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Handcounted votes favor Obama - Diebold favors Hillary (Election Talk Post)

joedirt says...

And do NOT trust any crap the dkos puts out regarding elections. They are the biggest assholes regarding facts and lying about election issues. DHinMI is a really big asshole.

So let's look at the dkos MUST SHUT DOWN ANY DISCUSSION diary (it's their MO).

They start out talking about touchscreen. Ok, who cares, only a moran thinks that electronic tabulation matters if it comes from memory cards that came out of opscan or a touchscreen. Electronic tabulation is electronic tabulation. And, in fact, that PCOS is very vulnerable to attacks, like a switch can be toggle to put that very opscan Accuvote Opscan in and out of "counting" mode, and no one would notice. It still scans and operates normally.

They claim "Fewer than half the towns in New Hampshire tabulate votes with optical scanners". Ok, so what? 81% of the votes are tabulated from opscan memory cards. I think that is relevant and left out by mindless dkos zombie.

What kind of moran brings up the discussion of polling data, when all the polling data indicate something is wrong. That is like saying "these five polls from a week ago prove the polling data matches the election... just do not look at any recent polls or exit polls".

And my favorite... they claim if there was anything wrong the candidates would be saying something. Ha! Look at Kerry in Ohio. He had 10,000 lawyers all ready to go and told them to go home (in complete disbelief to everyone but Kerry).

McCain's hilarious "victory" speech is a FAIL

joedirt says...

In fairness, this is only the tail-end part of the speech..



So, my friends, we celebrate one victory tonight and leave for Michigan tomorrow to win another. But let us remember that our purpose is not ours alone; our success is not an end in itself. America is our cause — yesterday, today, and tomorrow. Her greatness is our hope; her strength is our protection; her ideals our greatest treasure; her prosperity the promise we keep to our children; her goodness the hope of mankind. That is the cause of our campaign and the platform of my party, and I will stay true to it so help me God.

Thank you, New Hampshire. Thank you, my friends, and God bless you as you have blessed me. Enjoy this. You have earned it more than me. Tomorrow, we begin again.

Handcounted votes favor Obama - Diebold favors Hillary (Election Talk Post)

NH Primary is it all over already? (Election Talk Post)

Doc_M says...

Here's an Iowa/NH comparison in terms of predictive power:

Also, Drudge has an up-to-the-minute ranking for NH... even if you hate Drudge, you can at least look at the running.

The Republican nomination is FAR from over. I don't think any of the front runners will throw in the towel until super-Tuesday.

Also, Hillary has said she is targeting her campaign to Super-Tuesday states from now on, so she'll doubtfully quit now. Thompson, Paul, and Kucinich might as well quit at this point though... unless they've been campaigning like crazy in other states.

Big Think: YouTube for Smartie Pants? (Sift Talk Post)

theaceofclubz says...

I watched two videos on there earlier tonight. Romney told me that New Hampshire and Iowa are great states to hold the initial primary/caucuses in (heaven forbid he offend them before they vote) and McCain told me that a two party system was adequate for the US. I'll check back in a little bit to see if it improves (my understanding is it was just released and is adding a lot of content in the near future.

Fox vs Ron Paul via CNN

Grimm says...

Since FOX is locking him out of tonights GOP forum, Dr. Paul will bring his message of liberty and constitutional government directly to the people with real questions, real answers, as fair and balanced as politics gets.

Tonight on local New Hampshire television and simulcast on this website at , Ron Paul will take questions from an audience of undecided voters in the Granite State.

Sunday, January 6
5:00 - 6:00 PM ET
Manchester, New Hampshire

Fox vs Ron Paul via CNN

9058 (Member Profile)

MINK says...

interesting story. and interesting that they think it's possible to buy a tv station with 4 million dollars!

there's too much info, and 95% of people don't want to filter it themselves. it's not stupidity it's laziness. fox comes along to filter it for them, they trust fox to filter it, and then they are in the deadly trap of never wanting to admit they were wrong to trust fox...

so they could come up with excuses all day, but they're never going to stop, think, and say "wow, you just changed my entire life! thanks son!"

did you try the constitutional angle with them? that's hard to argue against... although it does seem a bit "technical" and not "emotional" enough maybe.

who are they supporting?

anyway thanks for the story.

In reply to this comment by Jordass:
Sketch I feel your pain, I saw my republican parents over christmas who are in Georgia at the moment but are from Texas and they too never even heard of Ron Paul (they mainly watch Fox). When I mentioned both Money Bombs they said "well to raise that kind of money and i still havent heard of him he must be either be incredibly incompetent with getting his message out or a con man who is keeping all that money for himself". I really couldnt get anywhere with them so oh well their old and set in their ways.

Obama and Huckabee slam dunk in Iowa, big margin (Election Talk Post)

Doc_M says...

No, I didn't get the headline from the news, but thanks for the compliment. I meant it to be provocative, so I'm glad it got your panties bunched
34 is way the heck larger than 25. 34/25 in any election is a LARGE margin.

We all know this isn't the end of the primaries, so don't assume I'm retarded enough to call it so. But it was a large victory for these 2 and will influence later primaries like it has in every election.

As far as they say, every candidate is Christian and openly so. Hillary and Obama, for example, regularly speak in churches to congregations.

Evidence that the Iowa caucus is a decent predictor of the presidential primary winner:

Still I hope it's not Huck this year. He can't compete with Obama.

Will Ron Paul Be Excluded from Iowa Debates? (Politics Talk Post)

qualm says...

You could be right. But I'm not entirely convinced that these polls are not indicative of the bigger picture offline. For example, in New Hampshire, the "Live Free or Die" state, and where you'd sort of expect him to have much popular support, Ron Paul is at like 1%. I think that's telling.

After he's turfed Ron Paul can be president of Second Life.

(I do agree with you about the broadcasting of polling numbers while ballots are still being cast. I'm surprised there isn't an election law in the US forbidding this--if that's the case. In Canada, because we have such a large country, there are strict broadcast regulations to accomodate for the fact that voting boothes are closed in the east while they're still open on the west coast -- where I live.)

Ron Paul at New Hampshire Republican Debate on Fox News

zoinnk says...

In reply to this comment by jimnms:
Ron Paul has a lot of good "common since" ideas about most things, but there are some things I don't agree with. He says he wants to get rid of social security and Medicare, but I haven't heard his plan for what's going to happen to all of the people who rely on social security and Medicare. Private insurance companies are not the answer, private insurance companies are a rip off. I'm all for a working national healthcare system, healthy citizens = a healthy nation.

Insurance companies only care about making money for their investors, not providing care for their customers. Insurance companies should not be telling doctors what they can or can not do. When I was seriously injured in a car wreck years ago, my insurance company would only pay for so many days of ICU, so when that was up, I was kicked out to a regular hospital before I was even stable. Then they only covered so many days in a hospital, and once again when that was up I was kicked out. I didn't have any say in the matter because I was still in and out of consciousness.

It wasn't just my insurance company either. The accident wasn't my fault, and at fault driver's insurance tried to weasel out of paying for anything. I had to get a lawyer and it took over a year just to get them to pay their share of the bills.

Then to add insult to injury (literally) when it came time to renew my policy, they denied me. Nobody should have to go through that just to get the medical care they need. I'm sure if the insurance companies had any more control than they do, they would have just let me die so they could save money.

I think government does stick it's nose in a lot of things where it doesn't belong, but healthcare for it's citizens isn't one of them.

Totally agree here. His platform is the war in Iraq and national security.

You'll notice when the moderator asks him about getting rid of the IRS, federal reserve, CIA, FBI, etc., he immediately refocuses the question on security only. That's because he knows his libertarian platform of privatizing everything and relying on the free market doesn't ring true to most people. Even if it does, though, I have not seen a plan by which he will take all bureaucracies private while avoiding the collapse of much our infrastructure.

This is what worries me most about Ron Paul -- people hear the Iraq stuff (which I personally agree with), but don't hear the equally important stuff about what he plans to do with the federal gov't (eliminate as much as possible).

So while this makes Paul a nice story, he is not a candidate I would support, because his "classical conservatism" is so extreme. My vote is still going to a Democrat, for better or for worse.

jimnms (Member Profile)

zoinnk says...

In reply to this comment by jimnms:
Ron Paul has a lot of good "common since" ideas about most things, but there are some things I don't agree with. He says he wants to get rid of social security and Medicare, but I haven't heard his plan for what's going to happen to all of the people who rely on social security and Medicare. Private insurance companies are not the answer, private insurance companies are a rip off. I'm all for a working national healthcare system, healthy citizens = a healthy nation.

Insurance companies only care about making money for their investors, not providing care for their customers. Insurance companies should not be telling doctors what they can or can not do. When I was seriously injured in a car wreck years ago, my insurance company would only pay for so many days of ICU, so when that was up, I was kicked out to a regular hospital before I was even stable. Then they only covered so many days in a hospital, and once again when that was up I was kicked out. I didn't have any say in the matter because I was still in and out of consciousness.

It wasn't just my insurance company either. The accident wasn't my fault, and at fault driver's insurance tried to weasel out of paying for anything. I had to get a lawyer and it took over a year just to get them to pay their share of the bills.

Then to add insult to injury (literally) when it came time to renew my policy, they denied me. Nobody should have to go through that just to get the medical care they need. I'm sure if the insurance companies had any more control than they do, they would have just let me die so they could save money.

I think government does stick it's nose in a lot of things where it doesn't belong, but healthcare for it's citizens isn't one of them.

Totally agree here. His platform is the war in Iraq and national security.

You'll notice when the moderator asks him about getting rid of the IRS, federal reserve, CIA, FBI, etc., he immediately refocuses the question on security. That's because he knows his libertarian platform of privatizing everything and relying the free market doesn't ring true to most people.

This is what worries me most about Ron Paul -- people hear the Iraq stuff (which I personally agree with), but don't here the equally important stuff about what he plans to do with the federal gov't (eliminate as much as possible).

So while this makes Paul a nice story, he is not a candidate I would support, because his classical conservatism is so extreme. My vote is still going to a Democrat, for better or for worse.

2008 Honda Accord that you can't buy

Nebosuke says...

Once again, corporate America doing anything they can to make a short buck. You guys suck.

The only list of states I can find is: California, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New York, and Vermont. That's less than the 8 states he mentions (but doesn't list) in the above article.

Obama Announces!!!

Wumpus says...

I don't think he's going to get very far. Granted he's got the media spotlight at the moment, but fame in the media is very fleeting and it's a long way until the primaries. At which point I see him going the way of Howard Dean and showing up at third place in Iowa and New Hampshire.

I'm agreeing with amxcbvc that sure he's a fresh face which is needed in contrast to the old horses in politics, but I don't see him as a man of substance yet. To his credit, he has a speech at the DNC, two years as senator and a book and that's it.

Barack Obama keynote at '04 DNC Convention (part 1)

rickegee says...

I really shouldn't throw overbroad rhetorical bombs out there. I do think that the "use it or lose it" and "google bomb" initiatives are valuable in that they invite the media to cover things that would not otherwise be covered.

"Net roots" may yield results in 10-15 years, but there were no real accomplishments in 2004 and it doesn't look like progressives will make a leap forward in 2006. If Dems prevail in a few days, I think that you will see wins from Dems who act like Republicans but do not act like religious nutjob Republicans (i.e. James Webb in VA; Ben Cardin in MD; Lieberman in CT; Tester in MT).

The problem is that affluent white men and women aged 18-29 (the core of the net roots movement) are predominantly urban and have little connection or feel for rural areas. Merely Dean-dropping the kids into Iowa, New Hampshire, South Carolina, and the West will always be a recipe for disaster.

The ideological progressive purity demanded by the Kos and his ilk will only ever yield that intensely great and beautiful man, Dennis Kucinich. It will not produce a person who can ever hope to be elected on a nationwide basis.

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