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What is Reddit?

yellowc says...

It is perfectly open, you are free to create your own sub-reddit and manage it however you please.

Open doesn't mean that every part of the site needs to cater to you, the point is people have the opportunity to do what they want, it doesn't mean there are no consequences.

The core of Linux is open source, you can do just about anything you want on your fork of Linux but it doesn't mean you can do whatever you want in the Ubuntu fork of Linux, that one is heavily moderated and that's their chosen path.

People know exactly what Reddit is, we simply didn't get butthurt over some likely trivial matter to set us on a crusade against it. If you want to not sound petty, feel free to share with us what you were trying to post and where you trying to post it. Then we can form an opinion of our own, as right now, we're just taking your bias word that you were wronged.

Gutspiller said:

Try to post too many stories that they don't think are important, and they control it at the source and ban you. Not exactly my idea of an "open" site that many people believe Reddit to be. The flow should be controlled by up and down votes, not single admins that simply say "nope".

Don't get me started on how they try to promote their site as a "social" site, when there is a heavy dark line that prevents you from posting "whatever you want". That line is controlled by people behind the scenes. Basically, the site has censorship, and doesn't want you to know that it has censorship.

cell phone justice-man beaten-tazed-teeth knocked out

chingalera says...

This is some Rodney King shit here.
Unfortunately, so many large cities (like artician here points out) have so many cops off the chain that this has become common-place thanks in large part to homeland security upgrades to civil liberties post 9-11. The shit is broken, and uniformed thugs are given free reign to smash skulls and destroy lives by turning humans into recycling by placing their names into the NET as "felons" or "suspicious" or "terrorist"

Note to the computer chair enthusiasts (oh, and members of Videosift who are law enforcement or former law enforcement??) who have the loop running constantly in their minds when they see something like this video that belches, "Well, if they weren't breaking the law" or, "cops were just doing their job" etc., yer fucking out of touch with the reality that is being created for you while you SLEEP, or, yer simply out-of-touch cunts who are still in the "good-ole-boys" club of the mind.

All these cops should be suspended without pay and crucified. Period. Don't care if the suspect was a fucking dead baby-skull rapist, these cops used extreme force to subdue and otherwise KILL this guy.

What you are witnessing is state-sanctioned attempted murder by a gang of thugs iwth ill-fitting uniforms and too many lethal toys. Petty, fucking thugs who need to be separated from the rest of the human population. Especially that fat piece of shit with the tazer...the thug with the club needs his own cell..The hotbox in solitary for about a year would be perfect.

radx (Member Profile)

blankfist says...

I did see that. It's just intimidation tactics. But I love it when world governments act petty like scorn thirteen-year-old school girls.

Also, his partner's last name is pretty fitting, too. Miranda. It'd be more fitting if this happened in the U.S., but still.

radx said:

Did you see this shit?

The UK's Terrorism Act 2000 had caused quite some ruckus over here before, but this is just out-fucking-rageous.

'The Flying Man': Darkly Original Short Film

VoodooV says...

I think maybe, much more simply. It might just be commentary on what would *really* happen if someone was given super powers.

Even the most fair and ethical person in the world would have a REALLY HARD time not using powers for personal gain or petty satisfaction. That's assuming you didn't just flat out commit blatant crimes such as this flying man.

Even if you chose to "do good" with your powers, when you no longer have the traditional limitations us normal mortals have, the temptation to do petty shit, even just harmless pranks with your powers would be insanely tough.

@coolhund brings up an excellent point. blue-collar crime, in the grand scheme of things, really isn't a huge problem anymore. white collar crime, however, is a larger concern for most people these days. Little bit harder to swoop in and save the day in that sort of situation. Not very exciting either.

And when it comes right down to it, crime fighting really isn't all that fun or easy.

Jon Stewart's 19 Tough Questions for Libertarians!

blankfist says...

@JiggaJonson, man, you're harboring such personal resentment. It's all so petty and cringeworthy at this point. But, again, your premise is completely ridiculous. And for so many reasons it's hard to list them all here. I also don't believe in the heavy gun restrictions here in Los Angeles, but I'm not about to walk out onto the streets in front of LAPD with an AK-47 slung over my shoulder. By your backwards logic, that means I'm supporting gun control.

Not to mention, Thoreau lived at a different time when it was probably safer to be a tax resister. The fewer interactions with our police state that I can make for myself is probably for the best. Also the Internal Revenue System (a self-proclaimed tax law enforcement agency) wasn't formed until the exact year Thoreau died. Fact. Look it up.

I'm fairly certain Thoreau didn't have to submit a W9 to work as an author. I, on the other hand, do. And the 16th Amendment, the one responsible for Congress's ability to levy income tax, wasn't even ratified until over forty years after his death. And so forth and so on, etc. etc. boring conversation and blah blah.

Plus my personal life is none of your business. So you're just really talking out your ass and comparing apples to oranges here. I really hope you can find happiness in your life and move past being so bitter.

Cop Fired for Speaking Out Against Ticket and Arrest Quotas

VoodooV says...

As usual, the problem here is profit motive. The police force has a budget like everyone else and in order to help with expenses, thou must extract money from the populace.

If people would just agree that yes, a well trained (and well funded) and ethical police force is necessary for a free society and that said education and training are a priority and not traffic fines. We already have serious debates about legitimate taxation, we don't need taxation in this particular form. There are probably better ways to motivate people to drive safer. If you're wealthy, you aren't going to give a shit about a fine. (gotta love the cop's remark about protecting us against the 1% btw. yes I know he wasn't referring to the wealthy 1%, but still, it was amusing)

Either law enforcement is a priority and thus is deserving of funding so that they don't need to resort to petty ways of extracting money....or it's not a priority. Make a decision please.

The other problem is while yes, I think we need STRONG traffic law enforcement, but we need to take advantage of technology and make it so that manpower isn't focused on traffic enforcement, but on actual in-progress crimes.

Glenn Greenwald Comments on the Snowden's Asylum

Lawdeedaw says...

I find it petty bickering between nations, nothing about Snowden or rights even. Putin is sticking it to Obama and vice versa. Think about who else Putin said fuck you to in spite of the US--adopted children.

Scathing Critique of Reaction to Trayvon Martin Verdict

Porksandwich says...

Well I was using your definition, but I think alley is the correct description of what is in the photos I put up.

And just pulling a few out to highlight here:

2. A path between flower beds or trees in a garden or park. (Goes between trees).
1. a narrow lane or passage, esp one between or behind buildings
1. a passage, as behind a row of houses, permitting access from the street to backyards, garages, etc. (goes behind housing, allows access to backyards)

But you give me the correct word for that location if you would, so I can berate your choice of vocabulary and make insinuations as to your intent.

Haven't posted here in months or maybe a year because of this petty definition bickering that seems to show up each time I post, and here it is again.

DJO - Hamburgerism

Obama "I Won't be Scrambling Jets to Get 29-Year-Old Hacker"

criticalthud says...

from a more basic perspective, a major part of the problem is that we have lawyers in positions that require leadership and initiative.

Far from taking initiative, lawyers are trained to fight over the most petty shit, drag things out as a competitive tactic, compulsively lie, and in general, be an impediment to getting things done.

Politics won't change until we understand what needs changing. it ain't just the person, it's the TYPE of person.

♪While My Guitar Gently Weeps ♫

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'prince, tom petty, lynne, guitar, hall of fame, induction, vh1, dhani harrison' to 'prince, tom petty, jeff lynne, guitar, hall of fame, induction, vh1, dhani harrison' - edited by xxovercastxx

♪While My Guitar Gently Weeps ♫

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'prince, petty, lynne, guitar, perfect, awesome red hat, hall of fame, telecaster' to 'prince, tom petty, lynne, guitar, hall of fame, induction, vh1, dhani harrison' - edited by xxovercastxx

Apple's dirty little tax secret -- Guardian

renatojj says...

@NinjaInHeat go ahead, throw away your money paying higher taxes, no one's stopping you, but it won't give you any moral authority to demand higher taxes for other people.

I'd seriously like to understand what justifies a corporation paying progressively more taxes than the rest of us. Aren't we trying to right a wrong here, are profits in the hands of a productive entity or person something inherently bad for society? Should it be transferred to government instead, who is much better at wasting resources than petty cost-conscious businessmen?

Your hatred towards all corporations is misplaced because, believe it or not, they don't all conspire to enjoy the same amount of freedom and privileges. Government is stepping in and benefitting a select few at the expense of many. In this awful economy, many corporations have gone bankrupt or are struggling to get by, while a few benefit from massive bailouts and federal contracts handsomely paid for with the debasement of our currency and heavy taxes you so fiercely want all corporations to pay.

To me, that's neither representative of capitalism, nor of a healthy functioning society.

I think you're mistaken in your understanding that we have any substantial power or responsibility for the actions of our governments. In a democracy, your participation outside of a more influential circle is mostly symbolic. Sure, you can vote and run for office, but that limited capacity for involvement shouldn't be an excuse to shunt any criticism of government.

Texas DPS Performs Cavity Search on 2 Women by Roadside

chingalera says...

This is old news, eh?

UPDATE: Trooper Kelley Helleson, who was later fired after the Texas Department of Public Safety investigated, was charged with two counts of sexual assault and two counts of official oppression. Trooper David Farrell was charged with theft after the women said their prescription went missing following last summer’s incident.

Two less state-employed creeps in uniform, thanks to both of you for being such petty thugs.

2nd Amendment Activist ejected from hearing

VoodooV says...

If his rights were being violated, why didn't he pull out his gun and defend them AS IT IS WRITTEN? That's where the 2nd amendment fails IMO...or at the very least, that's where people fail. We hear the hard liners whining non-stop that they think they live in a tyrannical gov't (despite being elected by the people) Where are the revolts then? Where are the 2nd Amendment remedies? In other words, put your money where your mouth is. Talk is cheap. Where is that willingness to kill and to die in order to preserve liberty? Or are you just talking the talk but when push comes to shove, even the hardliners accept that they don't know what actual tyranny is.

In all honesty though, the audio was so shitty I didn't hear the specific exchange that got the official so pissed off. It seemed like he was being kicked out simply because he was getting too loud or he mouthed back to the official. So yeah, I can agree that he probably didn't deserve to be kicked out. Was it an offense? yep. But it was a trivial offense and BOTH sides should have handled it better. It seemed awful petty of the official for that one thing to set him off. But hey, the activist should have been on his best behavior too. You're representing other people, so represent them well. You don't have to like the person in office, but respect the office nonetheless.

Just seemed like both sides were being childish. Yay two party system!

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