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60 Minutes: Sugar Shown Toxic, Causes Cancer, Heart Disease

Bill Maher interviews Glenn Greenwald

chingalera says...

Heard in passing the official stance second-hand on NPR (National Promulgation Regurgitatio) from the fake president that Greenwald here refers to and can't stand the lame-duck fuck with renewed gusto.

23andMe, FDA and DNA health profiling

Obamacre Navigators Exposed Coaching Applicants to Lie

chingalera says...

I wish you could, too.
The reason you don't see down-votes around here scud in my estimation is that historically on this site, balls don't drop until there's something passionate to hide behind while three or more distracted members of the same camp wail like mourners at a funeral in Istanbul. The whole while missing forests for toothpick sculptures of famous landmarks.

He got an NPR exec fired and made ACORN eat their own shit. Good guy. So he takes license with and spins stories the way his particular illusions play-out. SO does every editorializing clueless monkey in journalism.

As I say with any news or any opinion of current world affairs. Half the facts means you know dick.

JustSaying said:

I wish I could downvote....

Dead Whale Exploded on Beach

Skydivers Escape Two Airplanes in Midair Collision

Skydivers Escape Two Airplanes in Midair Collision

AeroMechanical says...

To be honest, if I film something spectacular the news wants to show (in between their commercials), I want my cut. Exceptions could be made for genuinely non-profit news outlets of course, but I don't believe for a second that applies to the major network news outlets.

I'd also, of course, be happy to provide it to law enforcement, the NTSB, FAA, or whoever needs it for official reasons or evidence.

edit: I suppose there is also a "public good" angle. I wouldn't, for instance, charge for something like the LAPD beating on Rodney King, nor would I be inclined to just hand it over to the LAPD themselves, internal affairs or otherwise. That's a special case though, and today we have things like Youtube.

Final thought edit: Come to think of it, I find this depressing. My media news pretty much comes exclusively from NPR, the BBC, PBS and Al Jazeera, and this is a good illustration of why. They're certainly biased, but at least they're trying rather than towing some company line dictated by commercial pressure.

How I got onto this rant based on a cool video of two planes crashing in mid air without anybody getting seriously hurt is a bit of a mystery though. I must be in one of those moods.

Russell Brand talks politics and revolution on Newsnight

How High Frequency Trading Works

artician says...

Ah don't worry about it, but we're on the same page as I am totally aware it's scripted. That's what bothers me; that they intend for their presentation to be this way.

NPR announced they had to make 10% cuts. I wish it could be their entire show.

Anyway, sorry for all the hate.

speechless said:

It's scripted. Not just random interjections.
I don't like this presentation style either.
edit.. it seems you understand it's scripted.
edit more the more I think about it, the more I wish I could delete this comment.

Jeremy Scahill speaks out on Manning verdict

kevingrr says...

CNN/Fox News - or in general most TV 'journalist' seem to have very shallow knowledge of most of the issues they conduct interviews on. They rely on whatever notes or questions someone else prepared. It makes for a very odd "interview".

Jeremy Scahill on the other hand has a very specific and detailed understanding of the subject matter - that is what comes across here.

The 24 hour news networks need to worry less about providing 24 hours of news and more about providing one or two hours that are worth watching.

One interviewer I am continually impressed by is Terry Gross, of NPR, who you can tell does extensive research before her guest are on air.

Why People Should Be Outraged at Zimmerman's 'Not Guilty'

kevingrr says...

I'm glad we can all get so wrapped up in this one case of violence and continue to ignore the day after day violence, intimidation, and gang warfare that happens every day, all day, throughout America.

It is summer now. That means the local ER is full of people who have been beaten, stabbed, or shot. Some are gang members. Others live on one gang's block, so when they cross another gang's block they will be beaten or shot simply by association. This continues during the school year when kids who walk to their underfunded schools are scared to cross rival gang's turf even though they are not in a gang.

I know only by proxy via my fiance, who is a resident at the county hospital, just how prevalent this kind of violence is.

Then you hear on NPR that kids as early as nine years old are "saving" to buy their first revolver for as little as $25 dollars on the street.

Still, lets ignore all that and focus on one case in Florida with facts that remain unclear...

TYT is a complete waste of time. Even when they are more or less right in principle their reasoning, eloquence, and tone leave much to be desired.

Democracy Now! - "A Massive Surveillance State" Exposed

enoch says...

and for the person who mentioned that congress holds the most power in our legislature:

i could literally do this all day.
please understand my friend i am NOT buying into any media hysteria.
i just do not trust power and the past two administrations have proven they do not deserve it.

another point i would like to make is my suspicion is not the mere fact of a metadata dragnet perpetrated by the NSA.
hell..if you have a facebook you know your info is being jacked.
no..thats not where my skepticism lies.
for while i am not wholly comfortable with a government organization scooping up massive amounts of data,what bothers me far worse is our government expressly barring (verizon in this case) from letting their customers know the very existence of the program.

i also cannot nor will i ever accept the tacit and,in my opinion,bullshit reasoning that this is all about counter-terrorism.

there is far too broad a brush that can be painted with abuse.
and it is the abuse of power that i am concerned with.

patriot act 1
patriot act 2
victory act 1
victory act 2
military commissions act of 2006
NDAA of 2012

which brought us the great hits of the past decade:
warrantless wiretaps
illegal wars
persecution of whistleblowers
persecution of journalists

im sorry man but we are in fundamental disagreement on this.
you see this as a necessary tool for law enforcement and counter-terrorism
and i see a horrific landscape of possible abuses by a government i feel no longer represents the citizenry but is,in fact,an arm of wall street and multi-national corporations.

and the possibilities of abuse are massive.

Arrested Development ubercut: 18 running gags.

Fertilizer Plant Explosion

You're not a scientist!

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