) and found the Anchor that the edit button used and followed that link. Viola fixed.
Use this site to look for mask laws by state.

Matthu (Member Profile)

BoneRemake says...

I couldnt tell man, is that on me or the guy who finds the internet to personal ?

I said business attire,school uniforms, anywhere its mandated the basics of what must be worn, it creates a different environment to all be dressed the same, in the sense of business, everyone wear suits and such to be "professional" I dont see how other guy didnt get that parallelism it all has to do with being told what to wear... hahahha I never ever thought that thread would get so much response, I laugh when I see that.

In reply to this comment by Matthu:
It's not business attire either, hypocrite.
>> ^burdturgler:
>> ^BoneRemake:
So I was thinking, I don't see why this would go to a provincial level. Institute a basic dress policy as they have in business or in private even public schools. It is well within the schools/institutions right to have one. No I don't hate Muslims but I do religions; I 100 percent agree with the ideal that you accustom YOURSELF to the countries customs not the other way around.
burdturgler, you where a douche for pouncing on dudes g/f, she was referring what I said about Sikh knife, and it has everything to do with this story because it involves individual religious beliefs, if you are not up to speed on that story from a couple years back I can inform you of it.

This concept "that you accustom YOURSELF to the countries customs not the other way around" ... Does said country not include rights to religious freedom and the ability to worship and peacefully express those beliefs? Yes? It's sickening reading some of these posts. Is there some government mandate that says what business attire someone should wear? No. You 'hate religions', so you're a bigot and have no respect for other peoples rights. I'm a douche for "pouncing" on the knife thing? You're a douche for making it a part of this conversation. This video has nothing to do with that. A scarf is not a knife.

Quebec story on The young turks,Muslims stirring up trouble

Stormsinger says...

>> ^burdturgler:
It's fucking HILARIOUS, you making a point about identifying people in public, and I don't even know if it's you or your girlfriend that I'm responding to.
You're the only one here posting with two people on the same account. Maybe something should be done about that.

You do realize that you're arguing with a guy who thinks I should be banned for expressing an opinion that differs from his, right? I wouldn't look for a lot of consistency or courtesy there.

Quebec story on The young turks,Muslims stirring up trouble

Matthu says...

What if the teacher is a man? What if there are no female teachers nearby? I know, we'll hire a woman specifically to I.D. anyone who has issues with a man seeing their face. That's reasonable accommodation.>> ^NinjaInHeat:
You people amaze me, you sound like right-wing politicians...
To rougy: for you a piece of clothing is just a piece of clothing, you barely manage to go 2 sentences without showing your whole point is based on your disdain for Muslims, even if I agreed with you and hated Muslims with all my heart it would still have nothing to do with this discussion, you would not approve of teachers asking someone to remove a Yamaka, a cross or anything else.
As for the rest of you, what the fuck is this bullshit bringing up identification in the class room as a problem? fuck me, you're right, how else would they know it's her? they couldn't come up with some simple solution like having her unveil herself to the teachers in private before the test or any of a hundred other solutions a 12 year old could come up with, no! this is the only way!
Her voice is muffled? she can speak up.
We're not talking about bringing a knife to school where I could see the arguments towards safety of others, we're not talking about shaded gym windows, where it's a case of the subjects forcing their ways actively on others (believe me, Israel is packed full of this bullshit, I would be the last one to argue for it).
Stop treating this issue like children, at the very least understand that this sort of behavior is very clearly the manifestation of bigotry, the practical reasoning behind it is moronic. She isn't some lunatic who made up a religion and its tenets yesterday and is demanding they be recognized. For fuck's sake she is seeking education, how retarded is it to deny it of her? Especially when you understand that she has no choice, when faced with such a restriction she would sooner abandon education than abandon her faith... is that not an appropriate place to draw a line?

Quebec story on The young turks,Muslims stirring up trouble

Matthu says...

It's not business attire either, hypocrite.
>> ^burdturgler:
>> ^BoneRemake:
So I was thinking, I don't see why this would go to a provincial level. Institute a basic dress policy as they have in business or in private even public schools. It is well within the schools/institutions right to have one. No I don't hate Muslims but I do religions; I 100 percent agree with the ideal that you accustom YOURSELF to the countries customs not the other way around.
burdturgler, you where a douche for pouncing on dudes g/f, she was referring what I said about Sikh knife, and it has everything to do with this story because it involves individual religious beliefs, if you are not up to speed on that story from a couple years back I can inform you of it.

This concept "that you accustom YOURSELF to the countries customs not the other way around" ... Does said country not include rights to religious freedom and the ability to worship and peacefully express those beliefs? Yes? It's sickening reading some of these posts. Is there some government mandate that says what business attire someone should wear? No. You 'hate religions', so you're a bigot and have no respect for other peoples rights. I'm a douche for "pouncing" on the knife thing? You're a douche for making it a part of this conversation. This video has nothing to do with that. A scarf is not a knife.

Quebec story on The young turks,Muslims stirring up trouble

burdturgler says...

>> ^BoneRemake:
So I was thinking, I don't see why this would go to a provincial level. Institute a basic dress policy as they have in business or in private even public schools. It is well within the schools/institutions right to have one. No I don't hate Muslims but I do religions; I 100 percent agree with the ideal that you accustom YOURSELF to the countries customs not the other way around.
burdturgler, you where a douche for pouncing on dudes g/f, she was referring what I said about Sikh knife, and it has everything to do with this story because it involves individual religious beliefs, if you are not up to speed on that story from a couple years back I can inform you of it.

This concept "that you accustom YOURSELF to the countries customs not the other way around" ... Does said country not include rights to religious freedom and the ability to worship and peacefully express those beliefs? Yes? It's sickening reading some of these posts. Is there some government mandate that says what business attire someone should wear? No. You 'hate religions', so you're a bigot and have no respect for other peoples rights. I'm a douche for "pouncing" on the knife thing? You're a douche for making it a part of this conversation. This video has nothing to do with that. A scarf is not a knife.

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