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Colonel Sanders Explains Our Dire Overpopulation Problem

chingalera says...

The molecule cares

Hey gorillaman, your numbers are surprisingly close to those proposed by the Georgia Guidestones-My personal favorite is #7: Avoid petty laws and useless officials. Planet now is currently at a pace to match or trump the bureaucracy portrayed in Terry Gilliam's film, 'Brazil.'

grinter said:

..also, who cares if humans survive to spread across the galaxy, if we are the assholes who burnt down our own home while our family was still inside?

Tom Petty - Mary Jane's Last Dance

Tom Petty - Mary Jane's Last Dance (Live 2006)

Tom Petty - Mary Jane's Last Dance

Tom Petty - Mary Jane's Last Dance

Tom Petty & The Heartbreakers - It's Good to Be King (Live)

Tom Petty - It's Good To Be King

Tom Petty - It's Good To Be King

David Mitchell on Atheism

chingalera says...

So voodoovoovoo, may I offer-up an armchair analysis of why you feel the need to justify anything regarding your take on the subject?

In particular, this statement:

"I *am* opposed to every single depiction of a creator that humanity has come up with so far. petty, fear-based, eternal punishment for finite crimes, constant inconsistencies in their rules, ok with slavery, and absolutely shitty morals."

I would surmise from this opener, that you may resemble a victim of the fallacy contained in this statement considering your penchant for using this website as a platform to recruit similar folks of your ilk to validate your current position within this chaotic world, any individual's perception of the same resembling a constant flux and ever-changing.

Might I know where to attend services and pay tithes to afford myself of the bounty of wisdom to be derived form your observations disguised as a statement of purpose?

Church of the Videosift perhaps??

Already a member having paid my dues thank you. I'm sure you have a bar down the street from your flat and a certainty exists there that they would appreciate you drinking alone less often and perhaps helping with the gas bill.

My advice?? Become a hack writer and create your own weekly gathering of like-minded patrons who might afford you the luxury of the proselytizing quest you're compelled to pursue here.

Jesus the Nazarene spoke of a disease regarding a similar affliction quite simply and eloquently, in a similar sentiment...

"And when thou prayest, thou shalt not be as the hypocrites are: for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and in the corners of the streets, that they may be seen of men. Verily I say unto you, They have their reward."-Matthew 6:5

I'm sorry if I'm a dick about your current take on why you're here feeling you have to explain yourself, but from what you've described you simply are at this point in your experience, not able to conjure a god or system that does not fit into the models you have created for yourself. Kinna like my stance that anything created by men for other men is doomed to fail and already sucks.

Morality? Often relative to your dealings with those of opinions other than your own...

Make your own way, and you become the absurd creator-god perhaps?? Stranger shit has happened after all, over, and over, and over until the cessation of observation.

David Mitchell on Atheism

VoodooV says...

here's the thing that convinced me that I wasn't an agnostic anymore.

I am not opposed to the idea of a creator.

I *am* opposed to every single depiction of a creator that humanity has come up with so far. petty, fear-based, eternal punishment for finite crimes, constant inconsistencies in their rules, ok with slavery, and absolutely shitty morals.

Sure..individual people have a personal vision of a much more...humane and moral creator that represents a much better view of a creator. But those ideas don't get any real traction in the public scene. It's always the hateful creator, the vengeful creator, The creator that somehow plays favorites and cures cancer and other diseases but only for certain people, but has never once given an amputee their limb back. the creator that picks the winners of football teams, the creator that somehow hates how you think and behave even though he created you that way. The creator that somehow sides with one political party and not the other.

I don't know if there is a creator, and when it comes right down to it, no one does either. But what I do know is that there is absolutely no evidence of ANY religions' creator(s) And even if there were, many, if not all of these creators have created rules systems that are just demonstrably...bad or so full of holes.

So you could say I am agnostic, but that, at least to me, implies that both views have an equal footing...that somehow there is evidence for both, but you just haven't decided which is stronger.

Theists have made claims but have not provided any good evidence to support those claims. Atheism is not declaring that there is no creator, just that the theists haven't made their case. So it's pretty clear that even if you don't know if there is a creator, if you call bullshit on religion, you're an atheist, not an agnostic. Religion and whether or not a creator exists are TWO SEPARATE THINGS.

It just comes down to burden of proof and the common misconception that atheism is the declaration that there is no creator. You can't prove a negative on this scale Believing that there is absolutely no creator is anti-theism, not atheism.

AIDS is cured! - by serving AIDS in an Egyptian army kebab

chingalera says...

Direct that spiel at every world leader buying air-time or cornering the market in the same. This cunt represents a simple petty thug in a coat pocket. Fascist Egyptian military working for the machine that makes all this possible? God-fearing is what the machine wants you to lay down for, they think themselves little motherfucking gods there, skippy.
Education, education, and education? More-likely re-education and a side-order of the real.

A10anis said:

Scarey stuff. These people are the true enemy of humanity. They are desperate for their once held god fearing control over the populace. A control that focuses on the utter ignorance of their subjects. Education, education, and education, are the only tools necessary to thwart their medieval objectives.

Romancing the Drone or "Aerial Citizen Reduction Program"

bcglorf says...

For balance, most of the towns where drone strikes have been made already were completely controlled by people who hated America and harbored or cooperated with those actively working on killing Americans. Take a tour of the hundreds of drone strike targets in tribal Pakistan and you are surveying a region accepting the rule of militants so extreme that the Pakistani government is a secular heresy worthy of death to them. Pakistani law including the death sentence for blasphemy. Those regions being under such strong control of the militants that the Pakistani military can't go there for the casualties they would take trying to do so. The welcome for Americans(long before drone strikes were made) would have been even more vicious.

It is important to state that for as much legitimate reason to 'hate' American foreign policy as there is, there exist huge numbers of people who hate America for their own petty, vile and psychotic reasons. The Islamic fundamentalists that see Pakistan as too secular are plainly one such example, and saying they only hate America because they are justified is making excuses for monsters.

Yogi said:

Abdulrahman Anwar al-Awlaki, who is Anwar al-Awlakis 16 year old son was targeted and killed. Born in Denver he was looking for his father and had sat down to dinner. He died along with his 17 year old cousin. It's called murder of the innocent.

Also they don't end any threat at all, they create more and more terrorists daily. Just ask anyone who's town has been hit by a Drone attack.

chicchorea (Member Profile)

enoch says...

ah thank you for your kind words my friend.
much appreciated.

many here on this site of late appear to have acquired super powers and have the ability to discern my intentions.
which to my surprise are always egotistical in nature....the baffles.

the belittling,trolling and smug arrogance grates on my nerves and is so un-necessary.
all multiple forms of bullying i detest.

little kings..
in their little fiefdoms..
demanding respect while giving none.

i would chuckle if it were not so heart breaking.

but i am duty bound to stand up and point to the rot and the decay.
few ears listen and even rarer for a heart to be touched.

and even when i do that my words are ridiculed and dismissed.
corruption seeks to blind the seeker and deafen one who would listen.whispering always to the most intimate and despicable of our natures.
selfishness knows no just wants more.

i am losing this battle.
my integrity..questioned.
my motivations...projected by those with lesser constitutions.
sacrifices ..all in vain,for naught but a harsh word and a suspicious glare.

as if i were the enemy.

where is the love?
the joy of creation and just being?
of connecting with another and rejoicing in that small moment of realization?

ah my friend,i struggle with those who choose pettiness over substance and to the absolute deafening roar of silence.the pervasive shadow of fear has infected and conquered more territory over the past year,seeping like a stain.

and the oblivious rejoice in their own ignorance.
thinking themselves clever.
doom has never before held such a beautiful and entrancing countenance.
we revel in our own stink and call it lovely.
dancing like macabre ghosts on a sterile landscape...
love and joy left long ago...
and we clap like monkeys and gleefully chatter as the noose is drawn tighter.
and the smell of death and fear grow stronger,but the allure of violence distracts us from our own emptiness.

what is it worth if there is no love?

ah..but this is why yours was/is so precious.
thank you my friend.

there is love,
and with that...
there is hope.

because i love you.

Police Shoot and Kill 80-Year Old Man in His Own Bed

chingalera says...

Reporter: "Hobbes, a self proclaimed controlled substances expert.."

"then Quoting Hobbes: " I drove to the location and drove around the entire property, once I was downwind from the location, I could smell the strong odor of chemicals. I formed the expert opinion, that the location is being used as a clandestine methamphetamine lab site."

Listen to the retarded language of these bumblers-Slip-shod redneck petty-thug punks off the chain in Bumfukistan L.A. County....Buncha real fucking "experts."

chicchorea (Member Profile)

chingalera says...

Sir...lower than low and you can't tell the real from unreal-I am a musician and a friend to humanity and all you want from me is to see me burn-You are sadly mistaken in your assumptions and have dealt me a personal disservice,

I mean you no personal ill-will and have seen this before from other abusers of this site.

Cut and paste and declare the righteous of humanity unworthy based on nothing but your own delusional fantasies of right and wrong.

I have no history here of anything but calling shit when I see it and you sir, are THE epitome of the dregs of the worst of humankind.

You place yourself in a false position of a 'holier than thou' saint and read into my jovial and playful banter nothing but hatred and an unforgiving soul, some vile pervert....I assure you, I am so very far from some pedophile, no user of women, on the contrary-You have no idea the depths to which your own delusion has brought you and the entire site in declaring me in your self-righteousness some petty piece of human garbage as to accuse me of such a thing.

There are more than a few people here who can attest to my kindness and sincerity towards the women of this place, on YT when so many complete douchebags offer-up their vile words to young people trying to interpret music and are derided by those who hate themselves so much that they can only criticize, berate, and belittle the efforts of sincere people trying to share their love for music and humanity with the world only to have idiots and assholes insult their efforts.

My "request" to you was a joke directed at your persona here of enforcer, of resident cop hell-bent on finding any way possible to undermine anyone who comes here as a new user under the guise of following protocol-I have treated you as a friend and equal always and now....with evil intent and a sincere and violent hatred for me as a person you would have me thrown to wolves.

I had absolutely no indication that someone would or could, stoop as low on this site but as it is with people who don't even know who or what they themselves are, I am once again surprised and bewildered at the depths to which humanity can sink, when all is exhausted but ego and self-loathing.

If you would care to post this to the sift-talk arena and have tenured and long-time users here who know me, who trust me to be who and what I say I am I would be honored to show you and the entire site, even if it mean a permanent ban from this site of myself, just how completely wrong you are in your knee-jerk assumptions and delusional accusations.

I can have at least 3 adult, female users of this site who I and the community trust to be straight-up moral and ethical and righteous attest to my honesty and to a friendship that endures on and off this site.

I have no reservations about anything I have said or done here to foster love and community and it is YOUR delusional self-righteous anger and self-hate that has brought you to your retarded and vile accusation and assumption.

I agree with you one one thing, that this particular issue need not be a private matter but one that the entire site's users need see.

SO here we are once again, letting the community of users here let a few delusionals decide the fate of a sincere human being.

SO be it, I should have known better than to walk bearing my heart and soul into a small den of feral creatures and expect them to be able to see beauty and a sincere love for all of humanity.

Your accusations again, are unfounded and completely left of field, and you are dead-wrong in assuming that I am some perverted, hind-brained animal that would take advantage of a complete stranger.

That poor girl who sang that Beatle's tune and was banned had a lovely voice and whoever posted her video here I am sure, had no intention of doing anything but promoting her confidence and and sincere love for the music she was trying to share with the world.

I was going to go to her you tube page and apologize on behalf of myself and the site for her offering having been dashed-to-bits on the rocks of petty rules and a declaration of her unworthiness through some crap system of votes and regulations.

I feel very, very sorry and pity the type of person who can't discern the truth from a lie or see someone for what they are in their essence.

All the power-points I garner from maintaining the site's embeds, have you noticed??
I give them away to the underdogs, to the talented sifters who find beauty and joy in what they offer to the community. My usual criteria is to promote ignored offerings or to promote when I read a description in an embed of how much they personally enjoyed a video or that it touched them in an emotional way lending to joy or happiness. I resurrect dead videos in order to immediately give points and another chance to people with a view to raiding their spirits and status on this site.

I tend to promote music quite a bot and to DOWN-VOTE embeds people place here in order to insult another's ideologies or philosophies OR, when i see an inordinate amount of embed form a user that showcase human-tragedy for the sake of entertainment .

I care about life and truth my friend, not fantasy, death, pain, or lies with a view to self-promotion.

You are dead wrong in your assessment of my character, and I seek to prove you so before this entire community or be run off this site for the very last time.

I am keeping a copy of this response to my joking message directed again, at your joy in watching users get banned of self-linking which I posted to you with a view to pointing-out a character flaw, so that you won't twist my words and use them to satisfy your personal mission to see me gone form here.

chicchorea said:

(Copied from my profile page)

chicchorea says...

Really...a 13 year old to be kidding....

Low, sleazy, and slimy...schmarmy, even for ....

...and monumentally clueless besides....

This is unworthy of "private" status.

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