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Snaggletoothed Libertarian Opines

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'snaggletoothed, libertarian, obama, new hampshire, ayn rand' to 'snaggletoothed, libertarian, obama, new hampshire, ayn rand, free state project' - edited by blankfist

N.H Teen Held On $10,000 Bail For Cheese Whiz Theft

rottenseed says...

>> ^longde:
He's 18, an adult.
But I hope more suburban teens are held accountable for stealing, shoplifting, illegal drinking, and smoking weed. Then they won't grow up with a big sense of entitlement and impunity from the law.

What are you stupid? Where did it say he was drinking or smoking weed? Remind me never to come to your house for bible study, you're a fucking buzz kill.

blankfist (Member Profile)

burdturgler (Member Profile)

<><> (Blog Entry by blankfist)

rougy says...

>> ^blankfist:
WHAT?! Do my lying eyes deceive me?! Did rougy just say these are matters that should be handled from a self-governing community? How Libertarian that was of you!

There was a movement to establish a Libertarian enclave in New Hampshire, I think, many years ago. Is that still active?

Anyway, I hope it happens. I honest to God hope it happens, and I want as many Libertarians to move there and start living according to the code of their political views.

And I predict that in a very, very short period of time the place will be nothing more than a petulant grove of warring wasp nests, each wanting what's only best for them.

Feeling a Little Confident?

NetRunner says...

>> ^imstellar28:
>> ^Januari:
Changing the world with cynicism and bitterness... one post at a time...

I'm not cynical or bitter, nor am I trying to change the world; I'm making a pointed political criticism. If you are going to vote for Obama...go into it with the truth, don't play pretend and make believe that you are making "positive change". If you favor socialism, fine. But admit it. Stop trying to make your sh t sandwich look appetizing by putting garnishes on it--accept it for what it is.
"Socialism you can believe in"
And more importantly, stop trying to sell your sh t sandwich as a non-sh t sandwich.

Ayn Rand was a Nazi-fucking whore.

A shit sandwich is what we've gotten from conservative values being dominant in this country for 30 years.

Only someone who's lost their objectivity says the problem is that we haven't yet gone right enough.

Back to Rand though -- she got to experience the horrors of Communist Russia. I don't really blame her for deciding, thenceforth, that anything even slightly like Russia was evil.

Problem is, she had a psychological imbalance on the topic of government, pure and simple.

I could forgive it if it weren't for all the fuckwads like you who felt inspired by her delusions.

From your perspective, you've already lost this election. Both candidates are raving socialists by your definition, in the same sense that New Hampshire is a "southern" state to Sarah Palin.

However, no one new has taken office yet, Bush is still President, and we can both agree that he's a big fat shit sandwich. Start the grieving process now, and take a taste of the new sandwich you're about to be offered. If you don't like it, you can in fact exercise your freedom and leave this country for a better one, if you can find one.

If you don't like it, and choose to keep living here in the heartland of socialism, at least stop trying to spread your misery over the fact that you can't seem to win people over to your way of thinking.

Geography Fail

MINK says...

fuck, i know new hampshire is in the north east USA, and i live in lithuania, which is NEAR RUSSIA.

Vote for me!!!!11!!1

I think what's most revealing here is that she thinks she can just finesse it, "i'll just keep on a talkin' and people won't notice". Yeah, that's exactly the kind of person you want running the country.

Geography Fail

iaui says...

I didn't understand this either. She was in New Hampshire, but New Hampshire is almost at the North-Eastern extreme of the US. She says she's glad to be here in the 'great North-West'.

Geography Fail

Sunday Show Roundup: McCain's Bleak Week

Constitutional_Patriot says...

>> ^NetRunner:

I didn't realize they had a state-by-state prediction market.
If someone wanted to gamble on this election (and I'm getting sorely tempted to), I'd say buy stock in Virginia -- Obama is more likely to win that than Nevada, IMO.

I'd say buy stock in Diebold or ES&S ftw!:

... there was also an amazing newscast report video that showed the new electronic voting machines in California were decertified by some officials. This video has been stripped off of youtube several months and I haven't been able to find it since.

I did find this interesting article about a voting fraud investigator that found out "too much"...

Bill Maher's New Rules done by Republicans

davidraine says...

Agree on Bob Barr and "The Body". I thought Ron Paul's bit was pretty good too... And I chuckled at Ron Reagan Jr.'s rule.

Newsflash for Arlen Specter: The RNC does not count all of its delegates. Specifically, Wyoming, New Hampshire, Michigan, South Carolina, and Florida were only allowed half of their delegation, as per RNC rules.

Strangers - Powerful Short Film

Olbermann comment on Hillary's RFK statement

NetRunner says...

>> ^doremifa:
He skirts from comical to angry and I have had a difficult time taking this guy seriously when he intends to be.

I'm a fan of Olbermann's, but I have to agree that the massive shifts in tone during his show seem jarring. One minute he's joking around, the next he's serious as a heart attack. They used to always have celebrity news in the hour, and that was so incongruous with the rest of the show that it just came across as being distasteful, and I'm glad they've finally dropped that entirely.

I also have to say I was a bit puzzled how Olbermann would turn a sub-30 second soundbite into an 11-minute special comment. Something about this really got him angry -- I've watched most of his special comments, and I'd swear he was more angry in this one than he'd ever been before.

As someone who's watched the show for a long time, I'll also say that I'm pretty sure Olbermann started the primary season as a big fan of Hillary Clinton. I can tell you exactly when that changed: when she teared up before the New Hampshire primary, and then immediately launched into an attack on Obama.

Starting from that very episode, he stopped being mostly neutral in the primary, to being very heavily anti-Clinton, and when Edwards dropped out just a couple weeks later, very pro-Obama.

I think he's pissed because he's looked up to the Clintons since the 90's, and they are disappointing him in massive fashion by taking up the Karl Rove and George Bush type of politics that his whole show is dedicated to highlighting and debunking.

It's also because these sorts of things damage the party as a whole, and given what's at stake in this election, and given how little chance she has of winning, he's shocked at the megalomania of Hillary still fighting, and fighting dirty.

If it weren't for the other instances of her using this construction as an argument for her to stay in the race, and for the fact that Bill Clinton had the nomination locked up in April, not June, I would've said "what's the big deal?" myself. Instead all that shows that she really did intend to raise the specter of assassination, her only gaffe was that she used the harsher wording, still including the word "assassinated."

Clinton supporters threaten to run a campaign against Obama

jwray says...

Saying that if Hillary had never met Bill Clinton she likely wouldn't be where she is now isn't sexist, it's obvious. Having a democratic ex-president endorse you is worth a huge boost in both the 2000 democratic senate primary in New York and the current presidential primary. It's like saying George W Bush never would have been president if his father hadn't been president (duh).

They couldn't even come up with ONE example of sexism coming from the democratic party or the Obama campaign. They just went with one thing that one independent commentator said that wasn't even sexist. Florida and Michigan were stripped of their representation at the democratic convention because they (against the rules) decided to have their primaries before super tuesday to inflate their own influence. Now I think it's a silly double standard to let Iowa and New Hampshire do it without letting other states do it, but that argument has NOTHING to do with sexism. And even if Florida and Michigan counted, Hillary would still have fewer delegates than Obama.

Nashua Moment-Reagan1 Bush 0

NetRunner says...

From the original Youtube description:

Feb 23, 1980.

In the New Hampshire primary, a single symbolic act dramatized the debut of Reagan's new image as a candidate and the demise of Bush's presidential hopes. It occurred during what was scheduled to be a two-person debate between Bush and Reagan in Nashua, New Hampshire, on Feburary 23, the Saturday before balloting. As it turned out, Bush crumpled under pressure orchestrated by Reagan's camp.

Initially, both Reagan and Bush had seen advantages in a two-person debate sponsored by a local newspaper. When the FEC ruled that newspaper sponsorship of the debate amounted to an illegal campaign contribution and when Bush refused to pay half of the debate's cost, Reagan agreed to underwrite it himself.

Reagan then moved to include the other five contenders - a move that identified him both as a candidate and a unifier. When the other candidates showed up on stage, Bush froze.

As Reagan made his case for inclusion of the other candidates, the moderator ordered Reagan's mike turned off. Reagan responded, "I'm paying for this microphone, Mr. Green." The fact that the moderator's name was Breen seemed to matter little. The crowd cheered. When neither newspaper hosting the debate nor Bush would accede to the inclusion of the others, the other candidates left the stage. Reagan's prospects had been boosted, Bush's buried. Reagan carried New Hampshire 50% to Bush's 23%.

(Excerpted from "Packaging The Presidency: A History and Criticism of Presidential Campaign" by Kathleen Hall Jamieson)

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