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Mumford and Sons - Roll Away Your Stone

RFlagg says...


Mumford & Sons is one of the few bands I would pay good money to see... and that list is shortened by the fact that some of them simply can't tour with the proper lineup (Pink Floyd, the Beatles), others likely would never (classic Genesis with Gabriel, among the few single acts I would see)... Some I might see only if they were part of a larger festival, but these guys I would see on their own... if the unique combo of time, money and location ever came together.

Discovered them here on the Sift a couple years ago when The Cave was first posted and have been a fan ever since. So thank you Sift.

>> ^carrot:

>> ^GDGD:
Wow. WOW! Can I give you a NON-GAY-FOR-THEM love letter, to pass on to them?
>> ^carrot:
Have to upvote - I know the bango player!

No sorry I am under strictest instructions to only pass on gay love letters...

Noah Cover of Sexy and I Know It (Fab New Arrangement!!)

GDGD (Member Profile)

evil_disco_man (Member Profile)

GDGD (Member Profile)

gwiz665 (Member Profile)

alien_concept (Member Profile)

That moment when the band realizes they've made it (0:16)

shinyblurry says...


You THINK you know the truth of there even being a god, and you believe you know who this god is. But these are THOUGHTS and are not backed up by ANYTHING whatsoever. 2+2 = 4 is backed up by being able to SHOW it... you can take 2 beads, take another 2 beads, count them, and have 4 beads.

You cannot point at ANYTHING and say 'See, there's my proof that there is a god, he is the one in the bible, and that is true'.

If you prayed to Jesus Christ and sincerely admitted that you are a sinner, asked for His forgiveness and asked Him to come into your life as Lord and Savior, you would come to know there is a God. It is something which can be empirically verified.

And I said that it was fine for you to believe that there was one true god. Go right ahead and believe that you have found that 'truth'. It's your forcing of YOUR belief in this on others, this belief that cannot be shown to be true in any way. This belief of yours that a man who sleeps with another man is damned to hell forever and so should be feared and scorned is horrible.

If it's fine to believe that Jesus is God incarnate, then it is also fine for me to obey His commands, one of which is to preach the gospel. This is a fundamental right that every american has according to the first ammendment. Why should I be censored? You feel free to say what I believe is not correct. Why shouldn't you be censored?

A man who tells a lie, steals something, blasphemes the name of God, or looks at a woman with lust is on his way to hell. One sin isn't necessarily worse than any other sin; the wages of sin is death, and all have sinned. So the man who lies is just as guilty as the man who sleeps with another man. God cares so much about the well being of His Universe that He punishes all sin with eternity in hell. He cares so much about us that He gave His only Son to take our place in punishment, so we could be forgiven and have eternal life. Those who reject His mercy will have to face His justice.

My beliefs, those of science and observable phenomenon, do not say anything about how people choose to live their lives. My morals state that anyone is free to be with whoever they want to. They can live however they want, including believing in an invisible man in the sky with a long, flowing beard, as long as that way of living doesn't try to do harm to others.

You are doing harm to others. Mumford and Sons are not.

Many of your views may hide behind apron of true science, but I can guaranatee you that the presuppositions of your worldview are not based on empirical testing. As far as who is doing harm, if you saw someone in a burning building, would you not stop to try and rescue them? At least one atheist understands this:

That moment when the band realizes they've made it (0:16)

spoco2 says...

>> ^shinyblurry:

So you're okay with people searching for truth so long as they don't find any answers? Why is it okay for you to say there isn't one true God but it is not okay for me to say that there is? To say this is tolerance is a facade; your tolerance ends when what I believe says you are wrong. The truth is by nature exclusive; just as there is one right answer to 2+2 and an infinite number of wrong answers, it is the same way as to the question of who God is. There is only one right answer, so why should you be surprised, shocked or outraged that I claim it is Jesus Christ, and that His words are truth? And if I sincerely believe that truth, why should you be offended when I claim He is the only way? That is what you would expect a sincere Christian to say, just as a sincere atheist will deny it. We both believe we are right, so why are you more right than I am? Why don't you find people who deny there is one truth, abhorrant? Would you accept other answers to 2 + 2?
>> ^spoco2:
>> ^shinyblurry:
I'm surprised that atheists enjoy them, considering the explicitly spiritual and christian themes interwoven into their music

Because they are songs sung in general terms of 'A god' and 'A maker' and themes common to people who think and struggle with faith. They do not sing anything like 'Jesus is my lord, he will save me'.
It may be hard for you to fathom, but we have no issue with people searching for or finding solace in faith, what we find abhorrent is people like you who have decided that what they believe IS TRUE and that THEIR BELIEF states that other people are sinful persons bound for an eternity in hellfire.
Their songs are passionate and heartfelt... and I would be not at all surprised to find that in future they have ones that deal with a struggle with and perhaps disillusionment with faith... or not, don't mind either way.
If they become preachy, if they start trying to suggest that they know the one true lord, then they'll lose me.
Up until then I just love their music. As I'm sure you love many things in this world created by athiests

You THINK you know the truth of there even being a god, and you believe you know who this god is. But these are THOUGHTS and are not backed up by ANYTHING whatsoever. 2+2 = 4 is backed up by being able to SHOW it... you can take 2 beads, take another 2 beads, count them, and have 4 beads.

You cannot point at ANYTHING and say 'See, there's my proof that there is a god, he is the one in the bible, and that is true'.

And I said that it was fine for you to believe that there was one true god. Go right ahead and believe that you have found that 'truth'. It's your forcing of YOUR belief in this on others, this belief that cannot be shown to be true in any way. This belief of yours that a man who sleeps with another man is damned to hell forever and so should be feared and scorned is horrible.

My beliefs, those of science and observable phenomenon, do not say anything about how people choose to live their lives. My morals state that anyone is free to be with whoever they want to. They can live however they want, including believing in an invisible man in the sky with a long, flowing beard, as long as that way of living doesn't try to do harm to others.

You are doing harm to others. Mumford and Sons are not.

Y'all search for some weird stuff (Wtf Talk Post)

Laura Marling and Mumford and Sons - Jolene (Live)

Mumford & Sons - Ghosts That We Knew

eric3579 (Member Profile)

dystopianfuturetoday (Member Profile)

Mumford & Sons, Avett Brothers & Bob Dylan at Grammys

alien_concept says...

>> ^Taint:

That was really great.
Mumford and the Avett brothers killed it, and even Bob didn't sound so bad once he cleared his throat out a little.
Funniest moment is Jennifer Lopez's face at the end.

hahahahaha! I hadn't seen that before, she looks entirely lost. What a faker

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