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IRS Whistleblower Confirms DOJ HIJACKED Hunter Investigation

newtboy says...

TLDW; but prove it. Flapping gums mean nothing, especially from RWNJs.

Robert Gouveia Esq. 😂 you’ve got to be kidding with these random extreme righty basement reporters that always have the big scoop the media won’t talk about, and are never right. 🤦‍♂️

Everyone involved disputes his biased claims, including the many Trump appointees.

Prove he isn’t another paid political actor like every fake “whistleblower” the right has produced so far (most couldn’t be produced because, like evidence, they never existed (like the phantom tapes), are (dead?) Russian spies, or are in prison for treason).

Prove with undoctored internal communication this interference existed, not uncorroborated hearsay. Republicans are clear, they have no obligation to tell the truth and won’t. They said exactly that clearly and unambiguously.

Then if the right can do all that, prove it was worse than how Trump abused his power to have the DOJ go after political enemies for no crimes which the right applauded and protect himself and his family from prosecutions and lawsuits like his personal law firm.

More fake news bobby. Cry me a River. He could pardon Hunter by thinking it, but no, you think there’s some convoluted conspiracy to get Hunter to plead guilty to the same crimes Trump says are not crimes, everybody does it, no crime, perfect bookkeeping, perfect when he was caught not paying his taxes for decades.

Can’t wait for the investigations into Jared and Ivanka. There’s actually a “there” there.

How many fake whistleblowers must fall apart before you stop believing them? Sucker.

Doctor gets schooled

luxintenebris says...

well, maybe should have tempered it a bit, 'cause was a bit disturbed about some of the things I've been reading...

1) (some seriously sick stuff)

2) (loons being led by power lushing putz)

3) (the stupidity and pride in ignorance is stupefying. also being ass hurt that trans people like a (horrible) beer?! lord have mercy...ate at a steak house, at the same table 'W' used previously. didn't put me off enjoying the t-bone. or revisiting the place if'n was in the area again. *did make me think "G** D*** it! why did the waitress tell me that!*)

4) red flag af & TN will do nill

5) (MFL were more upset w/asscoation then the message. The lack of self-awareness & irony - unreal)

6) & too many women dying from the abortion ban(s). don't get killing the living for the unborn if the unborn are d.o.a. & take mom w/them. lunacy.

a couple of those are pushing the limit. the lack of benignancy being a value among the right - just - ain't - right.

bob the parrot's stormtrooper comment lit the fuse. my gawd. even people in the middle ages had a sense of genetics. greeks, 3k years ago, knew androgyny was a thing. so why can't bobo's buds not bone up on the idea of biology?

it's not a choice, but living well is.

surfingyt said:

check mate lil bewby boooy @bobknight33. this reply was one of your better beatdowns and youve had some doozies

@luxintenebris speaking of grooming apparently our lil resident homophobe went to penn state, with their great grooming-for-sex history lol the story keeps getting richer you cant make this up hahahaha

Doctor gets schooled

newtboy says...
surfingyt said:

@luxintenebris speaking of grooming apparently our lil resident homophobe went to penn state, with their great grooming-for-sex history lol the story keeps getting richer you cant make this up hahahaha

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

The courts are fake news now? 😂

If you earned it with your 3rd grade grammar and math skills, it’s not just easy, it’s simple. Most degrees require at least a basic grasp of English, math, and science, and you have displayed a total lack of understanding in every category consistently for years.

Perhaps I’m Jethro…but highly unlikely, but I wasn’t the very top student in my class. That said, he got a 6th grade mountain education, by 6th grade I (and my entire class) was reading at college level, doing algebra, and taking biology. At what grade did you achieve those milestones, or did you ever?

bobknight33 said:

it’s undeniable factual reality on your fake news spun outlets that you drink.

Sorry but a BSEET from Penn State was not easy.

Sorry perhaps possibly you are the simple Jethro.

newtboy (Member Profile)

bobknight33 says...

it’s undeniable factual reality on your fake news spun outlets that you drink.

Sorry but a BSEET from Penn State was not easy.

Sorry perhaps possibly you are the simple Jethro.

newtboy said:

“You’re”, Mr alleged college graduate. Jethro had more education.

Perhaps…because I do still have an infinitesimal 0.0001% hope you might one day return to sanity and reality, so I must be a gullible dreamer.

However, not one word of what I posted was gullibility or dreaming, it’s undeniable factual reality. It’s no wonder you don’t recognize it or accept it. 😂

Joe Biden asked Americans 2 come sit by him & keep him co...

eric3579 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Thanks. I wish there was some footage of the progress. There was a still photo on our local news of the first dam 1/2 demolished, but I want a time lapse of all 4.

eric3579 said:


bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy jokingly says...

I suppose Trump really…REALLY should have just complied with law enforcement, shouldn’t he? It might have saved him from 38 of the felonies he’s charged with and the life sentence he’s facing. 😂

Hilarious news that he couldn’t get a bond and has to put up 111% of the Carrol judgments in cash before he can appeal. Not one lender in America would give him credit or sell him a surety bond.

Sounds like multiple co-conspirators in Georgia, his fake electors, have taken the deal and testified against him in depositions. He tried to hide the offer from them by hiring their lawyer and having the lawyer never tell their clients the immunity offer was made, but multiple legal conflicts had them thrown off the case and suddenly everyone is talking. Uh oh!

Can’t wait for the Jan 6 evidence/trial. He did reinstate the firing squad, didn’t he? 😂

5000 Wagner Troops Headed Towards Moscow

Fist Bump Etiquette 101

Fist Bump Etiquette 101

newtboy (Member Profile)

bobknight33 says...

Another stupid comment from nutboy.

writing down notes after seeing a non classified document and talking about about is not criminal.

Newt... stop getting news from reddit or such. Just shows your stupid.

newtboy said:

Manly Traitor Greene went on TV yesterday and admitted to feloniously copying classified secrets… (namely the ridiculous and 100% unverified Russian accusation that Russia bribed Biden to remove the pro Russian prosecutor that wasn’t investigating Burisma …nonsensical hearsay that went through more than a few people before Giuliani started pretending it was factual that the FBI determined was clearly a baseless ploy to sew dissent in America)….for no reason. Trump made exactly that crime a felony in 2018 in a fumbling attempt to go after Clinton for mishandling low level classified information, and it’s coming back to bite MAGA in the ass repeatedly.

This is what happens when your entire platform is projection…you end up legislating yourself into prison!

I love it when a plan comes together.


newtboy says...

He’s been saying it out loud for over a decade

Tempted to no channel this, this isn’t news by any stretch, but it is a terrible fail and a big wtf to anyone listening to this braying moron.
It is also another clear case begging for a *hate speech channel….like most of bob’s videos.

kir_mokum said:

so bob finally says out loud that he's a bigot.

Car Uses Tow Truck As Ramp

Car Uses Tow Truck As Ramp

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